Krasnogorsk plant named after S. A. Zverev, which is part of the Shvabe optical holding (part of the state corporation Russian Technologies), won the competition, which was held by Roscosmos. The competition provides for the creation of new technologies for remote sensing systems of our planet. The press service of the Shvabe holding informed the journalists about this. This project opens up the prospect of future development of innovative spacecraft and devices for the Krasnogorsk plant.
The Shvabe holding (earlier it was called the Optical Systems and Technologies Research and Production Concern) was established in 2008 as part of the state policy aimed at reforming the Russian defense industry. The main reason for reforming the enterprises that are part of the holding was the need to improve the competitiveness of the optoelectronic industry in Russia and its products on the international market. The optoelectronic holding got its name in honor of Fyodor Shvabe, who was the founder of one of the very first enterprises of the holding (we are talking about the Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant).
Currently, the Russian holding includes 37 different enterprises and organizations, which employ about 20 thousand people. The holding, in addition to industrial enterprises, includes design bureaus, research and production associations, research institutes. At the moment, the enterprises that are part of the Shvabe holding carry out a full cycle of work on the design, production, sales and maintenance of optoelectronic complexes and systems for the needs of the armed forces: the Air Force, the Navy, the Army, as well as the special services. In addition, the enterprises of the holding produce a variety of medical equipment, thermal imaging modules and a fairly wide range of civilian products. In total, Shvabe produces about 6 thousand names of optoelectronic products, which are now supplied to more than 85 countries of the world.

According to Sergei Maksin, General Director of the Shvabe holding, the enterprise is currently tasked with developing lightweight head mirrors for promising large space telescopes, which are planned to be used in the remote sensing system of our planet. According to Sergei Maksin, at present the Krasnogorsk Plant (KMZ) is the leading domestic enterprise that produces space monitoring systems and equipment for optoelectronic complexes for Earth remote sensing. The competition won by the enterprise opens up prospects for the development of innovative space equipment.
The Krasnogorsk plant named after S. A. Zverev (OJSC KMZ) is today one of the leading Russian enterprises in the field of creating optoelectronic products for various purposes. For several decades, the specialists of this enterprise have been providing the process of creating, testing and serial production of optoelectronic systems and optical devices. At present, OJSC KMZ successfully develops and produces: space control devices; systems for remote sensing of the Earth from airborne vehicles and from space; OMS of armored vehicles; airborne surveillance and targeting systems; all-day surveillance systems, laser rangefinders, target designators, sights for small arms; medical devices; observation devices; photographic equipment.
Nowadays, the scientific and technical center of KMZ is a diversified subdivision that is able to solve the whole range of issues on the development of new, promising models of equipment, including space technology, as well as carry out research, prospecting and development work, provide a full-fledged the process of design support for all finished and mass-produced products. Currently, the Scientific and Technical Center (STC) has unique testing, research and bench bases for experimental and design development. At the same time, high-level specialists work in the center: candidates and doctors of technical and physical and mathematical sciences.

It is worth noting that the KMZ developments (the GSA hyperspectrometer and the Geoton-L1 Earth remote sensing equipment) were installed on the first Russian aerial phototelevision spacecraft, which allows high-resolution real-time imaging of the Earth's surface. Also among the new developments of the domestic enterprise are modernized sniper sights, a tank gunner's thermal imaging sight and a commander's tank sight with a domestic thermal imager. If we talk about space products, then the enterprise plans to increase its share to 20% in the total volume of manufactured products by 2020.
Spacecraft "Resurs-P"
On June 25, 2013, the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle was launched. The rocket was sent into space from the Baikonur cosmodrome, on board was the Russian Resurs-P spacecraft, which uses the unique developments of the KMZ. Among other equipment, a GSA hyperspectrometer and an upgraded equipment for remote sensing of our planet called Geoton-L1 were installed on board the Resurs-P. The equipment manufactured by KMZ has successfully passed all flight tests and since October 1 of last year it has been operating normally as part of the Resurs-P spacecraft.
Resurs-P is a modern spacecraft with completely new capabilities. The new Russian spacecraft will be used in a near-circular sun-synchronous orbit, which will have a positive effect on the conditions for observing the earth's surface. Resurs-P will be able to shoot from the same height and in the same lighting conditions. Compared to its predecessors, the observation frequency of the apparatus was reduced from 6 to 3 days. In addition, the developers managed to improve the accuracy of the binding of the captured images and their consumer properties.

The increase in the performance characteristics of the new generation spacecraft was due to the use of several types of equipment for imaging on it. On "Resurs-P" was mounted optoelectronic equipment, which is able to create highly detailed images of the Earth with a resolution of up to 1 meter from an altitude of 475 kilometers in the panchromatic range. In narrow spectral ranges, the spacecraft can take images with a resolution of no worse than 3-4 meters.
Two types of imaging equipment were immediately introduced into the onboard equipment of Resurs-P: this is KShMSA - a complex of wide-capture multispectral imaging equipment (developed by NPP OPTEX is part of the GNPRKTs TsSKB-Progress) and GSA - hyperspectral imaging equipment (developed by OJSC "KMZ"). KShMSA allows the spacecraft to conduct wide-coverage detailed observation of the terrain with a resolution of 12 meters in a swath of about 100 kilometers and with a resolution of 60 meters in a swath of 440 kilometers. At the same time, the GAW swath is 25 kilometers, and the resolution is about 25 meters. The presence of such equipment makes it possible to improve the quality and the list of performing the tasks solved by the spacecraft in the interests of the socio-economic development of Russia and its individual regions.
Unique developments "Shvabe"
The enterprises that are part of the Shvabe holding have now mastered the production of almost 80 different unique technologies. For example, the Lytkarino Optical Glass Plant is currently producing unique large-size optics for large telescopes. The weight of one blank for a telescope can be 75 tons. Glass of this size only needs to cool down for a year, after which it is polished with nano-precision. The optical glasses of this enterprise are world-class know-how, they are supplied to India, EU countries, as well as other foreign customers.

In addition, the Shvabe holding is taking part in the development of ITER, the International Experimental Thermonuclear Reactor. As part of this ambitious international project, the holding is working on the creation of a system for optical diagnostics of plasma parameters. The enterprises of the holding today produce about 300 types of different glass. Among them there are samples that are very difficult to manufacture. For example, Shvabe is able to produce leucosapphires or artificial diamonds. Such optics are widely used in sighting systems, medicine, and laser technology.
Of the most recent examples of successful developments by Shvabe, a laser complex developed from scratch can be noted, which is able to cut ice cover 1-2 meters thick. The development of this complex was carried out by the national center of laser systems and complexes "Astrophysics". It should be noted that this is the only state scientific center in our country that works in the field of creating laser-optical technologies. There are no similar laser developments anywhere in the world. Thanks to the use of this installation, it is possible to significantly expand the possibilities of industrial development of sea routes and shelf deposits in polar latitudes. In 2013, at the international exhibition of innovations, which took place in Switzerland, the development of Astrophysics - the Ship Laser project - won a gold award.