Preparing the material for the next lesson in 11 classes on life safety, but to diversify the material, I decided to follow the progress of changing the text of the military oath in Russia since the beginning of the century.
Oath in the Russian Imperial Army
"I, the one named below, promise and swear by the Almighty God, before His Holy Gospel, that I want and owe HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, my true and natural All-Merciful Great STATE EMPEROR [Name and patronymic], the Autocrat of the All-Russian Empire, and To the heir, faithfully and unhypocritically to serve, not sparing his belly, to the last drop of blood, and to fulfill all to the High of ITS IMPERIAL MAJESTY The autocracy, strength and power belonging to the rights and advantages, legalized and henceforth legitimized, at the extreme understanding, strength and ability, to fulfill.
OF THE IMPERIAL MAJESTY of the state and the lands of His enemies, in body and blood, in the field and fortresses, by water and by dry road, in battles, parties, sieges and assaults and in other military cases, brave and strong to put up resistance, and in everything try to advance that to HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY can relate to faithful service and benefit to the state in any case. As soon as I find out about the damage of HIS MAJESTY of interest, the harm and loss, as soon as I learn about it, not only in good time to announce, but by all means to avert and not allow any measures to be taken away and I will tightly keep any confidentiality entrusted to me. and will concern the service of the State, properly obey, and correct everything according to his conscience, and for his own gain, property, friendship and enmity against the service and oath; I will never leave the command and the banner where I belong, although in the field, wagon train or garrison, but I will follow it as long as I live, and in everything I will behave and act like this, as honest, faithful, obedient, brave and efficient (officer or soldier) is appropriate. In what may the Lord God Almighty help me. In conclusion of this oath of mine, I kiss the words and the cross of my Savior. Amen."
Oath to the Provisional Government (1917)
“I swear by the honor of an officer (soldier) and I promise before God and my conscience to be faithful and invariably loyal to the Russian State as to my Fatherland. I swear to serve him to the last drop of my blood, contributing in every way to the glory and prosperity of the Russian State. I pledge to obey the Provisional Government, now heading the Russian State, pending the establishment of the mode of government by the will of the people through the Constituent Assembly. I will carry out the duties entrusted to me with full effort, having in my thoughts exclusively the benefit of the state and not sparing my life for the good of the Fatherland.
I swear to obey all the chiefs placed over me, mending them full obedience in all cases when my duty as an officer (soldier) and citizen to the Fatherland requires it. I swear to be an honest, conscientious, brave officer (soldier) and not to break an oath because of self-interest, kinship, friendship and enmity. In conclusion of the oath I have taken, I sign myself with the sign of the Cross and sign below."
Military oath of the Red Army (1939-47)
“I, a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, joining the ranks of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, I take the oath and solemnly vow to be an honest, brave, disciplined, vigilant fighter, strictly keep military and state secrets, and unquestioningly fulfill all military regulations and orders of commanders, commissars and bosses.
I swear to conscientiously study military affairs, to take every possible care of military and national property and to my last breath to be loyal to my people, my Soviet Motherland and the Workers 'and Peasants' Government.
I am always ready, by order of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government, to defend my Motherland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and, as a warrior of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, I swear to defend it courageously, skillfully, with dignity and honor, not sparing my blood and life itself for achieving complete victory over enemies.
If, by malicious intent, I violate this solemn oath of mine, then let the harsh punishment of the Soviet law, universal hatred and contempt of the working people befall me."
Oryat in the USSR
"I, a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, joining the ranks of the Armed Forces, I take the oath and solemnly vow to be an honest, brave, disciplined, vigilant warrior, strictly keep military and state secrets, and unquestioningly fulfill all military regulations and orders of commanders and chiefs. I swear. conscientiously study military affairs, take every possible care of military and national property and, to the last breath, be loyal to my People, my Soviet Motherland and the Soviet Government. I am always ready, by order of the Soviet Government, to defend my Motherland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and, as a warrior of the Armed Forces, I swear to defend it courageously, skillfully, with dignity and honor, not sparing my blood and life itself to achieve complete victory over enemies. If I break this solemn oath of mine, then let me be comprehended by the severe punishment of Soviet law, universal hatred and contempt comrades"
Oath as amended on January 5, 1992
“I, (last name, first name, patronymic), enter military service and swear allegiance to the Russian Federation and its people. I swear to abide by the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, to fulfill the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders and chiefs, and legally assigned duties to me. I swear, while in military service, to be honest, conscientious, and to endure the difficulties associated with it with dignity. Courageously, not sparing his life, to defend the people and state interests of the Russian Federation. I swear not to use weapons against my people and their lawfully elected authorities. I undertake to do military service anywhere on the territory of the Russian Federation and to comply with the laws of the state in whose territory I will be doing military service.
If I violate the Military Oath I have taken, then I am ready to bear the responsibility established by the laws of the Russian Federation."
PRISYAGA in the Russian Federation (test of the last edition) (March 28, 1998)
“I, (surname, name, patronymic), solemnly swear allegiance to my Fatherland - the Russian Federation. I swear to sacredly observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation, strictly comply with the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders and chiefs.
I swear to fulfill my military duty with dignity, to courageously defend freedom, independence and the constitutional order of Russia, the people and the Fatherland!"