In January 1944, in the zone of the 14th Infantry Division (14th Army of the Karelian Front), which was defending in the area of Bolshaya Zapadnaya Litsa, the activity of enemy reconnaissance increased, and the enemy's movement along the roads increased. At the same time, the operation of several new radio transmitters was detected. To clarify the enemy's grouping and establish his plans, the division commander decided to send a reconnaissance group to the enemy's location and capture the "tongue".
In the area of Lake Dikoe, where the division's 95th Infantry Regiment defended, the enemy defense consisted of a number of separate platoon and company strongpoints. Communication between them was maintained by counter patrols. Thus, it was easier to take prisoners in this sector of the front than in the others. It was decided to send a reconnaissance group here.
Parts of the 388th Infantry Brigade were located here. The Nazis had a well-organized defense, which they strengthened for two years. Its main lane was equipped with a large number of engineering structures and barriers. Our command chose a strong point located at an altitude of 9, 8, 10 km west of Bolshaya Zapadnaya Litsa as the object of the attack. According to intelligence, the garrison of the strongpoint was about 50 people.
The strong point had three pillboxes, laid out of stone, with ceilings, several machine-gun platforms and rifle cells, interconnected by trenches. The approaches to the strong point were covered by fire from a height of 10, 2, located about 600 m south-west of it, and from a height of Fortified and southern slopes of the Gorelya height (respectively, up to 1 km north and 2 km north-east of a height 9, 8). In front of the front edge and on the flanks, mines of tension and pressure action were installed, as well as rubble. When illuminating and shelling the approaches to their stronghold, the Nazis paid special attention to the southeastern and southern directions, apparently considering them the most convenient for an attack. The territory between the strongholds was fully visible and under fire, with the exception of a small hollow that ran along the southern slopes of the Gorelaya hill.
To capture the Nazis, the division commander ordered the formation of a reconnaissance group as part of the 35th separate reconnaissance company, reinforced by a platoon of a separate ski battalion of the division and a sapper squad. To command it, he appointed the company commander, Senior Lieutenant D. S. Pokramovich. (About him was described in the article Legendary scout of the Karelian Front.) The division headquarters developed and approved by the division commander an action plan to destroy the stronghold and take prisoners.
In the reconnaissance group, 3 combat subgroups were created: a cover subgroup (a platoon of a separate ski battalion with two machine guns); a subgroup for suppressing and destroying enemy firing points (16 scouts from the 2nd reconnaissance platoon and 2 sappers) and a subgroup for attacking dugouts of personnel and capturing prisoners (23 scouts from the 1st platoon of the reconnaissance company and 2 sappers). Under the group commander, a control cell was created, consisting of three radio operators, messengers and a medical instructor.

Two subgroups of the reconnaissance group were under the cover of a platoon of a separate ski battalion, which was supposed to be on alert to repel possible enemy counterattacks from the northern and northwestern directions and, if necessary, provide cover for the withdrawal of the main forces (35th separate reconnaissance company). After completing the main task, he needed to attack an enemy stronghold, destroy the German garrison, capture control prisoners and destroy pillboxes and other structures.
The route of movement was planned along the southern slopes of the Gorelaia hill, devoid of folds and vegetation, where the enemy could least of all expect an attack. The actions of the reconnaissance group were to be supported by the 1st and 2nd batteries of the 143rd artillery regiment, the 1st and 3rd mortar companies of the 95th rifle regiment and the 1st battery of the 275th mortar regiment. With the start of the attack by the reconnaissance group of the strongpoint, they had to suppress the enemy firing points to the north and south-west of the assault object and be ready to open a fixed barrage (NZO) in the event of possible enemy counterattacks.
Communication with the reconnaissance group was planned to be carried out by radio (a special negotiation table was developed for this), artillery fire control - from the observation post (OP) of the division's reconnaissance chief equipped at the height of Ogurets, target designation - with tracer shells from an anti-tank gun. Since January 25, the personnel of the reconnaissance group have been preparing to carry out the assigned task. Combat training sessions were held with the following topics: "Fight of a rifle company to capture a strong point in the polar night", "Organization of a rifle company march in winter in the tundra." Also, 7 practical exercises were held on a specially selected and equipped area, where they practiced actions to overcome mine and wire obstacles, block and destroy firing points, and worked out management issues. The leadership of the classes was carried out by officers of the division headquarters. After each of them, the chief of staff, Lieutenant Colonel V. I. Tarasov conducted a short analysis, pointing out the positive and negative aspects in the actions of squads and platoons, individual soldiers and officers. Considerable attention was paid to organizing interaction between subgroups, as well as with supporting artillery and mortar units in the polar night. Agitators were also assigned to the subgroups, who were personally instructed by the head of the division's political department. Political classes, conversations were held with the soldiers, reports of the Sovinformburo were read out daily.
The reconnaissance group was formed from physically hardy warriors who were good skiing and had considerable experience in fighting in the Arctic. In addition to the standard armament, the scouts received 72 anti-tank and 128 hand grenades, 5 concentrated charges (6 kg of explosives each) to complete the assigned task. All personnel were provided with skis, white camouflage coats, short fur coats, felt boots and a set of warm underwear, as well as individual sanitary packs and frostbite ointment.
The terrain in the area of the planned actions was flat, covered in some places with bushes. The depth of the snow cover reached 70 cm, which made it impossible to move off-road without skis. At 19:30 on February 12, 1944, the reconnaissance group set out on skis under cover of darkness. A platoon of a separate ski battalion of Lieutenant A. F. Danilov (cover group), followed by the 2nd reconnaissance platoon (subgroup for suppression and destruction of firing points) at a distance of 50 m, led by Lieutenant N. I. Zhdanov, then - the 1st scout platoon of Lieutenant A. V. Tanyavin (subgroup of attacks on dugouts and capture of prisoners). The movement was closed by the control cell.

Having reached the foot of heights 8, 7, the cover group, at the command of senior lieutenant Pokramovich, advanced to the southern slopes of the Gorelaya hill. The rest of the scouts approached the strongpoint from the west and lay down at a distance of 250-300 m. After orienting themselves in the terrain and clarifying the tasks, both subgroups began to advance to the line of attack. Zhdanov's subgroup - to the firing points on the western slope of the hill, Tanyavin's subgroup - to the dugouts. Upon receipt of reports from the commanders of the subgroups about the occupation of the initial position, Senior Lieutenant Pokramovich at 1 hour 30 minutes reported on the radio about the readiness to storm the strongpoint and called artillery fire.
A heavy fire raid followed. With its beginning, the fighters of both subgroups with a swift throw reached the first row of barbed wire. Following the example of Private Nikolai Ignatenkov, several scouts, throwing off their sheepskin coats, lay down on the wire, creating a living bridge across which the rest of the soldiers passed. The second row of wire obstacles was overcome in the same way. The appearance of the scouts in the location of the strong point for the Nazis was a complete surprise. Not allowing the enemy to recover, both subgroups swiftly attacked the objects they identified.
The soldiers of the platoon of Lieutenant Zhdanov threw grenades at the pillboxes, destroying the enemy soldiers who had taken refuge there from the artillery fire. A few minutes later, three firing points were destroyed, while up to twenty Nazis were destroyed and two were taken prisoner, two machine guns were captured. After completing the task, the scouts took up defenses southeast of the strongpoint in order to prevent the reconnaissance group from counterattacking from the strongpoint at height 10, 2.
Meanwhile, a subgroup of Lieutenant Tanyavin went to the area of dugouts. Having removed the sentry, the scouts threw grenades at three dugouts, exterminating the Nazis who were in them. With two captured Nazis, the subgroup began to retreat quickly. The suddenness and swiftness of action ensured success. In a short time, a strong point was destroyed and up to fifty fascists were destroyed. In addition, the scouts captured four prisoners, two machine guns and documents.

During the fleeting battle, the reconnaissance group was not opposed by the garrisons of neighboring strongpoints. However, when our soldiers began to withdraw, the Nazis came to their senses and opened first machine-gun and soon artillery and mortar fire. At the same time, from the side of height 10, 2, an enemy group, up to a platoon size, left and began to pursue the scouts. Two groups, numbering up to 40 people, appeared from the side of Gorelaia (on the left flank of the reconnaissance group). The reconnaissance squad, following in the rearguard, met the pursuing group with automatic bursts and forced them to lie down in the open. Lieutenant Danilov's platoon, which was in an ambush on the outskirts of Gorelai Hill, engaged in battle with two other groups and also stopped them. At the same time, the commander of the reconnaissance group called in our artillery fire. A few minutes later, Soviet shells and mines began to burst in the lines of the counterattacking fascists. Confusion arose in their ranks. Unable to withstand the dense fire, the Nazis began to hastily retreat.
The reconnaissance group returned safely to the location of the 95th Infantry Regiment. The task was completed. The captured enemy soldiers provided valuable information about the defense and the group of fascists. The losses of our scouts were: one killed and six wounded. The success of the reconnaissance group's actions was ensured by thorough and comprehensive training of personnel for the upcoming actions. The decision to organize and conduct the battle was justified. The route of the exit to the control point was chosen successfully. Using it, our scouts were able to achieve surprise. Well-organized interaction between the subgroups of the reconnaissance group, as well as supporting fire resources, also played an important role. All this was clearly coordinated in terms of time and boundaries. The data for the gunners and mortarmen were carefully prepared in advance, the timely and effective fire of the artillery support contributed to the successful actions of the scouts.
The swiftness of action, initiative, resourcefulness, courage and high skill of the warriors ensured the effectiveness of the task with minimal losses. Having good command of hand-to-hand combat techniques, being able to navigate the terrain and act in the dark, they were able to use camouflage measures to stealthily and accurately reach a given object and suddenly attack it. For the skillful leadership of the unit's actions in the destruction of a heavily fortified enemy stronghold and the capture of prisoners, the commander of the 35th separate reconnaissance company of the 14th rifle division, senior lieutenant Dmitry Semenovich Pokramovich, was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky. Many soldiers of the company were awarded high awards.