The Russian defense industry continues to develop advanced artillery systems with special capabilities. According to the latest reports, one of the most interesting projects of recent times is entering a new stage. Based on the results of the new work, the first prototype of a promising self-propelled gun will go to the test site. Successful completion of the tests will open the way for him to the troops. We are talking about the promising CAO 2S42 "Lotos".
New messages about the progress of the project with the code "Lotus" appeared just the other day. On October 10, RIA Novosti published an interview with Albert Bakov, General Director of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Precision Engineering (TsNIITOCHMASH). One of the topics of conversation was the ways of developing land artillery, including promising projects.

Layout of SAO 2S42 "Lotos"
The head of the research organization said that work is currently underway on several new projects of artillery systems, created in the interests of the Russian military department. At the same time, one of them, which has the name "Lotus", moves to a new stage. By now, the design work has been completed, which made it possible to proceed to the next stage.
According to the general director of TsNIITOCHMASH, now the newest project is under construction of the first prototype intended for testing. In addition, the first tests of individual components are already underway. Unfortunately, A. Bakov did not specify the timing of the completion of the current construction and the start of the required tests. In addition, no technical details were provided in the interviews.
At the same time, the head of the defense organization recalled the goals of the project. According to the results of the Lotus project, a new self-propelled gun should appear, designed to replace existing combat vehicles of the 2S9 Nona-S type and their modifications. The latter are in service with the airborne troops and are designed to provide fire support for paratroopers.
The latest news announced by an official representative of the developer organization may be cause for restrained optimism. Information about the start of construction of the pilot IJSC "Lotos" indicates that the work on the project is being carried out in accordance with the established schedule. It should be recalled that in the past, the planned deadlines for the implementation of individual stages of the project were adjusted, and therefore the latest news allows us to consider the situation in a positive way.
In early summer 2016, it became known about the launch of a new project of self-propelled guns with the code "Lotus". According to the data of that time, the development of a combat vehicle took about two years. It was soon announced that the construction of a prototype of a promising CAO would start in 2017. However, after a few weeks, new information emerged. Now it was argued that the prototype of the "Lotus" will be released on the landfill only in 2019. Within a few months after that, it was proposed to carry out all the necessary tests, and in 2020 the self-propelled gun could go into service and go into series.
In the future, the "Lotus" project repeatedly became the topic of news and was mentioned by officials. New messages supplemented the available amount of project data. At the same time, the deadlines for completing the main stages of the project were no longer adjusted. According to current data, the construction of an experimental CAO 2S42 "Lotos" has already begun. Various tests of individual units are being carried out, which can be tested not as part of a finished armored vehicle. The assembled prototype should go to the test site next year.
According to various statements and estimates, the 2S42 self-propelled gun may go into mass production as early as 2020. For the same period, official adoption is planned. It is expected that the serial "Lotos" will be delivered to the airborne troops. There they will have to replace the existing equipment. First of all, self-propelled guns "Nona-S", which no longer fully meet the requirements of the time, will be replaced.
The terms of serial production and the required number of new combat vehicles have not yet been specified. According to known data, now the Russian Airborne Forces operates about 250 self-propelled guns 2S9 "Nona-S". Twice as many such equipment is in storage. This allows you to imagine how many promising "Lotos" may be required by the airborne troops. If there are plans that provide for the complete replacement of existing armored vehicles, orders should appear for several hundred newest CAOs. You can imagine how long it will take to complete such plans.
In the past, the development organization has repeatedly published information about the 2C42 "Lotus" project. In addition, a mock-up of self-propelled guns and various advertising materials were demonstrated at military-technical exhibitions. As a result, the current situation looks quite interesting. A prototype of the CAO is still under construction, but its appearance and approximate characteristics are already known. Among other things, this has already contributed to the emergence of various estimates and forecasts.
According to the published data, it is planned to unify the self-propelled gun for the Airborne Forces with other equipment of this type of troops. To solve this problem, "Lotus" was built on the basis of the modified chassis of the BMD-4M airborne assault vehicle. Due to the presence of new large units, an increase in weight and loads on the chassis, the base body is lengthened and equipped with an additional pair of road wheels. At the same time, the main features of the case, such as the layout or the level of protection, remain unchanged. Instead of the standard turret with cannon and machine gun armament, the 2S42 project uses a new fighting compartment with a different weapon.
The use of the redesigned serial chassis will make it possible to effectively operate the Lotos with other airborne equipment. The maximum speed of the CAO on the highway is declared at 70 km / h, on rough terrain - 40 km / h. Like other airborne armored vehicles, the 2S42 can be equipped with parachute systems for landing from military transport aircraft. In this respect, the new "Lotus" is a complete analogue of the older model "Nona-S".
The armored vehicle of the new model is proposed to be equipped with a highly automated fighting compartment of the turret layout. It is proposed to place a set of necessary equipment and artillery weapons of a new type inside a large (in comparison with the BMD-4M dome) tower. Within the framework of the 2S42 project, the well-known proposals for the creation of a universal weapon that combine the basic qualities and capabilities of a cannon, a howitzer and a mortar are being implemented again. Due to this, "Lotus" will be able to solve a wide range of combat missions and hit different targets in different conditions.

Serial SAO 2S9 "Nona-S" on exercises
According to known data, the main armament of the new self-propelled gun should be a promising 120-mm universal rifled gun, which is a further development of the 2A51 product. As follows from the available data, the new gun has a longer barrel length, which provides an increase in the main characteristics. At the same time, an increase in the power of the gun required the use of a multi-chamber muzzle brake. Developed recoil devices are located inside the tower.
According to official figures, the Lotus tower provides horizontal guidance in any direction. The elevation angles vary from -4 ° to + 80 °, due to which direct fire or mortar fire is possible. The rate of fire will reach 6-8 rounds per minute. The maximum firing range due to the longer barrel has been increased to 13 km. Serial SAO 2S9 "Nona-S" can show similar characteristics only when using an active-rocket projectile.
As an additional weapon required for self-defense and hitting unprotected targets within line of sight, the 2S42 carries a remotely controlled weapon station with a PKT machine gun. It is also possible to use 902B launchers, traditional for domestic armored vehicles.
The self-propelled gun will be driven by a crew of four. The previously demonstrated layout showed that half of the crew was proposed to be placed in the front of the hull. Two more gunners will be in the fighting compartment. All crew seats will receive their own hatches and observation devices. To solve combat missions, the commander and gunner will have to use modern optoelectronic sighting devices. In particular, the exhibition model was "equipped" with a panoramic commander's sight.
The promising self-propelled gun 2S42 "Lotos", according to numerous reports of recent years, is intended to replace the existing combat vehicles of the 2S9 "Nona-S" family. In addition to the 2S9 itself, its modifications 2S9-1 "Sviristelka" and 2S9-1M "Nona-SM" will be replaced. The equipment of these types is still capable of fulfilling its tasks, but its characteristics are no longer fully satisfied with the military. In addition, Nona-S and its modifications are based on the chassis of the BTR-D armored personnel carrier, created on the basis of the BMD-1. This technique was created several decades ago, which leads to known limitations.
The new project "Lotos" is based on already known and tested ideas and solutions, but modern components and technologies are used in its development. So, at present, the fleet of airborne forces is gradually being saturated with modern BMD-4M airborne combat vehicles, and all new models of equipment, including self-propelled artillery, are planned to be built on their chassis. In addition, the designers of TsNIITOCHMASH and related organizations have developed an improved fighting compartment with a more advanced weapon.
As a result, the promising 2S42 self-propelled gun should have the most serious advantages over the existing models of its class. The use of new components provides superiority both in the field of mobility and mobility, and in the field of fire performance. As a result, the troops will be able to obtain a more effective multifunctional artillery complex that meets current requirements.
Published data on the new project of self-propelled guns for the Airborne Forces allow us to look to the future with optimism. Nevertheless, the new domestic development should not be overestimated yet. The project is still at the stage of construction of a prototype and has not yet reached field tests. After the completion of the current and the next stage, the real prospects of the "Lotus" will become clear. According to the known plans, it will take no more than a few months to complete the current work. Already next year, the prototype will be released for testing, and after all checks have been carried out, an order for acceptance into service and an order for serial armored vehicles may appear.