May 19, 2017 in the program “Red Project. The Cold War is a form of the world's existence. The nature of confrontation”on the TVC channel L. Ya. Gozman said at the 22nd and 23rd minutes: “Look how different it is, just about, I'm not talking about the fact that the Americans are good, but the Lord is with them, but I want to say about the fact that things happened in our country that I would not want to repeat. Yes? Here. Well, for example, look: we armed ourselves, which seems to be natural and normal, in such a situation. Well, let's say, in the 54th year of September 9, 14, excuse me, near Totsk, at the test site - this is not far from Orenburg - a nuclear weapon was tested. 45 thousand people, 45 thousand people (repetition in the speech. - Author) soldiers, well, soldiers and officers of the Soviet Army were there. After a nuclear charge was detonated in the air, a couple of hours after that they were only in gas masks, there were no other protective systems, they were sent directly to the epicenter of the explosion. It was an experiment on people: see what happens. If this is not a preparation for a nuclear war, then tell me, what is it? Tell me how this differs from the medical experiments of the Nazis."

To my great surprise, none of the participants in the program remembered that the United States at the nuclear test site in the state of Nevada in 1951-1957. 8 exercises were carried out under the serial name "Desert Rock" with several atomic explosions each, except for the first, which took place with one atomic explosion (some maneuvers were carried out after explosions of up to 4 atomic devices). 5 of these exercises were conducted before the Totsk teachings, which Gozman "told" about.
It would be naive to believe that Gozman did not know about these exercises in the United States. He deliberately presented the events that were taking place as if the USSR was striving for a nuclear war, rejecting all moral principles. Although it is obvious that the Soviet Union took retaliatory steps on a disproportionately smaller scale: once again, the USSR was forced to resort to military exercises with the use of atomic weapons. We are talking about the exercises conducted on September 10, 1956 at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site with the participation of about 1.5 thousand people.
Film about the first exercise "Desert Rock":

Thus, Gozman acted as a clear falsifier of the events of the Cold War.
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