On the abdication of Nicholas II Alexandrovich

On the abdication of Nicholas II Alexandrovich
On the abdication of Nicholas II Alexandrovich
On the abdication of Nicholas II Alexandrovich
On the abdication of Nicholas II Alexandrovich

Some say that the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II Alexandrovich from the "Throne of the Russian State" was a volitional act, a manifestation of personal strength and courage. Others argue that there was no abdication of the last Russian emperor at all. And yet, the named renunciation took place. I suppose that Nicholas II Alexandrovich was just afraid that he would repeat the fate of his great-great-grandfather, Emperor Pavel I Petrovich, whom the conspirators from his inner circle hit on the head with a snuffbox and then strangled him with a scarf. Therefore, Nicholas II Alexandrovich considered it for his own good to simply renounce …


Why did the Tsar-Sovereign ultimately abdicate, renouncing the throne? For his reign, he was anointed by the Russian Orthodox Church, according to the teaching of which “The Holy Confirmation of the Kings is a sacred rite, in which the grace of the Holy Spirit is communicated to them to strengthen them in the performance of the highest ministry on earth” (from the book: The Teaching on the Divine Service of the Orthodox Church, compiled by the Archpriest of the Church of the Mariinsky Palace Dmitry Sokolov. SPb., 1894, p. 107). Having renounced the reign, Nicholas II Alexandrovich also renounced the sacred rite, therefore, he renounced the Church, therefore, he renounced Orthodoxy, therefore, he renounced the faith, therefore, he renounced Christ. Thus, Nicholas II Aleksandrovich became an apostate and a Christ-seller.

I in no way rebel against the ROC, which canonized Nicholas II Alexandrovich, but only share my thoughts. I would be glad if someone refutes my statements or proves otherwise.

By the way, why hasn't Pavel I Petrovich been canonized yet? …
