As reported by the Izvestia newspaper. The new submarines with an improved computerized control system, designed by Sevmash for the Russian navy in the framework of Project 955 Borey, cause distrust among submariners. The very first sea trials of "Alexander Nevsky" - a nuclear submarine - revealed a lot of imperfections. Although the Sevmash representatives assure that they have already been eliminated, the submariners are still afraid of the boats on which they discovered dozens of major and thousands of minor flaws.
- The new digital system is so crude that it is simply not safe to work with it. Recent sea trials have recorded hundreds of system failures. What if this happens in battle? - comments a representative of the fleet.
For his part, the representative of the manufacturer, which built not only Alexander Nevsky, but also the first representative of the Borey project, Yuri Dolgoruky, assured that the system deficiencies were eliminated, and before the sea trials began.
- On the Dolgoruky submarine, the debugging of this system took 4 months, on the Nevsky - only 2 weeks. During the tuning of boat systems, there are no malfunctions or failures, a failure can occur only due to a discrepancy between the preset modes, which are eliminated in the working order.
He recalled that the Borey submarines were the first in Russia to be equipped with digital control systems; until now, submarines were controlled by analog systems. Dozens of design bureaus and enterprises were involved in the manufacture and development of digital control components.
- Of course, it is unrealistic, starting from scratch, to completely debug the entire system. We took the first step, we are debugging, setting up, painstaking work. After its completion, the new boats will receive fully debugged systems, - added the Sevmash manager.
This year, the United Shipbuilding Company, which includes "Sevmash", and the Ministry of Defense could not agree on the cost of the boats, which disrupted the state defense order. Therefore, back in July, Vladimir Putin was instructed to quickly end the signing of all documents. The deadline for the final transfer of the "corrected" submarine "Nevsky" to the fleet is set for December.
The representatives of the Navy are sure that the reason for the imperfections was the habit of shipbuilders to work with an immovable boat, while in the course of its movement there are factors that cannot always be mathematically calculated. In addition, confident in the fleet, the developers themselves hardly had to operate the submarine. The military were perplexed to find out that there was no steering window in the wheelhouse for review, or when they saw the too narrow door to the gyropost. The porthole was cut in, the door was widened.
The representative of the project - the Rubin design bureau - believes that the defects that went to Yuri Dolgoruky were transferred to the Nevsky, because it was designed on the hull of another submarine, the K-333 Lynx, which was never built.
- The Borey project had to go through the redesign three times for three different weapon systems: first for the D-31 missile systems, then for the Bark D-19UTTKh, then for the Bulava. Difficulties with testing the latter slowed down the process, - the designers say.
"Alexander Nevsky" was laid down in the spring of 2004 at Sevmash under the project 09550 under the name K-550. It was supposed to be launched last year, and this year it should already be in the Navy. Its construction is estimated at 23 billion rubles: R&D cost 9 billion and the construction itself pulled 14 billion.