Ukrainian "Kolchuga"

Ukrainian "Kolchuga"
Ukrainian "Kolchuga"

Creation of SRR "Kolchuga-M"

The active use of stealth technologies in the construction of military equipment comes down to one thing - to reduce the radio signature of its own military equipment. But the old saying "for every sword, there is a shield" justifies its centuries-old existence. "Kolchuga", as a means of radio-technical reconnaissance, was developed in order to counteract new possibilities of reducing radio signature. The principle of operation of the Kolchuga-M SRR is based on passive processing of the radio signal of the enemy's radar equipment. These means are mandatory for any military equipment in the performance of their immediate tasks for their intended purpose. Although the signals from such funds are quite diverse, they are there and it is possible to identify the object on which these funds are installed by them. This principle, although simple in its presentation, turned out to be difficult to solve in reality. From theory, concept creation, development of execution and calculation algorithms, projects and research to the implementation of all this in a working product, it took the specialists of JSC Topaz about eight years. Work on the project began in 1993. In 2000, work on the construction of a new electronic intelligence station was completely finished (in the option for export supplies, and in 1998 Kolchuga-M was ready for production for the Ukrainian army). More than six enterprises and design bureaus took part in the work on Kolchuga-M. Today it is capable of detecting almost all active RTSs of any carrier. The main purpose is an air defense element. Passive detection of attacking military equipment negates the elements of "stealth technology" installed on them. In addition, the detected objects will not be able to learn about their detection and, accordingly, take action or detect the Kolchuga-M itself.


TTX SRR "Kolchuga-M":

- "Kolchuga-M" can be part of a complex of 3-4 stations, which detects and identifies ground and surface-type objects at a distance of up to 600 kilometers, and flying objects at a height of up to 10 kilometers and at a distance of up to 800 kilometers.

- the station uses 5 antennas of m / dm / cm ranges with a sensitivity of 90-110 dB / W;

- has a 36-channel parallel receiver with instant detection of objects without frequency search, carrying out analysis and subsequent classification of the detected signals in the frequency range 130-18000 MHz;

- provides automatic detection and recognition using the power of the on-board computer and a databank of various parameters with the output of the results to the monitor;

- special selectors made it possible to exclude signals interfering with detection and identification and track up to 200 objects;

- sector scanning range from 30 to 240 degrees;

- bearing error (RMS) 0.3-5 degrees;

- measuring range of impulses with a duration of 0.5-31.25 μs;

- measuring range of impulses on the passage of 2-79999 μs;

- measurement range error (RMS) no more than 0.1 μs;

- frequency error ± 11 MHz;

- warranty period 24 years;

- operating temperatures ± 50 degrees;

- round-the-clock combat crew of 7 people, in a peaceful hour 3-4 people;

- used chassis KrAZ-6322REB-01.


For the first time on public display "Kolchuga-M" was presented at the Jordan exhibition "SOFEX-2000". The cost of one station is 5.6 million dollars. There is no analogue of SRP "Kolchuga-M" for OPKh. The system is noticeably superior in parameters to the closest competitors:

- "Awax" produced by the United States lags behind in detection range by 200 kilometers, the lower end of the frequency range is 1900 MHz higher;

- "Vera" of Czech production, lags behind in detection range by 350 kilometers, the lower limit of the frequency range is more by 700 MHz;

- "Vega" of Russian production, lags behind in the detection range by 400 kilometers, the lower bar of the frequency range is 70 MHz more;

This is where the practically unlimited ceiling of RTS flows, which Kolchuga-M can detect and identify. But the specialists of JSC Topaz did not stop there and are constantly conducting research to improve and modernize the Kolchuga-M SRR. This did not go unnoticed by potential foreign buyers, there are ongoing negotiations on supplies, contracts are being concluded. Constant cooperation with the Donetsk NTU and the state holding "Topaz" provides not only new ideas for the development of the complex, but also an influx of new specialists into production.

The creation of the Kolchuga-M SRR is not only the creation of a new air defense element, but also the successful solution of a number of tasks for the modernization of high-tech facilities for the production of high-frequency electronics, the creation of antenna structures and other high-tech technology and equipment, as evidenced by patented solutions and technological know-how. how.

The demand for the Kolchuga-M air defense system makes it possible to increase jobs at the enterprise, attract young specialists and work on this and other innovative projects. Next in line is the "Mandat" complex of counteraction to communications, also produced in Soviet times by the Topaz plant. According to the assurances of the designers, the modernized complex will bypass its competing counterparts in its characteristics.

It was the success of the Kolchuga-M long-range passive electronic intelligence system, with the full support of Ukrspetsexport, that gave impetus for further development to all enterprises that participated in its creation, including KrAZ, Orion and Iskra.

At the moment, "Kolchuga-M" is armed and used by the following states:

- Ukraine 2-4 units;

- China 4-8 units;

- Turkmenistan 4 units;

- Georgia 2-3 units;

- Ethiopia 3 units.
