On New Year's Eve, it is usually customary to sum up the results. What was the past year for the Russian army and the country's defense-industrial complex?
The most important event in 2010 in the field of defense and international strategic stability was the signing of the long-suffering START III Treaty. No matter how the Americans tried to put the Russian side in conditions under which the agreement became unprofitable for us, they had to sign an option that suited everyone: first of all, Moscow. The situation with the ratification of START-3 in the US Senate was very difficult, the approval of the treaty could fail at any stage. Russia was already preparing to start considering options for the development of its strategic nuclear forces (SNF) according to a scenario that excludes any restrictions.
However, everything went well. Nevertheless, the Americans added about 30 pages of additional terms to START III. They are able to emasculate the content of the treaty and change it in favor of Washington. For example, it requires the US administration to begin negotiations with Russia on tactical nuclear weapons. According to the US Senate, we have "indecently much" of it. But Moscow is unlikely to agree to this. One way or another, the State Duma immediately approved the ratification of START-3 in the first reading.
New missiles, planes, tanks
In 2010, the Russian army actively continued the rearmament begun earlier. The first regiment of mobile ground-based missile systems with the new Yars intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) was formed in the Strategic Nuclear Forces. Mine rockets "Topol-M" were also delivered. The start of the development of a new heavy intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) has been officially confirmed.
The re-equipment of the missile attack warning system continued - new radar stations of the Voronezh type were under construction. Equipped with new air defense force locators. In particular, an over-the-horizon radar has been put into operation in the Far East, which detects targets at distances of thousands of kilometers at the lowest altitude.
The main event for aviation was the start of testing of the latest 5th generation fighter T-50. By the end of the year, it became known that the second copy of the car was almost ready and would soon start flying. And the third, already equipped with many systems of a serial fighter, is on its way. Serial production of the Su-35S 4 ++ generation fighter also began. The first aircraft, however, will only be ready in 2011.
The number of the newest Mi-28N attack helicopters delivered to the troops is already 40 machines. The first six serial Ka-52A also appeared. The army also received several dozen Mi-8MTV5 and Mi-8AMTSh transport and assault helicopters.
New T-90A tanks and modernized T-72BA came to the troops. In total, up to 300 of these machines have been received. But the promising tank Object 195, according to the assurances of the Ministry of Defense, was closed. True, this coincided with the start of work on the new Armata program, in which the reserve for this tank will be used.
But also with about. 195 it is not yet clear - the Ministry of Defense may change its mind. In any case, there is confidence that by the target date - 2015, new tanks and other heavy vehicles will be created. Likewise, armored combat vehicles of medium and light classes - work on them is actively funded.
Who hurts what …
The funny thing is that the news of the ratification of START III in the United States turned out to be far from the most important. Overseas, more publicity was given to a law allowing homosexuals to openly serve in the military. President Obama even accompanied this "historic" document with a speech in which he told American homosexuals that "it will be a great honor for us to see you in the ranks of our army - the best army in the history of mankind." True, the American military for the most part does not share his beliefs. They believe that now and in the shower they can lie in wait for danger.
Reforms and teachings
In 2010, the troops conducted a number of exercises, including large ones. These are traditional SNF exercises, the largest strategic exercises "Vostok-2010", joint maneuvers with the Chinese "Peace Mission - 2010". By the way, our fighters performed excellently at the last ones, “showing the goods with their face”. But the Chinese, having demonstrated their Type-99G tank, which they call "the best in the world," left upset. Their tanks fired much worse than the modest T-72BAs displayed on our side. Despite the presence of a thermal imager, the Chinese were particularly bad at shooting at night. On the other hand, a portion of articles appeared in the Chinese media about the importance of friendship with the "northern neighbor". The fact that Russia has a good army and soldiers who can be gouges in a peaceful environment, but excellent fighters in war.
Foreign factor
In the past year there have been many disputes about the supply of weapons to our army from abroad. Around the purchase of the French Mistral amphibious assault ships, a lot of copies were broken. Someone argued that Russia does not need them at all. Or that our designers themselves have a mustache - just give them money, and in three years they will give birth to a project. Nevertheless, the purchase will take place. Two ships will be built by the French, and two more - by ourselves.
The intention of the Russian Ministry of Defense to adopt the Italian ultralight armored vehicle IVECO LMV M65 Lince ("Lynx") aroused great discussions. Many experts believe that our domestic "Tiger" is no worse, and the "Lynx" itself has disadvantages. There were active hints about the corruption and political component of the deal. Yes, there are many politicians in deals with partners from old Europe. However, "Lynx" with "Tiger" no one compares - these are cars of different weight classes. Nobody will change the Tiger for the M65, it will be replaced by the Tiger-M. And so far, only 17 units will be bought for the "Ryssey" for testing in the troops. Having removed part of the modular armor, the "Italian" can be transported even on the Mi-8 suspension. But here, too, she has a competitor - the domestic armored car "Wolf". The future will show which "predator" will win.
One thing is clear - the domestic defense-industrial complex has lost its monopoly status and is now forced to compete with foreigners. How effective such a shake-up will turn out to be is not yet clear. But had it not been for the threat of "Lynx", the same "Wolf" would not have appeared for a long time.
Santa Claus salutes
In conclusion, a New Year's story. Have you ever seen Santa Claus saluting, in all his uniforms: in a hat, with a beard and a bag of gifts? It happens. One serviceman wanted to wish his kids a Happy New Year, got hold of all Dadmorozov's equipment from a friend, put the purchased gifts in a bag and went home like that. But a colonel, chief of staff of the division, came across. Naturally, military reflexes work - Santa Claus salutes. The colonel "automatically" salutes in response, walks a few steps, and realizes that he exchanged military greetings … with Santa Claus. The chief of staff looks after him, grins and moves on - they are also waiting for him at home.
On New Year's Eve, there are people who meet him at the service. I would like to wish them all that they would be at home more often, with their loved ones! Happy New Year!