ARMY-2016. "Neptune": on water like dry land

ARMY-2016. "Neptune": on water like dry land
ARMY-2016. "Neptune": on water like dry land

This complex (as it was called by the duo of developers) was the only one at the exhibition of the ARMY-2016 forum. There were small ships and boats, we will talk about them a little later, but there was a single copy of the hovercraft.

And not just the only one, but also the latest development, which is at the stage of state testing.

But first, a few words about the creators.

CDB "NEPTUNE" was founded by the order of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated December 31, 1945 and was under the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of the USSR Shipbuilding Industry.

In 1958, a pilot production facility located in the village of Vodniki, Moscow Region, was included in the Neptune Central Design Bureau. This made it possible to independently build prototypes of ships designed by the Central Design Bureau "Neptune".

In March 2012, ZAO TsKB Neptun underwent reorganization into an Open Joint Stock Company and changed its location to St. Petersburg.

JSC Central Design Bureau Neptun has its own pilot plant. The main areas of activity are the development and design of amphibious hovercraft and combat and patrol boats.

Hovercraft were designed for shipyards, where they are still being built. The ships designed by the Central Design Bureau "Neptune" are successfully operated both in Russia and abroad.

The team of the Central Design Bureau "Neptune" created:

1976 SVP "Bars" pr. 14660 (8 passengers) and its modifications for postal services and search and rescue services (EGA PSS), built approx. 40 units

1984 Small SVP "Gepard" pr. 18800 (5 people), more than 100 units were built. and SVP "Puma" 18801, built more than 20 units.

1986 Marine hovercraft "Bizon" of 10 tl / c, project 17481 for Morflot, 3 units were built.

Non-self-propelled air cushion platform, project 17482 for Morflot, 6 units were built.

1990-1994 Small promenade SVP "Sobol" pr. VP191, built approx. 30 units

1996 Marine pilotage hovercraft "Lynx", pr. 14661, built 1 unit.

1998-2000 River passenger SVP "Irbis" pr. 15063 (32 people), 4 units were built.

Marine modification of the Irbis hovercraft, project 15067, built 1 unit.

And now we bring to your attention a new hovercraft from the Neptune Central Design Bureau.


Engineering amphibious reconnaissance boat on an air cushion "IRK".

Since the boat is just undergoing tests, it does not yet have its own name. We hope so far.

The boat is not that unique, but before it, similar tasks were assigned to the crew of an inflatable boat SNL-8 with a set of reconnaissance of water obstacles.

"IRK" is intended to replace SNL-8 and conduct reconnaissance not only of a water barrier, but also of approaches to it, coastal areas, ice crossings. All this is possible with the help of a modern hydroacoustic complex and a set of portable engineering reconnaissance means. Designed primarily for the engineering troops.

So, we have developed an engineering amphibious reconnaissance boat for reconnaissance of water obstacles for the first time.

So, "IRK".

Length with inflated sides - 7, 8 m.

Width with inflated sides - 3.1 m.

The height of the air cushion is 3 m.

The height above the surface at the VP is 0.6 m.

The maximum speed on land is up to 50 and on water - up to 60 km / h.

The fuel range is 250 km.

Time of continuous operation of the equipment - 48 hours.

Crew - 4 people.

Armament - machine gun 7, 62 mm. Stock of cartridges 2000 pcs.


The deckhouse looks quite modern. And soft to the touch.


All equipment is up to date.


Under the passenger seat there are two compartments for cartridges.


Plus a locker for all sorts of useful things. First aid kits, life jackets and everything else.


The machine gun in service, of course, is not the PKK. Just what the organizers of the exhibition had in stock, they screwed it on. In reality, of course, a PC.


Hydrolap loads the boat onto the platform very quickly.


The passenger compartment is very spacious and quite comfortable. For the landing - even more so.


Bottom view.

Two more words about the creators of the conveyor machine.


The transporter-loader for the boat "IRK" was made by the craftsmen of JSC "Lifting machines" from the city of Veliki Luki, Pskov region.

Lifting Machines is a leading Russian supplier of mobile lifting equipment, serially produced by two leading Russian manufacturers of hydraulic special equipment: VELMASH-S LLC (Pskov region, Velikie Luki) and Solombalsky Machine-Building Plant LLC (Arkhangelsk).

They are handy workers, and their cars are also very handy. A good symbiosis came out.

By the way, sea trials of the next boat of the Pardus project are planned in winter, and we were invited to these trials. So in the near future we will return to the topic of SVP from OKB "Neptune".
