High power pistols

High power pistols
High power pistols

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They are intended for army special forces and the same law enforcement units.

I have already mentioned more than once the development work on the "Rook" - the creation of a new combat army pistol. The most radical option for solving the problem was the development from scratch of the entire pistol complex, including a fundamentally new cartridge and the weapon itself. The corresponding requirements were formulated in the USSR Ministry of Defense in 1991, shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Union.

New complex

In the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering (TSNIITOCHMASH, the city of Klimovsk near Moscow) - the leading institute of the domestic arms industry - work, naturally, began with a 9-mm pistol cartridge of increased power. Ballistic calculations showed that his bullet should have a mass of 6-7 grams and an initial velocity of 400-450 m / s.

A. B. Yuriev and E. S. Kornilova, who worked under the leadership of I. P. Kasyanov, in the fall of 1991 presented the cartridge RG052 with an armor-piercing bullet, under which the leading designer P. I. Serdyukov with the help of senior engineer I. V. Belyaev created self-loading pistol, indexed 6P35. A similar sample was developed and chambered for 7, 62x25. After the first stage of testing, it was decided to continue work on a pistol chambered for 9x21 with a bullet with a heat-strengthened core. In the course of the R&D work, they established significantly increased opportunities not only to defeat the enemy in personal body armor, but also to double the range of aimed fire - from the usual 50 to 100 meters.

The trial operation of pistols began in 1993 in special units of law enforcement agencies. The complex has undergone revision, a variant of the RG055 pistol and the RG054 cartridge appeared. The export small-scale sample RG060 demonstrated at the exhibitions became known under the name "Gyurza".

In the same 1993, the Ministry of Security of the Russian Federation (later the Federal Security Service), evaluating the advantages of the RG052 cartridge - RG055 pistol, issued TsNIITOCHMASH an order for the development of a new pistol based on an improved cartridge (the subject received the code Vector) and a small-sized pistol machine gun (theme "Heather"). In 1996, a modified pistol by PI Serdyukov under the designation CP1 with the SP10 cartridge was adopted by the FSB. The abbreviation "CP" means "special development", "SP" - "special cartridge". The production of weapons was established by FSUE TsNIITOCHMASH and OJSC Kirovsky plant Mayak. SP10 was supplemented with cartridges: SP11 with a low-ricocheting bullet, SP12 with an expansive bullet, SP13 with an armor-piercing tracer bullet (SP11 was developed by L. S. Dvoryaninova, SP12 and SP13 - M. I. Vasilyeva).

High power pistols
High power pistols

In 2003, the "army" 9-mm self-loading pistol Serdyukov (SPS) and new pistol cartridges were adopted:

  • 7N28 with a low-ricocheting bullet weighing 7.5 grams (lead core, bimetallic shell), an analogue of the SP11 cartridge (a low-ricochet bullet is necessary when fighting, for example, in a city);
  • 7N29 with an armor-piercing bullet weighing 6, 7 grams (with a heat-strengthened core, the head of which protrudes from the shell, a polyethylene jacket and a bimetallic shell), an analogue of the SP10 cartridge;

  • 7BT3 with an armor-piercing tracer bullet weighing 7.3 grams (with a shortened steel core, a lead jacket, a tracer compound and a bimetallic jacket), an analogue of the SP13 cartridge.

The bullet of the 7N29 cartridge reliably hits targets in personal body armor of the second and third classes (according to the national GOST), in unarmored vehicles, at a distance of 40 meters it penetrates a 5-mm steel sheet, at a distance of up to 100 meters - an army steel helmet. A training cartridge was also made on the basis of 7N29 parts. The Vector pistol was upgraded and received the designation CP1M.

The cartridge with the SP12 expansive bullet is intended for firing from the SR1M - such ammunition is allowed to be used by law enforcement agencies, but prohibited by army units. The bullet provides an increased stopping effect and the absence of a ricochet, primarily used to defeat unprotected manpower in a confined space. The conjugation of the trajectories of bullets of different types of 9x21 cartridge allows the shooter not to worry about making adjustments when using other types of ammunition. The production of the ATP, as well as the 9x21 cartridges, is established by the FSUE TsNIITOCHMASH.

The device of the CP1, CP1M and SPS pistols is the same. The automatics operate according to the barrel recoil scheme with a short stroke, the barrel bore is locked with a bolt using a swinging contactor. In this case, the return spring is put on the barrel of the pistol, but unlike the PM or APS, it rests against a special part - the stop of the return spring, which was required by the movable barrel. The return spring stop and the contactor are new patented design solutions.

The trigger mechanism is a hammer with a helical mainspring mounted in the cavity of the trigger itself. It is worth remembering that among the various controversial issues discussed from the very beginning of the use of self-loading pistols in the armed forces were non-automatic fuses and a self-cocking mode. The former ensure high safety of handling weapons, but in the event of a collision with an enemy, the shooter, before pressing the trigger, must remember to turn off the fuse - such an oversight often costs life. The self-cocking mode allows you to safely carry a pistol with a cartridge in the chamber and at the same time quickly make the first shot, but a greater trigger force and a longer trigger travel impair accuracy, and the shooter will make the next shot with less effort. This problem has long been resolved by double-action firing mechanisms, which allow a shot both with self-cocking and with a preliminary cocking of the hammer. This is also possible with the ATP trigger mechanism. If you put the trigger on the safety cocking, a self-cocking shot is also possible.


SPS refused from non-automatic fuses. There are only two automatic fuses. The rear - in the form of a key on the pistol grip - blocks the sear and turns off when the palm is fully covered by the grip. The front - in the form of a lever on the trigger - turns off at the beginning of the descent, when the arrow's finger presses the lever into the trigger. The use of only automatic fuses contributes to the constant readiness of the weapon for a shot, reduces the number of operations required to produce the first shot.

Plastic pistol frame with metal fittings in the upper part. The trigger guard with a front lug is designed for shooting with a two-handed pistol grip - in modern combat pistols, the front bend of the trigger guard has become common. The sight and front sight are non-reflective and equipped with white inserts to facilitate aiming in low light conditions.

Food - from a detachable box magazine with a two-row arrangement of 18 rounds. The protruding plastic cover makes it easy to replace, and when shooting serves as a support for the shooting hand. The push-button latch is located behind the trigger guard. After all the cartridges have been used up, the magazine feeder raises the shutter stop with its tooth and it stops in the rear position. To speed up reloading, the feeder spring pushes the magazine when the latch button is pressed, and the shutter stop is automatically turned off when the loaded magazine is installed. Thus, in the design of the pistol, measures were taken to combine the speed of bringing the weapon to readiness and the production of the first shot with the convenience of conducting aimed fire.

Accuracy of fire of the ATP is characterized by the following figures: on tests, a series of ten shots at a distance of 25 meters gave hits in a radius of 6, 4 centimeters (when one hole was torn off), the radius of the best half of the hits was 3 centimeters (for PM at the same distance - at least 3, 2 cm). With the already mentioned parameters of the destructive effect of the bullet, the pistol allows you to guarantee the incapacitation of the enemy in the most difficult conditions of close combat.

Various equipment options have been developed for the SR1M and SPS, including a camouflage holster for open wearing with camouflage uniforms, a universal holster for hidden carrying on a shoulder suspension or on a waist belt.

Foreign designs

SR1M and SPS are intended primarily for special forces units. Therefore, when choosing foreign counterparts for comparison, it is worth turning to the armament of the American special operations forces.

In 1989, the US SOCOM announced the implementation of the JSOR program. It envisaged the creation of offensive personal weapons in order to obtain a compact, holstered model for active operations of combat swimmers in skirmishes at distances of up to 25-30 meters.

The main requirements were presented by the Center for Land Ways of Warfare of the Navy. A complex was considered, including a family of cartridges, a self-loading pistol, a silencer and an aiming unit. Accordingly, the weapon could be assembled in two main versions: "assault" (pistol + sighting unit) and "scout" (stalking) - with the addition of a silencer.

Although in 1985 the US armed forces replaced the M911A1 Colt with the M9 pistol (Beretta 92SF) chambered for 9x19 in accordance with NATO standards, and in 1996 it was supplemented by the 9mm M11 (P228 ZIG-Sauer), in the case of JSOR, they returned to the 11, 43 mm cartridge.45 ACP. The reason is that it better meets the requirement of the most probable defeat of the enemy in the minimum time, besides, the subsonic initial velocity of the bullet facilitated the implementation of the "scout" variant with a silencer.

In the final of the competition were two eminent companies - the American Colt Industries and the German Heckler und Koch. In 1995, SOCOM opted for the German USP-OHWS Mod. 0. He received the designation Mk 23 Mod 0 - Mark 23 Model 0 US SOCOM Pistol.


The pistol itself is based on the model USP (Universal Selbstladen Pistole - universal self-loading pistol) "Heckler und Koch". The main differences between the Mk 23 and the USP are the elongated bolt, the muzzle of the barrel protruding from the bolt, and the mount for the aiming unit.

Automation works by recoiling the barrel with a short stroke. Locking occurs by tilting the barrel. Here, too, there is a subtlety - in contrast to the classic "Browning High Power" scheme, the lowering of the barrel is made not by a rigid pin of the frame, but by a hook equipped with a buffer spring at the rear end of the return spring rod. The chamber and its bevel are designed to ensure reliable feeding of cartridges from different manufacturers, with different types and configurations of bullets.

The frame is made of molded plastic, in the upper part it is reinforced with steel inserts that form guides for the shutter movement.

The firing mechanism is of the hammer type, with a half-hidden hammer. A double-sided non-automatic flag safety lock locks the trigger and separates the trigger and sear. A safety trigger lever is installed in front of the non-automatic safety flag. The presence of the self-cocking mode and the constructive separation of the safe release lever and the safety catch allow the pistol to be carried in two positions - “loaded and cocked, on safety” and “loaded, with the trigger pulled, ready to fire by self-cocking”. There is also an automatic fuse for the striker, which blocks it until the trigger is fully pressed. The trigger guard allows shooting with heavy gloves.

The sighting device for shooting at twilight can be supplied with white plastic inserts or tritium ampoules-points. The front sight and sight are raised relatively high so that the installed muffler does not block the line of sight, as a result, the pistol itself has lost its streamlining contours.

The notches for controlling the bolt are applied not only on the rear, but also on the front of it - the notch in the front is more convenient when inspecting and disassembling the weapon.

The sighting unit (LAM) combines the functions of an illuminator and a laser designator.

The.45 ACP and the United States Marine Corps did not give up. Since 1985, in addition to the 9-mm M9 pistol, the 11, 43-mm M-45 MEU (SOC), a modification of the M1911A1 "Colt", remained in service with his expeditionary forces.

In 2005, the United States announced the JCP (Joint Combat Pistol, which can be translated as a single combat pistol), which assumed no less than the replacement of the M9 with a new model. Then, however, the program was limited to the needs of the same special operations forces, simply designating CP (Combat Pistol), and later it was completely curtailed. It is interesting, however, that all applicants for participation in the JCP / CP had a caliber of 11.43 millimeters. These were American pistols MP45 "Smith and Wesson" and P345 "Ruger", Canadian "Para-Ordnance" LDA 1911, German NK45 "Heckler und Koch", Swiss-German R-220 "SIG-Sauer Kombat" TV, Austrian "Glock"”-21SF, Brazilian Taurus RT 24/7 OSS, Belgian FNP-45 Fabrik Nacional, Italian PX4 SD Beretta and even Croatian HS45.

No less interest in pistols chambered for more powerful cartridges than the 9x19 "Parabellum" remains with the special forces of law enforcement agencies. For example, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation chose for its employees 10-mm Glock -22 and Glock -23 pistols chambered for.40 Smith & Wesson, slightly exceeding 9x19 in power, but for SWAT fighters ("special weapons and tactics "- a kind of" police special forces ") demanded a pistol chambered for.45 ACP. There were no special innovations - the sample presented by Springfield Armory and accepted by the FBI was another modification of the good old M911A1.