For foreign states, Russia has always been and remains a country that is simply drawn to criticize once again. The authorities of some countries of the former socialist camp, as well as, according to tradition, the Americans and their henchmen especially want to succeed in this. Criticism is often associated with the principles of government in our country, the chosen democratic forms, pressure on the media, and an aging technical park. But recently, exclamations have begun to be heard that Russia, in addition to all that has been said, is also producing low-quality weapons. Of course, if the same Americans or French are saying this, then you can understand them - after all, competition … You will, they say, muddy the Russians, and then it will be clear - maybe you will be able to sell more of your own …
But when reproaches against Russian weapons come from countries such as India, with which cooperation has been going on for several decades, it is worth considering. Some will immediately demonstrate clear aggression against Indian and other colleagues who are purchasing Russian weapons: they say, what are these Hare Krishnas itching to do! They have bought, they say, billions of dollars worth of our equipment, and everything is wrong for them - sometimes the tanks do not fire, then the ship's engines stall, then the planes fall. If we do not go into the context of transactions on the supply of Russian weapons abroad, then, of course, we can say that buyers simply want to bring down the price, so they are inventing all sorts of taunts against us. But if we try to understand the situation, then problems appear in our production complex.
So, some time ago, accusations were brought against the Russian side that the aircraft carrier delivered to India categorically refuses to sail as it should. At the same time, the Indians claim that this ship does not even have a couple of meters of electrical wiring that is not rotten through and through, and the power from the generators is extremely unstable. Immediately reproaches were heard from the Russian suppliers against the Indians themselves. And these words are about the following: they themselves, they say, bought a ship from us "at a discount", and now you also don’t like the fact that we didn’t repair it at all. It was necessary, they say, to pay our electrician guys "denyushka", they would twist something there and insulate them with their blue electrical tape. The situation is more similar to the case in kindergarten, when one boy exchanges another broken car for a bitten off apple.
I just want to say: citizens are sellers, and citizens are buyers, why are you fooling around? If we are talking about the sale of an entire aircraft carrier, then some of it needed at least a marketable appearance, while others had to look, as they say, under the hood. Now both those and others may get the impression that the partner, to put it mildly, is not entirely reliable. And this will be absolutely true.
The situation with equipment that has already been used is quite understandable: any used as new will no longer work. But when it comes to new Russian weapons, it becomes a shame for the Power, when everyone allows himself to blame this weapon. We will try to consider this difficult issue as well. Claims for new weapons from Russia were again presented from India. The essence of the claims is as follows: corrected Russian-made projectiles deteriorate very quickly during storage. Our side immediately announced that the storage conditions of Krasnopolis in India did not fit any standard.
You can immediately comment on: how are the same shells stored with us? Literally every month we hear from TV screens: ammunition explodes in military depots in Siberia, in the North-West, or in the Urals. Conscript soldiers are dying, who, as always, turn out to be guilty. Well, in fact, no one will say that this "General Pupkin" has not been able to lay a normal floor in a warehouse and patch the roof for 10 years. So in India, shells are stored approximately according to the same principle. They also studied with us, these Indian generals …
Therefore, it is, of course, possible to make claims to each other, but what has to do with the shells themselves. As they say, there is nothing to blame on the mirror …
However, situations have often begun to arise in which Russian military or space technology can actually let foreign partners down, and here it is far from improper storage or inadequate exploitation. How to deal with a launch vehicle, which, for obscure reasons, "ditched" several satellites of other states at once. Here even fraternal Belarus quite reasonably began to be indignant, because its satellite was "lost without a fight." Recently, the Russian Progress once again made the whole world shudder by not making it to the ISS. The new T-50 fighter also showed itself not quite impressively at the recent MAKS-2011. And, unfortunately, there are more and more such examples from year to year.
It is no longer possible to speak of the 100% flawlessness of our military developments. It is a fact. And while we are trying to "patch" the holes and look for the guilty not only in the assembly shops and in the designers' offices, but also among the "conspiring Russophobes", more and more complaints about our equipment will appear in the world. So, you need to stop collecting ridiculous excuses, and approach the issue of development and implementation of your side of the contract in a truly responsible manner.