Assault rifles
In most cases, MTR units are simply equipped with short-barreled / folding or compact carbine versions of standard assault rifles with telescopic butts, they are perceived as more suitable for special operations, despite their inherent losses in actual range, accuracy and penetration power. More recent examples of variants specially designed for unconventional combat would be the Colt CAR-15 (later M4 COMMANDO / XM177) and the Russian AKSU-74. The latest development is the Israeli IWI GALIL ACE, based on the proven mechanisms of the GALIL rifle, but with a chamber for 5.56 mm rounds, it is equipped with a telescopic butt. ACE is available in three different barrel lengths.

The principle of a collimator sight. The lens is used to create a virtual image (top) of the red object. By collimating the image using a reflective lens (middle) or a refractive lens (bottom), the image can be projected to infinity

In early 2004, the US Special Operations Command issued a SCAR (Special Forces Combat Assault Rifles) requirement for a family of combat assault rifles for the MTR. The basis of the requirement is two different calibers, high interchangeability of parts and identical ergonomics. After the first tests in the preliminary selection, the SCAR system, developed by FN Herstal, remained the first and only choice of the command. The SCAR system consists of two highly adaptable modular rifle platforms, i.e. 5.56x45 mm NATO SCAR-Light (or SCAR-L) and 7.62x51 mm NATO SCAR-Heavy (or SCAR-H), and an improved grenade launcher (EGLM or FN40GL). Both SCAR platforms are available with two different barrel lengths: a CQC barrel for close combat and a standard barrel for longer ranges
The search for US MTR troops with increased combat flexibility led, firstly, to the development of the so-called SOPMOD kit (Special Operations Peculiar Modification - a special modification for special operations), it consists mainly of commercial ready-made accessories for the M4 carbine. Although originally developed by the MTR command for itself and issued to the Special Forces personnel, the SOPMOD kit quickly became very popular among infantry units, partly because of its inherent advantages, but also partly due to some kind of "MTR mystery".
However, in 2003, USSOCOM - also taking advantage of the growing interest in the MTR due to the brilliant results of their use in the open phases of Operation Permanent Freedom - decided to move beyond SOPMOD and launched an ambitious program for a new assault rifle specially created for their individual requirements - SCAR (SOF Combat Assault Rifle - combat assault rifle for the MTR). Initially, it was conceived as a multi-caliber modular system capable of using (of course, by replacing the barrel and other main parts) not only Western cartridges, but also Russian cartridges "released" after operations, but since then practical considerations have led to a narrowing of the choice: Cartridges either 5.56 mm or 7.62 mm NATO standard. FN Herstal, operating through its American subsidiary FNH, developed a new family of weapons in an incredibly short time of 10 months, and after a series of comparative tests won the corresponding contract.
The SCAR's exceptional flexibility will allow USSOCOM personnel to configure their weapon as a very compact 5.56mm carbine for urban combat on one side and as a 7.62mm long-range precision reconnaissance carbine on the other. The "H" (Heavy) option will also be available for increased penetration. In practice, USSOCOM has thus cut the Gordian knot of the allegedly insufficient lethality of 5.56mm rounds through simple reception, that is, if necessary, switch to the old 7.62mm cartridge.
The SCAR is the only Western assault rifle designed specifically for use by the MTR and put into service. In USSOCOM, it should replace five types of weapons: Mk18 CQBR, M4A1, Mk12 SPR, Mk11 SASS and Mk14 EBR.
A special category can also be considered as an intermediary between SMGs and assault rifles, although in technical terms it would be more accurate to say that this is a variant of the latter. It is represented by a weapon that is available in 5.56mm and 9mm versions, or more interestingly, the user can easily switch from one caliber to another. The main logic behind this two-caliber weapon is to simplify logistics, it will also allow training on one weapon, while providing a flexible solution for the MTR personnel.
A typical newest example of this class is the IWI X95, based on the TAVOR assault rifle. It is interesting to note that IWI originally developed and marketed only the 9mm weapon known as the Mini-TAVOR. This was a requirement of the Israeli MTR, which led to the fact that the Mini-TAVOR was abandoned and it was replaced by a two-caliber model.

MTR units were the initiators and the first users of the currently popular large-caliber long-range rifles to destroy manpower and materiel. The picture shows the McMillan TAC-50 in service with the American MTR

The IWI X95 is a typical rifle from a special category of two-caliber weapons. Allows you to quickly switch from 5.56x45 cartridge to 9x19 cartridge in accordance with the operational task

The Mk11 silenced sniper rifle was originally developed for the MTR based on a commercial product; since then has been adopted by the American army as well

Unlike other military units, MTR soldiers have a huge interest in pistols and do use them. Pictured is a Heckler & Koch HK45 pistol in action.
Sniper rifles
MTR units often use the same bolt-action sniper rifles used by the military, despite the fact that they could get better (and more expensive) optics on occasion. Another issue, however, is the muffled sniper rifles, which are usually of little interest to the army (but now this is changing, the evidence is the new M110 SASS for the American army), but extremely important for the activities of the MTR. The Finnish Vaime SSR Mk1 (7.62mm NATO) is a very popular design, while other models have emerged, such as the Accuracy International AWC Covert with a folding stock (a rare solution for sniper rifles) and a removable barrel / built-in silencer to facilitate transport, which is rumored to be armed with the 1st SFOD-D (Delta Force group) as part of USSOCOM, the British 22 SAS rifle, and the similar French PGM Ultima Ratio / Suppressed. It should be understood that real jamming requires subsonic cartridges (either due to the design or the operation of the silencer), which sharply reduces the maximum range of destruction to 200-400 meters.
However, based on the nature of their missions, MTR snipers are much more likely to use semi-automatic rifles; this has led in many cases to the adoption of advanced modification kits for existing rifles or models specially designed for the MTR. A typical example is the Mk12Mod0 / 1 SPR (Special Purpose Rifle) with a 5.56mm NATO cartridge, created by the Crane Division of the US Naval Surface Weapons Research Center. It is based on the AR15 / M16 body, but is complemented by pre-fabricated parts, including most notably the 18-inch heavy-duty, floating-mount stainless steel rifled barrel developed by Douglas Barrel and the M4 Rail Adapter (RAS) from the Knights Armament Company. SPR, in service with the SEALS Special Operations Forces, optimized for the Mk262 cartridge with a 77 g bullet (Mod 0 = HPBT, Hollow Point Boat Tail (cartridge with a notch in the head and with a tapered tail), Mod 1 = OPM, Open Tip Match).
Prior to the development of the SPR, USSOCOM introduced the Mk11Mod0 sniper rifle with a 7.62mm NATO cartridge. This is a modified version of KAC's SR-25 design and was recently adopted by the US Army alongside the M110 SASS rifle (with minimal additional modifications).
Let's move on to Russia. The SVD-S is a variant with a folding stock of the widespread SVD Dragunov sniper rifle with a 7.62x54R cartridge. Originally designed for parachutists, it was also adopted by the special forces. A more specific design for the MTR is the SVU-OT 03, presented in 1991. This weapon of the bullpup scheme (the firing mechanism and the bolt carrier are located behind the fire control handle (inside the butt)) based on the SVD, but having a shorter barrel, while the SVU-A version has a fully automatic mode. Reportedly, the special forces are intrigued by the compactness of the weapon (total length 900 mm, weight 4 kg without accessories).
In general, the MTR units were the inventors and the first users of large-caliber weapons to destroy people and material at long distances, which has since become extremely popular in the armies of the world. Also, the requirement formulated by the Marine Special Forces in 1983 for an intermediate cartridge between 7.62 mm NATO and 12.7x99 (.50 BMG), which would allow shooting more accurately at distances up to about 1200-1550 m, led to the subsequent introduction and widespread distribution of the excellent cartridge.338 Lapua Magnum (8.6x70). The Barrett M82A1 / A3 is definitely a 12.7mm weapon that is very widespread around the world, while European models could include the Accuracy International AW-50 (AS-50 is a semi-automatic variant) and the PGM HECATE II. The Russian design, specially designed for the FSB, is very interesting. This is a semi-automatic bullpup rifle. It is equipped with a silencer built into the barrel; a unique subsonic cartridge STs-130T 12.7 mm (sleeve length is unknown) has been created for it with a monolithic bronze bullet weighing 900-1200 grams.
Machine guns
While there is no light (LMG, that is, 5.56 mm NATO) or universal (GPMG, 7.62 mm NATO) machine guns specifically for the MTR, but again the MTR fighters have an irresistible desire to modify and adapt any weapon that they could take into their hands.
For example, in 2000, USSOCOM, after a long process of testing and testing, adopted the Mk46Mod0 LMG as a deeply modernized version of the M249 LAW (FN Herstal MINIMI) of the American army. Modifications included, for example, only tape feed (alternative feed removed from the magazine), removed carry handle, barrel shortened by 40 mm, added titanium bipod, new stock and Picatinny rail over the top of the lid. The total length has been reduced to 915 mm and the weight has been reduced to 5, 9 kg.
Much the same applies to GPMG. USSOCOM initially adopted the compact version of the M60 (M60A3 / A4) with a shorter barrel, lighter bipod and forward grip. After some reliability problems due to the very intensive use of this weapon in the hands of special forces, a program was launched for a new light machine gun LWMG (Light Weight Machine Gun). Despite the designation, it retained the 7.62mm NATO caliber. The competition was again won by FN Herstal with another MINIMI variant, classified by USSOCOM as Mk48Mod0. It retained the general configuration of the Mk46, but longer - 1010 mm with a 502 mm barrel and 8.28 kg heavier without ammunition.
Other Western LMG designs developed for possible CCO use are the NEGEV COMMANDO, H&K MG4E and Denel Mini SS and SS77 Compact.
Interestingly enough, Russian gunsmiths followed exactly the opposite path of development. Unlike the West, there was initially no requirement for a lighter and more compact LMG / MG, simply because such weapons as the RPD, RPK-74 and PKMS completely satisfied in this sense. Combat experience in Afghanistan and later in the Caucasus, however, led to the fact that the special forces formulated a requirement for a special automatic weapon of the SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) squad. For this requirement, TsNI Tochmash developed Pecheneg as a variant of the PKM with a heavier barrel chambered for the formidable 7.62x54R cartridge. Although the mass is somewhat reduced by removing the standard for PKM quick-detachable barrel (the steel casing around the barrel helps to dissipate heat, allowing you to shoot continuously up to 600 bullets without breaking), but Pecheneg weighing 8, 7 kg due to other alterations does not have weight savings. Spetsnaz appears to be much more interested in long-range accuracy and final trajectory efficiency (a very important characteristic in mountainous terrain!), Which involves the combination of a powerful cartridge and a heavy, non-removable barrel. As a weapon, SAW squads should not be confused with LMG or MG.

The picture shows a muffled MP-5SD with a 9x19 SMG cartridge in the hands of a Finnish combat swimmer.

The 5.56-mm M4 carbine with the SOPMOD modification kit is currently the main individual weapon of the American MTR

A Chinese Marine Special Forces soldier armed with a Type 95 5.8x42 assault rifle with an AG91 40mm automatic grenade launcher

There is a market for PDWs like the FN Herstal P90, but not as big as expected in the beginning
Spetsnaz is currently evaluating the further development of the PKM design, the AEK-999 Badger. It features additional enhancements such as a front grip, a sophisticated muzzle brake / flash suppressor, a slightly shortened barrel (605 mm) and a special silencer.
A particularly interesting model of special weapons for the MTR is the new 40-mm automatic grenade launcher Mk47 STRYKER. It was specially designed for the USSOCOM command and did not have any special requirements from the MTR. Rather, it was intended to be a direct replacement for the ubiquitous standard Mk19. However, the very high cost of the weapon, as well as its special ammunition with a proximity fuse, led the Pentagon to limit its production and distribution to USSOCOM units. The only possible rationale for his admission to the MTR is that the more intensive training of the special forces and the expected better fighting qualities will justify the excessive costs.