So, before us is something that is supposed to satisfy the hunger of a modern soldier of the rank and file of the RF Armed Forces in the format of the Oboronpromkomplekt dry ration with a legal address in the town of Odintsovo near Moscow and with the production address in Mtsensk, Oryol region.

Individual food ration of the 2nd option in the following composition (food products):

From non-food composition of IRP, including hygiene products:
The composition of the IRP is in a moisture-proof shell that closes the actual cardboard box for dry rations.

After "autopsy":

After extraction:

Next - the layout of the content with information about the manufacturers.
Vegetable stew with beef from Starodubsky (Bryansk region) OJSC "Konservsushprod". Energy value per 100 g - 180 kcal, weight 250 g:

Porridge from the manufacturer "Mtsensk Meat Processing Plant". Energy value - 286 kcal / 100 g. Weight - 250 g.

Biscuits from the manufacturer in Kuznetsk (Penza region). Energy value 377 kcal / 100 g.

Black tea from packers from the village of Lesnaya Dacha, Barysh district, Ulyanovsk region:

Eggplant caviar "overseas" from producers from the Ulyanovsk region. 119 kcal / 100 g. Weight - exactly 100 g:

Processed cheese. Starodub of the Bryansk region again. Energy value 291 kcal / 100 g Weight - 80 g The composition, in which semi-hard cheese varieties, butter, cream and whole milk powder, is really impressive, especially against the background of the composition that you come across when you buy ordinary processed cheese in a regular store.

The Naro-Fominsk cannery "saturated" the sukhpay with its hepatic-cerebral pâté with butter with a caloric value of 297 kcal / 100 g. Net weight 100 g.

2 g of instant granular coffee from a packer from the Ulyanovsk region

A very energetic fruit stick made from a mixture of hazelnuts and prunes. Caloric content 356 kcal / 100 g. Weight 50 g. Manufacturer

Dry berry (raspberry) tonic drink "Lyubava" (in concentrated form) also from the Ulyanovsk manufacturer:

Instructions for use are attached:

Actually, we are starting to use. We heat on the burner (optionally - closed or open) the dishes included in the composition.

And voila … What you end up with when you use an individual diet at home. Vegetable stew (on a plate), rice porridge and stew in trays made from RIP:

What makes a special impression? Proceeding from the fact that there are no comrades in taste and color, I will say about my personal opinion: stew, processed cheese and eggplant caviar of some not of today's quality. I mean that the quality (even to taste) is five points on a five-point system. And the concentrated raspberry drink is clearly different for the better from some "Yupi" or something else from the series "dry chemicals in your bag, and then in your stomach."
Most of the food is consumed not without pleasure.
Moreover, they attract obvious gastronomic attention even from those people who are familiar with almost any modern culinary and food delights - in general, those who are difficult to surprise with anything.
In terms of calorie content, the dry ration is also all right - in order for a man to eat all this (in the daily version in "one face") and to remain hungry, very, very serious loads are frankly needed. - Energy value of IRP No. 2 - 3670 kcal (115 g of protein, 193 g of fat and 369 g of carbohydrates). So on the field exit, if a soldier or sergeant has such an IRP at hand, then the fighter will not be hungry, unless, of course, we are talking about non-standard anthropometric data of a fighter or outrageous physical (or physical and mental) stress.