The modern Russian information field sometimes gives rise to spikelets that are more and more similar to weeds. Moreover, if a pair of such artificially bred weeds grows on one information "hectare", then in a strange way it is they that attract the greatest public attention.
It must be admitted that lately Russia has made great strides in terms of working with information. The abundance of Internet resources, printed publications, radio stations and TV channels, it would seem, make it possible to form a complete picture of what is happening. Each person can simply press a button on the remote control, open a website or pick up a newspaper bought at a kiosk and learn about different interpretations of events. However, social psychology is such that most people diligently seize solely on a sensation, or an event that is presented under such a sauce in the media space. At the same time, the "sensational excitement" applies to any sphere of human activity, including the military segment. And if there is a demand from readers, Internet users, radio listeners and TV viewers, then the information space will be replete with relevant proposals in terms of coverage of what is happening in the Russian army.
Recently, we are increasingly raising the issue of civil-patriotic education in Russia, the foundations of morality, and the revival of the spirituality of Russian society - the Russian people. Obviously, these concepts cannot be considered outside the context of military service. But often the context is presented as such, from which the majority of normal people are left with a stable negative for a long time.
Even at the most superficial consideration of the information that is presented in terms of coverage of the army events, one gets the impression that the negative component is much more effective on our fellow citizens than objective information of a positive nature.
Words about the need for civil-patriotic education will remain just words if the media environment provides an opportunity for a whole host of resources to work, aimed at denigrating the army with the frank, sorry, moroning of that part of the population that is somehow connected with military service. Agree, it is difficult to talk about the popularization of the army service in Russia, when search engines in millions of copies give answers to questions in the spirit of "How to get away from the army?" and "How not to join the army?" At the same time, very dubious resources are working on the Global Network on completely legal grounds, which allegedly provide legal assistance to conscripts.

Legal aid, for some reason, in most cases looks like a set of advice and non-free legal procedures that allow young people between the ages of 18 and 27 to evade military service.
Often, the very name of such sites, on which, by the way, the most detailed contact details are indicated, tell about the nature of the assistance provided, for example,, The names of other resources (, and others) are not so obvious, but they also work for the total depopulation of service in the Armed Forces.

The first thing that meets a young man on such resources is a whole scattering of advice from "seasoned" dodgers, who will tell in color how they managed to get a "white ticket". At the same time, it is surprising that people who post this kind of information on the Web do it with obvious self-satisfaction, reveling in their own "advancement" in terms of ways to disregard Russian legislation. For these people, the notion of an honorable duty is simply broken against a blank wall of egoism, on which the words from the commercial "Take everything from life!" Are written in large letters. Their thought works in one direction: how to leave a warm place behind oneself with the help of machinations, bribery, dexterity all their lives and always leave any pool dry. At the same time, the same people later often talk about the growing injustice in society, about the "arbitrariness" of the authorities. The same “swamp layer” is being formed, many of whose representatives have not invested an iota of their own labor in the development of the country, but at the same time they are trying to demand something from others.
The popularity of advice, mandates, rules and advertising of their own services in terms of avoiding the fulfillment of their duty is truly impressive. Where the government has to invest really impressive funds in solving problems with the attraction of positive interest of young people to the military service, resources such as those listed above, the published information simply crosses out all good intentions. There is a demand, an offer, believe me, there will be.
As a result, today in Russia there is a whole layer of citizens who are ready to declare that the army service carries a continuous negative, while they themselves have no personal experience in this regard. Often, these same people turn out to be members of a huge bureaucratic environment, and, accordingly, are ready to work on the adoption of relevant laws, which sometimes can hardly be called anything other than husk. In this case, the stereotype of today's youth is born that in order to get into the bureaucratic cage, to approach political heights, to hold key positions in business, it is not at all necessary to go through the army, “wasting” precious time. The stereotype also boils down to the fact that in any case it will be possible to announce health problems, due to which the conscription service did not take place in due time, but which, for some reason, do not interfere with sitting for hours in a leather deputy chair. Myopia does not prevent you from pressing the necessary buttons during voting, flat feet does not prevent you from pressing the gas pedal of a Lexus or Maybach to the floor, and natural pacifism is often not at all opposed to being a member of various defense committees, commissions, groups and others.
Here is just a modest list of Russian federal lawmakers who ended up in the highest echelons of power, not having behind their backs what is called the honorary duty of a Russian citizen (at least, such information is not reflected in their biographical materials).
Gudkov, Dmitry Gennadievich (Fair Russia faction). Year of birth 1980. The man was not able to do the conscript service, tk. he simply "had no time" to do this. Still would! Two higher educations, postgraduate studies, and, it must happen, immediately - a reserve officer! After graduating from the military department, Dmitry Gudkov immediately receives the rank of a reserve officer, which was not hindered even by the fact that the "officer" somehow managed to bypass military service altogether …
Gavrilov, Sergei Anatolyevich (Communist Party faction). Year of birth 1966. In the biography of Sergei Anatolyevich there is no information about his military service or military (military-technical) education. However, this did not prevent Sergei Gavrilov from working for a certain time as an advisor, no less than the General Director of FSUE MiG, and then as an advisor to the General Director of the Voronezh Aircraft Building Society, after which he found himself in a soft deputy chair.
Subbotin, Konstantin Sergeevich (LDPR faction). Year of birth 1982. Army service also passed the fate of Konstantin Sergeevich. In 2004, Konstantin Subbotin graduated from the Ural LesTech, after which, apparently, he began aiming at the target of his political career, and, admittedly, the "shots" were more than successful. Now Deputy Subbotin in the State Duma is called upon to solve our painful transport issues. And, indeed, is this conscription service really needed for this kind of political work …
Schlegel Robert Aleksandrovich (United Russia faction). Year of birth 1984. He was elected to the State Duma at the age of 23. What kind of military service is there - you should immediately become a deputy with such and such everyday experience and a dizzying professional career behind your shoulders!.. After receiving the specialty "TV journalist" he wrote a thesis on protection from manipulation of the mass consciousness. Apparently, Robert Aleksandrovich himself skillfully defended himself … By the way, Deputy Schlegel became one of the initiators of amendments to the law "On Mass Media", cutting down slanderers and other violators of the law in the bud. So it turns out that the deputy Schlegel may well hack to death the author on libel, because suddenly in his biography there will be an item indicating that he is an "honorary veteran of military service" …
In general, it remains to be hoped that conversations about the popularization of conscript service will develop into a real socio-political wave, which will make it possible to determine real and significant priorities for the citizens of Russia. In such a situation, the law on blocking the path to power for those people who bypassed the fulfillment of the honorable duty prescribed in the basic law of the country seems to be quite positive. At the same time, the same Mr. Schlegel, who is on the Duma Committee on Information Policy, can be advised to pay attention to a whole scattering of information resources that are engaged in depopulating service in the army and throwing mud at the very fact of the need to repay the debt to the Motherland. If, for various reasons, certain deputies in the army did not succeed, then we will wait for initiatives in this regard on the information front - here, after all, fighters are also needed …
Naturally, in order to prevent the emergence of negative propaganda resources in relation to service in the Russian army, the army itself must raise its own reputation. After all, the now-disappeared concept of "officer's honor" was once defined by the essence of the national army. If they continue to wipe their feet about this concept, then you can shift all the troubles to the media or negligent young people as much as you like, but this clearly does not add to the prestige of the army. And prestige is not always the level of material incentives.

Increasing pay is certainly good, but, in the end, the army is not only and even not so much a tool for earning money as a special environment, which, by its status, should form the spirit of patriotism in the country.