The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation conducted massive inspections in the field of public procurement, during which prosecutors discovered a large number of violations, including criminal ones, at almost all stages of procurement.
The conversation is about over 10 thousand violations of the tender legislation, for the elimination of which more than 2, 5 thousand representations of the prosecutor's office were made. Over 150 applications were sent to the courts.
According to the supervisory authority, about 1,500 officials were brought to administrative and disciplinary responsibility. As a result of the checks, over thirty criminal cases were initiated. The damage to the state was compensated for the amount exceeding 30 million rubles.
The information of the prosecutor's office testifies that most often officials used schemes of violations when signing acts on the acceptance of goods and services rendered or work performed. Thus, there were cases when officials signed acts on the performance of work that did not comply with the terms of the contract or were performed improperly. Or, when, according to the documents, the work was completed and the money was spent, but in fact the work was not carried out at all. These facts were discovered by the prosecutor's office in Khakassia, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Lipetsk, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk, regions, Krasnodar and Perm regions.
In addition to conducting inspections, the prosecutor's office is also engaged in contributing to compensation for the damage that unscrupulous officials have inflicted on the state.
So, as an example, we will cite the lawsuit of the prosecutor of the Trans-Baikal Territory, on the basis of which, by a court order, an arrest was imposed on the property of one of the recent leaders of the Ministry of the Territory in the amount of over 8 million rubles. Among the seized property are an apartment worth 6.5 million rubles and a Toyota Land Cruiser jeep worth 1.5 million rubles. A criminal case was initiated against this official under the article "negligence". This "nouveau riche" signed an act on receipt of special equipment in the amount of over 8, 7 million rubles. At the same time, no one has seen the technology itself until now.
Also, by the verdict of the court, the former head of the directorate for the construction of buildings for the State University of St. Petersburg, as well as the general director and chief engineer of one of the commercial firms, was convicted. These persons entered into government contracts for the reconstruction and repair of the library buildings, while overestimating the cost of the work performed. As a result of this fraud, according to the materials of the investigation, an amount exceeding 38 million Russian rubles was stolen.
Along with these violations, during the inspections, the prosecutor's office also encountered such a form of obtaining illegal income as kickbacks and bribery during the auction.
Thus, according to the results of the inspection, a criminal case was initiated in the Kostroma region under the article "commercial bribery". The grounds for initiating the case were the data that a certain construction company received about 2.2 million Russian rubles for refusing to further participate in the tender for construction work for state needs.
A criminal case was initiated on the facts of illegal use of their powers by a number of officials of the state enterprise of the Krasnodar Territory. During the auction, officials deliberately overestimated a particular organization, which ultimately won the auction. At the same time, the declared cost of the work exceeded similar offers of the other participants "by the smallest", by 50 million Russian rubles.
But, according to the prosecutor's office, there are even more "insignificant" - administrative offenses, for which officials are responsible in rubles. Thus, the director of one of the departments of the administration of the Kostroma region was fined 160,000 rubles. The first deputy head of the administration of the municipal formation "Kholmsky urban district" in the Sakhalin region was fined 120,000 rubles under 5 orders of the prosecutor.
As noted in the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, for violations of the procedure for conducting public procurement, not only government officials were brought to administrative responsibility, but also local officials on the territory of almost most regions of the state.