The West, led by the United States, is furious with the "Russian revolt" against the dominance of "liberal values." The Pentagon is preparing a "hypersonic blitzkrieg" for Russia. In 5-6 years, after the massive introduction of new generation hypersonic missiles and aerospace aircraft into service with the US Army, Washington expects to achieve undeniable military superiority over Moscow and, from a position of strength, dictate the terms of its geopolitical surrender to the Kremlin.
World hegemon against "Russian barbarians"
The events in Ukraine have clearly shown that today the United States, despite all its military might, is not ready to enter into an open military conflict with Moscow. The military infrastructure of NATO for the last 25 years has been strenuously "sharpened" for colonial wars with third world countries, and therefore is unable to ensure the Alliance victory in the Great War against a resurgent Russia.
But this does not mean that the West has come to terms with this state of affairs. In Washington, apparently, they realized that we are talking about the future of Western civilization as it has been formed over the past few centuries. Historical "draw" in the confrontation between the United States and Russia is no longer possible. Or the old Western might will irrevocably perish in the whirlpools of a new era, and the resurrected Moscow will establish itself on the international arena as the Third Rome; or the West, having made a qualitative technological breakthrough, will forever push Russia from the world stage into the abyss of historical oblivion.
Central to this arms race belongs to the development of the so-called. "Hypersonic weapons" and its main carriers - aerospace weapons systems.
Ultimate weapon
Today a lot is said and written about the military "hypersound" in the media, but what it is, for the most part, we have a poor idea. Simply put, "hypersound" is the ability of any material object - an aircraft or a rocket, for example, to maneuver in the atmosphere at a speed that is many times (not less than 5-10 times) higher than the speed of sound (331 m / s). That is, at a speed of several kilometers per second. In the military field, such a speed has long been available to intercontinental ballistic missiles, but they reach it only in space, in airless space, at altitudes where there is no air resistance and, accordingly, the possibility of aerodynamic maneuvering and flight control.
In turn, military aircraft today can be effectively used only at altitudes up to 20, from a force of 25 kilometers. Spacecraft - at an altitude of at least 140 kilometers (low orbit parameters). The interval of heights is from 20-25 to 140-150 km. turns out to be inaccessible for military use. But it is precisely this altitude range - available exclusively for hypersonic aircraft - that is fantastically promising in terms of combat effectiveness.
Why is hypersound so important for the military? The answer is simple. It consists of only three words: speed, accuracy, invulnerability. Hypersonic missiles, when created, will be capable of hitting any target on the globe within an hour. Moreover, due to its ability to maneuver, correct course throughout the entire flight, strike with the highest accuracy, literally up to a meter. At the same time, starting from air or aerospace carriers, which are extremely difficult to track. Moving in the atmosphere, in a plasma cloud, and therefore remaining as stealthy as possible and absolutely inaccessible to any missile defense system. Thus, it surpasses many times in the effectiveness of combat use of all existing types of weapons, including thermonuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Hypersonic flight is indistinguishable not only for modern radar equipment. In the foreseeable future, the creation of means of intercepting such missiles is not even foreseen. It is not for nothing that, apparently, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, commenting on the prospects for creating hypersonic vehicles, recently said that in terms of its significance and influence on the strategy of armed struggle, this breakthrough can be compared, perhaps, only with the creation of an atomic bomb.
The advent of hypersonic weapons will make a real revolution in military affairs. The first who will be able to massively put into service his army hypersonic aircraft, will receive, in fact, an absolute weapon capable of solving any strategic tasks in the shortest possible time and with minimal costs. For example, quickly, inevitably and with impunity to destroy the military-political leadership of any country, the infrastructure of its state administration, key military and economic facilities. Simply put, instantly decapitate any opponent, paralyzing his ability to resist and retaliate.
Cold war, hot war …
Thus, we can assume with a high degree of probability that the American plan to "contain" Russia with further "final elimination of the Russian threat" consists of two main parts. Its first stage, which can be conditionally designated as "Cold War 2.0", will most likely last until 2018, when the next elections of the Russian president will take place. During this time, the Americans will try to complicate the internal political situation as much as possible with economic sanctions, financial sabotage and massive propaganda campaigns. in Moscow, provoke a full-scale socio-political crisis and launch the “Russian Maidan” as the engine of the next “perestroika” and “color revolution”. The main goal of Washington at this stage is to achieve the removal (better - the physical removal) of Putin from the presidency, the "cleansing" of the country's top leadership, the establishment of the pro-Western regime of liberals and globalists, American "agents of influence" in power. If this does not work out, then the minimum program is to slow down, and it is desirable to completely disrupt the program of modernization and rearmament of the Russian army and navy.
In the field of international relations, the main goal of the United States at this stage is by no means to prevent the reunification of Russia with Ukraine, the strengthening of the Eurasian Union, the military-political alliance between Moscow and Beijing, and the transformation of the Kremlin into the generally recognized leader of peoples rejecting Western hegemony.
In addition to nuclear ICBMs, a group of American long-range cruise missiles is called upon to provide the military component of the "containment" of Russia at this stage. In 2015-16. the number of this group should reach seven thousand CRBD deployed on sea and air carriers. Pentagon experts believe that this number of Tomahawks will be enough to inflict unacceptable damage on Russia, even without resorting to the use of nuclear weapons. This means that it is possible to effectively restrain "Russian aggression" without risking running into a retaliatory nuclear strike on its own territory.
If the first stage of the American plan does not bring the expected results, then at its second stage, in 2020-25, after the entry into service of the US Army of hypersonic weapons and their aerospace carriers, it will become possible to move from Cold War 2.0 to a hot one. phase. During this period, Washington will strive to achieve undeniable military superiority over Moscow through the massive deployment of new generation hypersonic missiles and aerospace aircraft to the US Army. And already from a position of strength to dictate to the Kremlin the terms of its complete and final geopolitical surrender. After that, the unified Russian state will be divided into several "independent" quasi-state entities (European Russia, the Ural Republic, Siberia, the Far Eastern Republic, etc.), which are under the protectorate of the United States and its allies.
Attack line
For the sake of the earliest achievement of this goal in the United States today, various departments are developing several promising hypersonic projects at once. These are X-43A (supervised by the NASA space agency), X-51A and Falcon HTV-2 (Air Force projects), AHW (Ground Forces), ArcLight (Navy) and others. Such a massive assault on hypersound, according to experts, will allow the Americans to create serial samples of long-range air and sea-based hypersonic cruise missiles by 2018-20.
Considering the importance of the topic, the results of tests of hypersonic vehicles are a secret behind seven seals. It is possible to judge how things are going with their development only by the reports of the Americans about success or failure in the course of certain test launches. They conducted their last such experiment in August 2014. The Kh-43A rocket was launched from the Kodiak test site in Alaska. This missile was developed as a joint project of the American army and the Sandia National laboratory within the framework of the "Rapid Global Strike" concept. It was assumed that during the current tests, she, gaining a speed of about 6, 5 thousand km / h, will hit a training target in the Pacific atoll of Kwajalein. But the device only worked for 7 seconds before burning up in the atmosphere. Nevertheless, the USA called this flight a success because the car has demonstrated the ability to gain the required acceleration …
Russia also does not sit idly by
The fact that the United States is developing fundamentally new means of aerospace attack, which will make it possible to radically change the course and outcome of hostilities during aerospace operations, is no secret for us for a long time. This was announced on December 8, 2014 by Pavel Sozinov, General Designer of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern. He said: “A whole range of work carried out in the United States allows them to switch to the use of a fundamentally new class of weapons at the turn of 2020 in terms of delivering warheads and high-precision weapons to the target. elements in the combat load of ballistic missiles and a number of other areas, which are characterized by the development of unconventional methods of delivering ammunition, both nuclear and conventional. As for hypersonic warheads for strategic missiles, Russia is a recognized leader in this area. All our new ICBMs, both naval (Bulava, Liner) and ground-based (Topol-M, Yars), have for several years been equipped with just such warheads capable of in the final section of the trajectory after entering into the atmosphere, to maneuver both in the course and in flight altitude.
But as for the so-called. "Inter-medium flying vehicles", or more simply - aerospace aircraft capable of operating both in airless space and in the atmosphere, while making rapid hypersonic "dives" from near-earth orbit into the air for the use of high-precision weapons - then information on this the topic is extremely scarce.
Pavel Sozinov cited the projects being implemented in the USA under the Falcon and X-37 programs as an example of such devices. According to him, the combat vehicles created under the X-37 program "already today allow up to three warheads to be put into orbit and delivered to the target, bypassing the missile attack warning system and other means of control." In the future, an American aerospace aircraft, launched into orbit with hypersonic missiles on board, will be able to carry out combat duty there for several years - in constant readiness for the instant use of weapons upon a signal from the ground command post. An orbital group of several dozen such vehicles will be able to ensure the defeat of any target on the earth's surface within literally a few minutes.
In order to achieve this result as soon as possible, the American X-37 program is actively developing. "The key is the maneuverable capabilities to change the orbital parameters of the flight and increase the combat load," Sozinov said, noting that in order to counter the threats that appear in connection with the development of new aerospace destruction systems in the United States, the requirements for Russian radar systems must be changed. Missile attack warning systems, Outer space control systems and weapons.
At the same time, Russia is developing its hypersonic strike systems at an accelerated pace. At the same time, relying on the extensive and truly invaluable experience of Soviet designers, who left us a unique groundwork.
The first hypersonic device was created in the USSR at the end of the 70s of the last century. But it was first shown to the public only in 1997, at the MAKS air show. It was presented as a system of a new class - "the X-90 hypersonic experimental aircraft." In the West, it was named AS-19 Koala. According to the organizers of the air show, the missile flew at a range of up to 3,000 km. and carried two individually guided warheads capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 100 km. from the split point. The carrier of the X-90 could be a modernized version of the Tu 160M strategic bomber.
This means that even in Soviet times, the Kh-90 rocket flew farther and longer than its current American counterparts. At the same time, the plasma cloud that arose around the vehicle while moving at hypersonic speeds allowed it not only to move in the atmosphere at a speed of several kilometers per second, but to move in "broken" trajectories, sharply changing the direction of flight. In addition, the plasma cloud created the effect of invisibility of the device for radars. However, the Kh-90 missile never entered service with the Soviet army. And in 1992, after the collapse of the USSR, work on this project was completely suspended.
Margin of safety
And yet the experience and work of Soviet designers were not in vain. As soon as Russia began to recover from the liberal-democratic pogrom of the "dashing nineties", work on hypersonic topics resumed.
As a result, already in 2011, the Central Institute of Aviation Motors from Lytkarino near Moscow demonstrated to specialists a number of models of promising hypersonic missiles. At the same time, the representative of the institute, Vyacheslav Semyonov, said that next year, in 2012, not a mock-up would be ready, but a fully usable flight model of a hypersonic cruise missile. The name of the promising complex - "Zircon" was even leaked to the press.
Apparently, the tests of this complex were successful, tk. a year later, in 2013, the Ministry of Defense reported that long-range aircraft would soon be equipped with hypersonic weapons. And in the summer of this year, 2014, the Tactical Missile Armament Corporation and the Ministry of Defense reported that they had finally agreed on a program for creating hypersonic missile technologies until 2020.
Thus, Washington's hopes for a decisive military advantage over Moscow, apparently, will not come true. The Pentagon will not become the world's only owner of "absolute" hypersonic weapons. Moreover, Russia has already taken care of the deployment of a nationwide system to counter hypersonic danger. For this, we will even have a new type of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the Aerospace Forces.
The Aerospace Defense Forces will include air defense forces and aviation, which are now part of the Air Force, as well as reconnaissance and information and strike complexes, which are still part of the Aerospace Defense Forces. At the same time, already from the very name of the Aerospace Forces it follows that they will solve not only defense issues, like the air defense and aerospace defense forces, but the whole range of problems associated with a new era in military art, which will inevitably become the result of the "hypersonic revolution" and the emergence of combat aerospace aircraft. It will take several years to create such a new branch of the Armed Forces, but this work has already begun.
In October 2014, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced the improvement of the Unified Space System (CES), which should replace the missile attack warning devices developed in Soviet times. The new EKS will make it possible to detect launches of various types of missiles, including "launches of prototypes from the world's oceans and from the territories of countries conducting tests." The Russian military department says that we are talking about a fundamentally new system with qualitatively different, higher technical capabilities of spacecraft and ground control centers …
Let's summarize.
1. The Western world is in a state of crisis, the influence of the West on the world economy, politics and culture is consistently and inexorably decreasing.
2. Under these conditions, the Americans hope to maintain their dwindling military advantage and elusive geopolitical hegemony with the help of a new generation of hypersonic aerospace weapons.
3. Against this background, by the very course of the historical process, Russia is being promoted to the role of the leader of the anti-Western coalition of peoples.
4. Moscow's adoption of new models of hypersonic weapons in combination with the creation of the Aerospace Forces should provide Russia with the necessary "margin of safety" in the face of Western aggression, American geopolitical claims and the coming Great War.
Help us, Lord!