150th Anniversary of the Formation of the Seminary Cossack Host

150th Anniversary of the Formation of the Seminary Cossack Host
150th Anniversary of the Formation of the Seminary Cossack Host

The Semirechye Cossack army was formed by separating from the Siberian Cossack army No. 9 and No. 10 Cossack regiments on June 13, 1867. (according to the reference book of the Imperial Main Apartment). These regiments were forcibly transferred to Turkestan in 1857. to protect the southern borders of the Russian Empire (currently most of the territory of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan with the capital in the city of Verny, now Alma-Ata). In 1875. Cossacks of the Ural Cossack army were evicted to the territory of the army, who did not recognize the provision on universal military service.


Due to the small number of troops, in 1869. by the highest order, about 400 Chinese emigrants (Manchus, Kalmyks, salt-salt) were enrolled in the Semirechye Cossack army. The government tried to attract Cossacks from other troops to the army. Small groups of Cossacks from the troops stationed in the European part of Russia moved voluntarily. These were immigrants from the Don, Kuban, Tersk, Ural and Siberian troops.

The Semirechye Cossack army was engaged in the protection of the southern borders of the Russian Empire, carried a number of police functions. Participated in the suppression of the uprisings of the local population. The army took part in the Kulja campaign in 1871. under the command of General Kolpakovsky as part of a 2-thousandth detachment. The trip to North-West China was caused by the need to protect the southern borders of Russia, which were subjected to predatory raids from China, to oppose the British expansion in Central Asia and the policy of the rulers of Chinese Turkestan hostile to Russia. Having defeated the troops of the Chinese feudal lords in a number of battles, our troops occupied Gulja on June 21 without a fight. All the goals set during the campaign were achieved.

In 1873. the army took part in the Khiva campaign, which resulted in the actual conquest of the Khiva Khanate (the khan recognized the protectorate of Russia). In 1875 and in 1876. the army participated in the Kokand campaign, where it also showed its best side. The result of this campaign was the abolition of the khanate and the annexation of its territory to Russia. Colonel Skobelev commanded the campaign. In 1900. participated in the suppression of the uprising in China.

Cossack population in the army in 1916. was 45 thousand people of both sexes. In peacetime, the Semirecheskoye Cossack army fielded one cavalry regiment of the 4th centenary and a cavalry platoon in the Life Guards Cossack regiment. In wartime, there were three cavalry regiments and 12 separate hundred.

During the Civil War, most of the Cossacks supported the Whites. There was an attempt by the ataman of the Semirechensk Cossacks, General Ionov, to "render" the entire Russian population, but it did not bring success. As a result of the victory of the Reds in the civil war, the Semirechye Cossacks were forced to immigrate to China, and they organized their own diaspora in the city of Gulja. In April 1920. The Semirechye Cossack army was abolished.

An interesting fact: in the 30s, the Soviet government helped the central government of China in the fight against the rebels in northwestern China, sent our instructors and troops there. Former Cossacks provided assistance to the Soviet troops … under the command of the future Marshal of the Armored Forces Rybalko. For these actions, some of them were amnestied and received permission to return to Russia. Thus ended the history of the Semirechesk army, whose Cossacks did a lot to strengthen and expand the borders of our country.
