Cossacks today

Cossacks today
Cossacks today

After the October Revolution and the Civil War, the Cossacks ceased to exist as a military-service class. The position of the Bolsheviks on the Cossack issue from the very beginning was focused on the elimination of this military estate, in whose person the new government saw a serious enemy. However, the Cossack culture survived, and in 1936, on the eve of World War II, it was decided to form Cossack cavalry units and formations in the Cossack regions. In the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, Stalin was forced to remember the Cossacks, their fearlessness, love for the Motherland and ability to fight. In the Red Army, Cossack cavalry and Plastun units and formations were revived, which made a heroic journey from the Volga and the Caucasus to Berlin and Prague, earned many military awards and titles of Heroes. Admittedly, cavalry corps and mechanized cavalry groups showed themselves excellently during the war against German fascism, but on June 24, 1945, immediately after the Victory Day parade, I. V. Stalin ordered Marshal S. M. Budyonny to start disbanding the cavalry formations, tk. cavalry as a branch of the Armed Forces was abolished. The Supreme Commander called the main reason for this the urgent need of the national economy in draft power, which, undoubtedly, was true. Despite the merits, after the war, the Cossack units were disbanded. The Cossacks were asked to live out their days in the form of folklore ensembles (with a strictly defined theme), and in films such as "Kuban Cossacks". Again the old Cossack proverb came true: "As the war, so brothers, as the world, so sons of bitches."

Cossacks today
Cossacks today

Rice. 1. Cossack fate

Nevertheless, the blood and genetic memory of the military-knightly class (Russian Kshatriyas), hereditary and professional military men made themselves felt. According to sociological studies of the Main Political Directorate of the Soviet Army in the early 80s, at least half of the cadre officers of the Soviet Army were descendants of the Cossacks. A new revival of the Cossacks began in the 80-90s of the last century, mainly with the hands and heads of retired Soviet officers, descendants of the Cossacks.


Rice. 2. Genetic memory

At all times of the existence of the Cossacks, objectively and independently of the legislation and the will of the rulers, there was a process of forming special communities on the Cossack lands that differed from others in stereotypes of behavior, developed their own unique culture, peculiarities of the language. And what is especially important, these Cossack communities saw and realized these differences, they developed an awareness of themselves as a separate people, different from others. The process of Russification of this people took several centuries, this process took place at different speeds, was often intermittent, in some places the differences between Cossacks and nonresidents were completely blurred. The Soviet authorities were especially successful in their "work" in the sphere of decossackization. Despite this, in many places the Don Cossacks, the Kuban Cossacks (although they clearly trace the difference between the Ukrainian-speaking "Black Sea residents" and the Russian-speaking "Lineers"), the Terek Cossacks, the Ural Cossacks have survived in many places as subethnos (rudiments of the nation). No nation appears immediately from nowhere and does not exist forever. Always and everywhere there is an invisible process of creation and development of new peoples (ethnic groups and superethnoses), which absorb and consist of small peoples (sub-ethnic groups). Sub-ethnoses differing in a number of features, such as the Don Cossacks, Kuban Cossacks, Terek Cossacks, etc., are trying to unite into a single Cossack sub-ethnos - an integral part of the great Russian people (superethnos of the Rus). This process is tortuous, intermittent and far from complete, but it cannot be ignored.

The reviving Russia, of course, needs its most efficient and disciplined sons. Before our eyes, the nature of wars is once again changing. The armies are becoming relatively small and professional. Along with the traditional ones, the so-called hybrid wars appeared, representing a well-coordinated combination of conventional, guerrilla and civil wars, as well as insurgency and terrorism. Hybrid warfare is a form of asymmetric warfare and is fought on three main battlegrounds:

- at the front and among the population of the conflict zone;

- among the rear population;

- among the international community.

Actually, this has been the case most often in the past. The new is the well-forgotten old. Wars became widespread only in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. They gave rise to total mobilizations and mass armies, vast theaters of military operations, with accompanying all this not only mass self-sacrifice and heroism, but also mass betrayal, cowardice, alarmism, desertion, etc. The reality of being is that not every healer, baker, turner, plowman, livestock breeder and even a soldier is capable of becoming a warrior. Suvorov also said: "A soldier is a profession, a fighter is a vocation, and a warrior is a state of mind." Much already says that now the war is again becoming the lot of the elite, a knightly affair, and the warrior is a piece product. So, even in ancient times, in each tribe, if it wanted to survive, there were special fighters and field commanders for military purposes, capable of organizing a crowd of tribal militias, inspiring, building into battle formations and turning them into a combat-ready army. For different peoples, these military defenders of the clans were called differently: among the Turks beks (bei, run), among the Russian boyars (derived from the word battle). Cossacks (kaisaks) also appeared from time immemorial and made up detachments of professional soldiers of the coastal border guard and ship's army in the service of the steppe kagans, and later in the service of the Russian princes and tsars. The security of the borders of our vast Fatherland and the strengthening of the defense capability of the border regions are also the most important problems of our time. And the Cossacks themselves, whose small homeland either borders on "hot spots" or itself has become a "hot spot", clearly see and realize their unity with the whole of Russia and only in strengthening Russia they see a way out of the tense situation on the ground. It has always been that way. It was from the borders of Russia that both the defense and the expansion (expansion) of the Russian world always began. Therefore, the great Russian genius L. N. Tolstoy said: "All Russian history was created by the Cossacks," or like this: "The Russian Empire was created by the efforts of two estates, nobles and Cossacks, the rest were present at this, at best they did not interfere …" Despite some exaggeration, this is not far from the truth.


Rice. 3. Great Russian Cossack wall

The beginning of the revival of the Cossacks did not pass the attention of the state. The history of the relationship between the Russian state and the Cossacks was not smooth and conflict-free. The active participation of the Cossacks in the Troubles (which ended with the fact that the Cossacks expelled the invaders and took an active part in the establishment of a new dynasty), the uprisings of Razin, Pugachev, Bulavin - all this shows that the Cossack freemen went to the service of Russia in a thorny and difficult way. This is covered in more detail in many articles in this series. (For those who are not yet in the know: to open any of the articles in the series, you need to go down to the end of the article to the "Articles from this series" section, move the mouse pointer over the desired article and left-click once. Even "sim-sim" no need to say, the article will open itself.)

Everyone knows that the overwhelming majority of the Cossacks did not accept the Soviet power in the person of the Bolsheviks, and in the bloody struggle the Cossacks suffered huge, irreparable and irreparable losses. The Cossack troops were eliminated, the flower of the Cossacks died, tens of thousands went into exile, hundreds of thousands scattered throughout the country and live in the diaspora. But it is also an immutable law that during the difficult hours for the Motherland, the Cossacks forgot past friction and conflicts and went to defend Russia. No matter how painfully and unfairly the mother of the child punishes, she is a mother. And the Cossacks selflessly love their homeland. The unity of the Motherland is the guarantee of the prosperity of its people. The Cossacks, the faithful sons of Russia, are and are ready to continue to serve in the protection of its borders and interests. It's another matter whether the state knows how to use this potential? In the old days, skillfully. And now - the question.


Rice. 4. Cossack chevron


Rice. 5. Combat Cossacks of the late XX century (Serbia)


Rice. 6. Detachment of the Cossack Babai (Novorossiya)


Rice. 7. Cossacks of Novorossia at the checkpoint

About 7 million people in Russia and the near abroad consider themselves Cossacks. Moreover, according to the 2002 census, 140,028 residents of Russia entered the “nationality” column as “Cossack”. In the 1980s and 1990s of the last century, about two dozen Cossack troops were recreated and created again, united in the Union of Cossacks of Russia (except for the Don Cossack army). The members of the Council of Atamans made a sensible decision: to consider the civil war over, to stop the disputes splitting the Cossacks about the "white" and "red" Cossacks, communists and monarchists, to distance themselves from political passions in the movement for the revival of the Cossacks. But in reality this did not happen, as in the whole country. The comments in VO on this series of articles demonstrate this with their own eyes. Especially, as before, the heirs and followers of the kombeds and Trotskyists are rampaging in expressions, assessments and judgments. Professor of Moscow State University R. Samarin expressed this position in the following verses:

You, uprooted clean, you, rooted, the former Russian Cossacks -

unhealing grief.

And the memory of you is know-it-all

spat almost over the eyebrow -

reproach with Cossack whips, not remembering the Cossack blood.

In April 1991, the RSFSR Law "On the Rehabilitation of Repressed Peoples" was adopted, which also refers to the Cossacks.

Additionally, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation were adopted:

- dated June 15, 1992 No. 632 "On measures to implement the Law of the Russian Federation" On the rehabilitation of repressed peoples "in relation to the Cossacks";

- dated March 15, 1993 No. 341 "On the reform of military structures, border and internal troops on the territory of the North Caucasian region of the Russian Federation and state support of the Cossacks";

- Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation of July 16, 1992 No. 3321-1 "On the rehabilitation of the Cossacks".

Since 1994, the President's Office for Cossacks has been functioning in the Russian government.

In 1995-1996, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation were adopted:

- "On the State Register of Cossack Societies in the Russian Federation";

- "On the procedure for attracting members of Cossack societies to government and other services";

- "On economic benefits for the Cossacks."

On January 20, 1996, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Main Directorate of the Cossack Troops was created under the President of the Russian Federation. The process of transition of the Russian Cossacks to civil service began.

These decrees clarified many points and contradictions that developed at that time in Cossack societies. Over time, the number of legislative acts increases. Here are the most recent and significant ones:

- Concept of state policy in relation to the Russian Cossacks, decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 02, 2008 No.

No. Pr-1355;

- Law of the Russian Federation dated December 05, 2005 No. 154-FZ "On the state service of the Russian Cossacks";

- Law of the Russian Federation of 12.01.1996, No. 7-FZ "On Non-Commercial Organizations";

- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2010 No. No. 93 “On the types of state or other service, to which members of farmstead, stanitsa, city, district (yurt), district (separate) and military Cossack societies are involved;

- four decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of February 09, 2010 No.

№ 168, 169, 170, 171:

1) "On the approval of the coats of arms and banners of military Cossack societies included in the state register of Cossack societies in the Russian Federation";

2) "On the ranks of members of Cossack societies included in the state register of Cossack societies in the Russian Federation";

3) "On the certificate of a Cossack issued to members of Cossack societies entered in the state register of Cossack societies in the Russian Federation";

4) "On the form of clothing and insignia according to the ranks of members of Cossack societies included in the state register of Cossack societies in the Russian Federation."

- adopted and approved by the President of the Russian Federation "Strategy for the development of the Russian Cossacks until 2020".

Within the framework of the current legislation, we see an attempt by the Cossacks on the ground to organize themselves into registered Cossack societies (farm, stanitsa, city, separate, military) with a great hope of getting government and other service with decent salaries and various benefits. But few have managed to bring the statutory documents into full compliance with the law. Now one farm, now another village is not fully finalized, and in general, many departments are not formed.

The sprouts of public (non-registered) Cossack activities are also clearly visible, not always organized and planned, but very diverse (military-patriotic, military-sports, folklore, historical, museum, etc.) and very strong. Unlike the registered Cossacks, the Cossacks of public Cossack organizations do not express their consent to undertake obligations to carry out state and other services stipulated by the relevant federal and regional laws. There are many reasons for this (age, employment, work, health status, etc.), but one of the main reasons is the one that has taken place over the past 20 years - this is a false idea of the foundations of Cossack democracy and a persistent unwillingness to obey. The buzz and riot that characterized many Cossack societies in the 1990s is still present almost everywhere. It is no coincidence that in some regions, military and detachment chieftains are recruited by half a dozen or more.

According to the current legislation, the clothes of the Cossacks of the registered and public Cossack structures should differ significantly. Since the Cossacks-social activists are outside the civil service, they are not allowed to wear cockades, shoulder straps, sleeve emblems, chevrons. The main task of social activists is to preserve the Cossack culture. Registered Cossacks and social activists can and should cooperate in this matter.

A very burning question: the place of the Cossacks in modern society. This question can be broken down into three components:

- from the position of a non-Cossack people;

- from the position of the executive bodies of state power;

- from the position of the Cossacks themselves.

The position of the "non-Cossack people" in relation to the Cossacks is heterogeneous and ambiguous. The position of the heirs of the commissars and Trotskyists-Leninists has long been well known and needs no comment. The sane population is still watching, watching how the Cossacks behave. But, unfortunately, there are few examples of how to properly live like a Cossack. It can be said in another way: the example of living like this does not infect. At least, no one and nowhere sees a huge queue for people, knocking down jambs at the door, to run to enroll in Cossack societies.

The position of the executive bodies of state power has been clearly developed over the past 20 years, namely: to work and interact only with organized Cossack societies within the framework of the current legislation.

The position of the Cossacks themselves raises more questions than answers. Many Cossacks are very poorly adapted today. Moreover, in many we observe an almost complete denial of everything that is happening and modern, both in matters of politics, ideology, religion, agriculture, management, information technology, and in the field of military affairs. Many remained in their understanding of the role of the Cossacks at the level of a horse, cart, plow, basket, Cossack saber and rifle of the 1891 model. Meanwhile, we live in the age of computers, smart machines, high technologies, modern methods of raising animals, plants and cultivating the land, perfect and high-precision weapons, fleeting combined arms combat … Do I need to list further ?! To revive the Cossacks, you need to learn all this and be able to adapt all this to the Cossack traditions. The only successful and multidisciplinary direction today is the revival, development and formation of the culture of the Cossacks. In this direction, Cossack folklore ensembles have not only surpassed themselves, but with their songs, performances at local and regional festivals, they touch the soul of even the uninitiated! Cossack museums amaze with the richness of exhibits and the brightness and depth of knowledge of the guides. Of course, this should be preserved for posterity, developed and supplemented!


Rice. 8. Both songs and dances


Rice. 9. Cossack horse riding


Rice. 10. Military sports


Rice. 11. Cossacks of the XXI century

But, despite all the above difficulties, the military history of the Cossacks is not over, it just froze in anticipation, because history is driven not only by the insanity or enlightenment of individual leaders, peoples or states, but above all by objective historical necessity. History develops in a spiral, and this need will inevitably come, and the Cossacks, as a unique military-historical phenomenon, will undoubtedly be in demand again at a new, some other, higher level. History, like nature, cannot be fooled.

Regularly, once every 100-150 years, grandiose enemy invasions happen to Russia. For the aggressor, they usually end very badly, more precisely, catastrophically. Millions of Gauls, Aryans and their satellites fertilize the soil of the endless East European Plain with their biomass. Since these invasions have happened more than once, some patterns can already be identified. The intervals between invasions can be divided into 3 conventional parts.

1. In the first part, 30-50 years long, all the surviving theoreticians and practitioners of the previous invasion together sprinkle ashes on their heads, repent and conjure their descendants not to do anything like this again. They quote wise fellow countrymen and ancestors, they themselves say that no one, ever, under any circumstances and for any need, should go to the East anymore, for this is an absolutely disastrous business. These Russians, they say, are made of some other dough, as always, to any of our wisdom and cunning they will respond with their unpredictable stupidity, etc. and so on, and all that and, in the end, will certainly win.

2. In the second part, 30-50 years long, newly born highbrow clever and clever people wrinkle and rub their foreheads and say: “We do not understand anything, a paradox of some kind. Everything was perfectly planned, prepared, the most convenient moment was chosen, the best people were attracted, minds and powers. What is the reason for the failure? " And they begin to dig intensively in the annals and memoirs, use the simplex and the complex, analysis and synthesis, the integral and the differential, dialectics and metaphysics, logic and scholasticism. They attract candidates and doctors, masters and academicians, champions and laureates, journalists and writers. Here both our razunov and volkogonovs are connected. And finally they knock themselves on the forehead and shout: "Eureka". Here it is, a thousand and one causes of the disaster. If you eliminate them, then everything will be okay. And in general, the Russian victory is a tragic coincidence of circumstances and accidents, a senseless and stupid story and a complete historical misunderstanding that defies scientific comprehension.

3. And now comes the third part, 30-50 years long. The old and new high-browed clever and clever men again intensely wrinkle and rub their foreheads and utter new goals and objectives. Madeleine Albright believes that with a population density of less than 2 people per square kilometer, this area must certainly be interned in favor of the world community. Condoleezza Rice will declare Afghanistan a springboard for promoting democracy in Central Asia and further north. Ex-hippie John Kerry will come up with the idea that it is more convenient and safest to fight the Russians to the last Ukrainian, and so on. etc. And it doesn't matter that while Madeleine is viewed as a shizu, from Afghanistan, instead of a triumphant march of democracy, another Dunkirk is highlighted, and the further fate of Ukraine, dear to them, is a big, big question. Despite this sirs, peers and madam are working hard. The main task of this part is to unite Europe, find, prepare and mobilize millions of frostbitten landsknechts and raise the next Fuhrer or Buonaparte, who will lead the crazy Europeans once again "Drang nach Osten". It's not that easy. After all, you have to go to the bear. It is known that having piled up in a crowd, you can even fill it up, although this is not an indisputable fact. But at the same time he will definitely break the first ones. Therefore, no one wants to be the first. To do this, you need to find fools. For many centuries, the role of these fools was played by the Turks and Poles, along with the allied and subordinate tribes. Wise Europeans regularly sent them east for slaughter. More than once, the Germans, Swedes and French, once even the British, took the role of fools. The Americans, mind you, are too smart to do such a stupid job themselves. Now the old fools have already been taught, so they are looking for new ones. Recently, in this field, even the Georgians tried unsuccessfully to find laurels, now the Americans have contracted the Ukrainians. And very inexpensively, practically for pies on the Maidan, they got their hands on several million crazy fighting cockerels, ready to daringly rush at anyone whom the trainer points out. And Ukraine itself will obediently and for a long time play the role of the hungry but evil watchdog of the West in the southwest of Russia. This is an unheard-of, since the time of Gorbachev's betrayal, the luck of the united West, and the most honest of them have already openly declared that they will selflessly fight Russia "to the last living Ukrainian." They are echoed by the rulers of Ukraine, who have declared their country the "bulletproof vest" of the West. To what extent do these leaders need to hate and despise their people in order to throw them at a bear?

Not everything is simple with the Fuhrer either. And the former European Fuhrer did not immediately agree, at the very least, they taught history at school and initially sent high-browed and hump-nosed theorists into three Russian letters. And the current candidates for the Fuhrer's history lessons know very well, after all, at Harvard, Oxford and the Sorbonne, their gentry are taught the theory of probability and risk assessment. And with difficulty, a united Europe constantly strives to crack at the seams. But Russia has never had anything good from a united Europe, NEVER. Moreover, there will be nothing good even now, from a united Europe and even one united with North America. This association is called NATO. Therefore, revanchists of all stripes are working hard, our collaborators, defectors, defeatists, capitulators and Vlasovites of all stripes are helping them hard, and they are harming us intensely, and if they all stick together … then history will repeat itself.

In this permanent history, everything would be nothing if not for one big BUT. In order to pack these millions of uninvited Anglo-Saxons, Gauls, Aryans and their satellites, as well as the Vlasovites who joined them, in the Russian land, it is necessary to put at least as many of your guys and girls, there is no other way. And since the repulsion of aggression, as a rule, takes place on our territory, it is necessary to add the same number of civilians. Here is such a centuries-old and joyless arithmetic. And we live now at the very beginning of the third part, because all these foreign bugs and our home-grown tolerant candidates for police officers, heads and burgomasters are so currying and fussing about.


Rice. 12. "The Fifth Column" arrived for briefing at the US Embassy

Alas, the situation depicted in this figure is a centuries-old sad tradition of Russian life and politics. It so happened that the opposition in Russia is always the "fifth column" of Russia's geopolitical enemies. Even during the times of Kievan Rus, opposition and disgraced princes and boyars constantly ran for sponsorship and military assistance "to the steppe" to the Polovtsy or to the black hoods, "across the river" to the Bulgars, "across the sea" to the Byzantines or Varangians, "over the mountain" to Hungarians or "for the swamp" to the Poles. In the days of medieval federalism, the opposition constantly ran to flee, complain and beat its foreheads to the Horde to the khans, and after the collapse of the Horde again, according to the old habit, to Lithuania or the Poles. The oligarchs who fled from Ivan the Terrible to Lithuania during the Livonian War, with the help of accomplices, servants and agents, unleashed a monstrous civil war in Russia that lasted 2 decades, from 1894 to 1915, and was called the Troubles. Its consequences were terrible for the country and the people. When Peter I opened the "window to Europe," the geography of the opposition's sponsors expanded, and it became unnecessary to emigrate. Under the royal court and government, "French, English, Austrian, Swedish, Prussian, Dutch, etc." parties openly ruled by their respective ambassadors and promoting the interests of their countries through the oligarchic lobby. Those who have carefully watched "Midshipmen Forward" have an idea of what it is about. From the middle of the 19th century, in addition to the nobles, the commoners joined this activity. After the assassination of Emperor Alexander II and the defeat of Narodnaya Volya, its leaders fled abroad, disengaged and restructured their ranks there, and from there continued to lead the process. The apotheosis of their destructive activity was the February, and then the October Revolution and the Civil War. More details about this were written in the relevant articles of this series. The situation did not change after the revolution. The disgraced Trotsky fled abroad, and the struggle against Trotskyism, i.e. with his followers inside and outside the country, became the core and the deepest epistemological reason for the Stalinist repressions. The Great Patriotic War became a litmus test that revealed and revealed real "enemies of the people" and "traitors to the Motherland" who, under the guise of fighting the Bolshevik regime, actually fought with Russia. In the second half of the last century, dissidents stepped on the same rake. In their own words, they "aimed at the Soviet Union, but, as always, ended up in Russia." In those years, their writings went flying in numerous perestroika editions, struggling in the field of merciless, emotional and scientific criticism of everything and everyone. They took the truth as a basis, abundantly added lies, conjectures and fantasies of the authors, then all this was multiplied into grotesque. The then office plankton (numerous employees of research institutes, design bureaus, all kinds of offices and sharashki, professors, students, etc.) in kitchens and at work, discussing such publications, brought themselves to orgasm. Such was the popular fun of the then creative class, more like political masturbation. But the pernicious influence and subversive work of dissidents against the USSR gave the West unprecedented good fortune and ensured victory in the Cold War. The corrupt and degenerate party nomenclature gave birth to a Trojan horse in the form of Gorbachev and his corrupt clique, which abolished the people's power, destroyed the country and capitulated to the West.

Through the joint efforts of dissidents, party propagandists and corrupt media in the late 80s and early 90s, an incredible surge of Americanism, hard-to-explain piety towards the West, as well as a whole kaleidoscope of unbridled socio-political and economic fantasies and illusions took place in the popular consciousness of the USSR.more reminiscent of girlish dreams. From the height of the years I have lived through, I cannot clearly even explain to myself the epistemology of this phenomenon and simply refer to the symptoms of mass psychosis. In this case, it doesn't matter. It is important that America and the West missed this unique chance, namely against the background of mass piety to make the entire post-Soviet space, including Russia, their satellite. Instead, they declared the USSR defeated, and its peoples had to kneel down, sprinkle ashes on their heads and unanimously begin to lick the West in the ass, as they once did, and the Germans and Japanese still do. But the Russians are one of the most rebellious peoples in the world, and with the exception of deserters, enemies of the people, Vlasovites and compradors, they did not want to do this, if only because they were not defeated, they were simply betrayed. The Americans did not realize that even then, Russia was the only country in the world capable of destroying the United States, albeit at the cost of its own life. But God be with them, this is their mistake, for which they will have to pay dearly. Moreover, in the most direct, and not in a figurative sense, gold and banknotes. Since they did not have enough sense then to get an alliance and friendship with Russia with kindness and affection, they will have to try to buy it, but not the fact that we are bargaining.

Until now, God only knows how miraculously Russia at the beginning of the new millennium slipped out of the hot embrace of the world government and retained its integrity and sovereignty. Without a doubt, this is God's providence. Desperate to overthrow the rebellious Russian government and blow up Russia from the inside, the West again set about preparing an open invasion, of course, by proxy. In these pre-storm conditions, it is not superfluous to make an inventory and verification of the available political forces from the point of view of the presence in them of a defense or collaborationist consciousness. But this is an extremely broad and multifactorial topic and is beyond the scope of this article.

In the meantime, the point is, the country, with varying success, is actively defending against NATO's creeping offensive against Russia. Within the framework of this defensive strategy, the effective medieval practice of creating border buffer state formations in the form of people's (read Cossack) republics, and not only located on the former lands of the Don Army, received an unexpected resuscitation. If you carefully read the articles from this series, devoted to the formation and formation of the Don Host, then the analogies suggest themselves.

Thus, the history of the Cossacks continues, but other people, direct participants in the events, will write it. Modern military history, unlike the past, is written not only with a pen, but also with a bayonet, and together with ink - with blood, sweat and tears.


Rice. 13. Cossacks-standard-bearers at the Victory Parade in Donetsk on May 9, 2015


Rice. 14. "Givi" at the Victory Parade in Donetsk on May 9, 2015


Rice. 15. "Motorola" at the Victory Parade in Donetsk on May 9, 2015


Rice. 16. "Givi" and "Motorola"


Rice. 17. "Motorola" with its fighters


Rice. 18. These lads are still without callsigns, but already at the Victory Parade in Donetsk on May 9, 2015

Further in Fig. 19-39: the hard bread of the people's war with NATO volunteers (new Ukrainian "hivis")


