Americans are not in vain afraid of the export of Russian weapons

Americans are not in vain afraid of the export of Russian weapons
Americans are not in vain afraid of the export of Russian weapons

The supply of military equipment and weapons abroad is often carried out with the help of special services. Any specific details of such transactions are usually kept secret. As a rule, only the totals of transactions are reported to the media. In 2010, Russia exported nearly $ 10 billion worth of military products abroad. This, in particular, was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Sergei Ivanov, speaking to the audience at the ceremony of awarding the laureates of the national prize in the field of military-technical cooperation "Golden Idea".

At the same time, the portfolio of orders for the Russian defense industry is more complete than ever. In the coming years, it is estimated at $ 45 billion and, according to experts, is unlikely to lose on an annualized basis. The Russians cannot but rejoice, not only because there is no extra money, but also because it vividly proves to us that the country's military-industrial complex is still alive, and rumors of his death are greatly exaggerated. Most likely, this is also the merit of the Russian special services, which did not give offense to the Russian defense complex.

However, the success of the Russian defense industry is not encouraging in the first place to the United States, which has long been condemning Russia for the "trade in death." This is evidenced by the secret documents published by the infamous Julian Assange on the WikiLeaks website. Reproaches from America look at least strange and, most likely, are caused by a simple resentment of a competitor. Russia is in second place after the states for the sale of weapons. Thus, in 2010, the United States sold various weapons worth more than $ 37.8 billion, so which of the two countries is the main "supplier of death" is a big question. The US position on this issue, as well as on many others, clearly demonstrates its policy of double standards.

From data published on the WikiLeaks website

William J. Burns, a former American ambassador to Moscow, is currently in charge of the "Russian direction" in the US State Department. This subject is very fond of reading morality to our politicians and teaching them democracy. This is what he wrote in 2007 from Moscow to America.

Americans are not in vain afraid of the export of Russian weapons
Americans are not in vain afraid of the export of Russian weapons

Fighter Su-30MK2

“Officials in Russia are cynical about our efforts to restrict Russian arms exports to dangerous states. The threat of US sanctions has practically no effect on Russia's position. torment because of their arms trade. On the contrary, they perceive it as a symbol of the revival of Russia's sovereign power throughout the world."

Arms sales are an important item of Russian export. According to official statistics for 2006, the turnover of Russian weapons amounted to $ 6, 7 billion. Compared to 2005, this indicator has grown by 12%, and if compared with 2003, the growth is even more noticeable - 56%. Sales in 2007 are projected to reach $ 8 billion. Russia is working to improve warranty and after-sales service conditions, which increases the attractiveness of its military products. As a result, Russian weapons are sold at higher prices than previously. In fact, Russia has secured the 2nd place after the United States in the market for the sale of various weapons to the developing countries of the world. It is worth noting that a fairly large part of these weapons are sent to countries that pose a threat to the United States.

Thus, there is information that in 2007 Iran transferred $ 700 million to Russia for the purchase of Tor-M1 air defense systems. Russia suspended the supply of Iskander-E tactical systems to Syria only after intense pressure from the international community. Venezuela continues to be a growing market, which in 2006 alone purchased weapons worth $ 1.2 billion. The country purchased 24 Su-30MK2 fighter-bombers and 34 combat helicopters. Russia welcomes this country with open arms: be it the transfer of 72,000 Kalashnikovs (AK-103) to it or negotiations on the construction of three Amur-class submarines worth almost $ 1 billion. Russia is ready to embody all the ambitious regional dreams of the Venezuelan leader. Former Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, and currently a member of the Defense Committee in the State Duma, Anatoly Kulikov said that "Russia makes very bad cars, but produces excellent weapons."

John Beyrle, the current US Ambassador to Moscow, has also paid attention to the topic of the export of Russian arms. At the same time, the main source of various classified information about the supply of Russian weapons to the states of the Middle East is Israel, the loyal ally of the United States in this region.

From e-mail by John Beyrle dated 2010-18-02, marked "confidential". “The Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Fuchs gave us a message yesterday that Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, during his working visit to Israel, assured them that Russia is not going to supply its S-300 air defense systems to any of the countries in the region.

Apparently, the Russian government at least temporarily postponed the delivery of S-300 air defense systems to Iran. Most likely, the siloviki will continue to put pressure on the government to ensure that this deal takes place, proceeding from the financial and foreign policy interests of Russia."


Hugo Chavez with a Kalashnikov assault rifle

America fears for good reason

We previously published a report by the US Center for Strategies and Technology at the US Air Force, which outlined their vision for Russia by 2030. Recognizing that Russia will become significantly stronger by 2030 and become a strong regional state, American analysts stressed that our country will not be able to implement a global projection of military power around the world. In order to at least partially support this opportunity, Russia will continue to improve its nuclear potential, space group and means of information warfare. Arguing in this way, American experts have forgotten that Russia is a major arms exporter.

Yes, we will experience, as now, difficulties in conducting large-scale military operations with the use of significant forces of the army and navy far from our borders, but this will in no way affect the presence of modern Russian weapons directly near the US borders and at its geopolitical junction points. interests.

The most striking example today is Venezuela, which closely cooperates with Russia on the supply of various weapons. This country is interested in buying Russian tanks, air defense systems, aircraft and multiple launch rocket systems. Russia supplies all these weapons to it. Hugo Chavez's regime is like a bone in the throat for Americans, however, they cannot do anything with it. Russia, on the other hand, derives multilateral benefits from this. It provides its military-industrial complex with orders, which brings money to the budget, develops a relatively new market in Latin America, advertising its equipment on it, and exerts pressure on the United States in the immediate vicinity of its borders, simply supplying modern weapons to a country that has always been in the zone interests of the states. Thus, Russia is realizing another instrument of its projection of power on a planetary scale.
