JSC "Tethys Pro" in partnership with the Navy

JSC "Tethys Pro" in partnership with the Navy
JSC "Tethys Pro" in partnership with the Navy

In recent years, after decades of stagnation, the active rearmament of the search and rescue units of the RF Ministry of Defense and the renewal of the PSO system have begun.

In accordance with the approved "Concept for the development of the search and rescue support system of the Navy", the creation of multifunctional rescue vessels for the far sea and ocean zones, the near sea zone and basing points has begun.

The search and rescue services of all fleets of Russia began to receive modern underwater equipment and diving equipment. Finally, the Navy services began to be replenished with specialized ships and boats of the coastal and sea zones, equipped with the most advanced technical means.

One of the main developers and suppliers of special diving equipment and underwater equipment for Russian ministries and departments is Tethys Pro. For more than 20 years, the equipment supplied by the company has served in all fleets and fleets of the Russian Federation, successfully completing the assigned tasks.


The most effective is the use of underwater equipment as part of complexes for various purposes, which are installed on specialized ships and cars. In recent years, dozens of diving and search and survey complexes have been developed and delivered to the Customer. The main projects implemented by JSC "Tethys Pro" in recent years:

Search and survey complexes (POC) "Kalmar", installed on a series of anti-sabotage boats "Grachonok" and designed to monitor the underwater situation.

The complex provides search and examination of objects in the water column or lying on the ground at depths of up to 600 meters. The complex includes: sonars, a navigation sonar system, a set of sonar transponders, a high-precision GPS navigation receiver and a remotely controlled unmanned underwater vehicle (ROV). The complex of equipment allows you to accurately detect objects and display them with high definition. All information is displayed on the integrated surface control post.

Ship diving complexes (SVK) for offshore diving boats and other specialized floating facilities allow efficiently and safely perform a wide range of rescue and underwater technical operations. The diving complex is designed to provide diving descents for treatment in a pressure chamber of specific diving diseases and to maintain the physiological fitness of divers.

The SVK includes: a flow-decompression two-compartment chamber with a gas supply system, an integrated descent control post, means for launching and lifting divers, means for providing diving operations and a robotic search and rescue complex based on a remotely controlled underwater vehicle.

Such complexes are installed on vessels of the 22870 series, intended for the search and rescue service of the Navy. A specific feature of the ICS for vessels of the 22870 series is the ability to conduct underwater search and survey of underwater objects in large areas and in a wide range of depths, as well as to ensure the simultaneous operation of three divers at depths of up to 100 meters.


It should be noted that in recent years it has been possible to significantly reduce the share of foreign components, replacing them with domestic samples of our own production that meet international standards.

So, today, among the underwater equipment and equipment manufactured by Tethys Pro: underwater lamps and lanterns of the SP series, searchlights and light television sets "Skat", diving communication stations, complexes of underwater television of the VTK series, control panels for diving descents PPV in a set of diving stations such as VSBR, compressors, container and mobile diving complexes and much more. Last year, the production of a line of pressure chambers of the BKD series with diameters of 1000 and 1200 mm was launched. By the end of 2015, it is planned to launch mass production of pressure chambers with a diameter of 1600 mm and more. In addition to the aforementioned equipment, this year the company's product range was replenished with a remote-controlled unmanned underwater vehicle "Marlin-350" of its own production. And this list grows every year.


All this equipment is created to equip specialized rescue vessels - the basis of the search and rescue service. The ocean rescuer Igor Belousov of project 21300C, which is currently undergoing state tests in the Baltic Sea, is intended to become such a vessel.


The commissioning of a multifunctional rescue vessel at the end of 2015 will be a watershed moment in bringing the Navy's Search and Rescue Service to a level that meets the realities of today. The creation of a modern deep-water diving complex (GVK) and its introduction into the practice of the search and rescue service will make it possible to take a step forward not only in rescuing the crews of emergency submarines, but also provide the possibility of diving operations at a depth of 450 m.


For many years, close and fruitful cooperation between Tethys Pro and the Navy has contributed to the achievement of the intended goal - the technical re-equipment of the submarine and surface groups of the Navy. At the same time, dynamic construction, renewal of the naval personnel of the Navy, as well as equipping ships with modern equipment strengthens Russia's position in the World Ocean.
