During the reign of Leonid I. Brezhnev, our country had a socialist social system, or, as it is now called, Russian communism. And we continued to amaze the world with our successes in the most knowledge-intensive industries that require the highest level of development of industry and science. Such industries, in particular, include the space and aviation industries. During the described time, Soviet cosmonautics continued to occupy a leading position in the world.

In 1966, the world's first automatic stationary lunar station Luna-9 was delivered to the Moon. In 1968, the automated probe "Zond-5" flew to the Moon for seven days, flew around it and returned to earth. Two months later, in November of the same year, the automatic station "Luna-6" flew around the moon, carrying out the necessary scientific research. For two years, 16 interplanetary automatic stations were launched to explore the Moon.
“On September 12, 1970, the Soviet automatic station Luna-16 went to the moon, which brought 105 grams of lunar soil. Of these 105 grams, the USSR transferred 3.2 grams to the United States, that is, about 3%. Probably, we had the right to expect that the Americans would give us, in percentage terms, about the same - about 1.5 kg of their samples from the first two expeditions,”writes Yu. I. Mukhin.
In fact, the Americans did not give us a single gram of soil, because they did not fly to the moon, and they did not have lunar soil. They wrote about the composition of the lunar soil on the basis of 2, 3 g of this soil received from us, and the Hollywood scenario was prepared on the basis of the images and panoramas of the lunar surface transmitted by our lunar rovers.
In November 1970, the Soviet interplanetary space station Luna-17 delivered to the lunar surface an automatic self-propelled vehicle Lunokhod-1, controlled from the ground. In the period from November 17, 1970 to October 4, 1971, he passed 10 540 meters on the planet's surface and transmitted about 20 thousand images of the lunar surface to the earth. In addition, more than 200 panoramas of the lunar surface were transmitted to the earth and many other research works were done. Its weight was 756 kg.
The second apparatus, Lunokhod-2, weighing 840 kg, was delivered to the lunar surface on January 16, 1973 by the automatic station Luna-21 to the region of the Yasnost Sea. "Lunokhod-2" worked on the Moon for about one year and passed on the surface of the Moon for about 37 kilometers, carrying out a lot of scientific research.
The interplanetary Soviet automatic stations "Luna-16", "Luna-20", "Luna-24" delivered lunar soil to the Earth, to the territory of the USSR, called regolith. The Soviet Union is the only country in the world whose automatic stations and devices have visited the moon.
Today's generation has been taught that the USSR lagged behind the United States in the field of space exploration and, in particular, the moon. Moreover, various liberal researchers call the lag time from 3 to 5 years. It is strange to hear statements about our lagging behind the United States, from a country that in the twentieth century was unable to create a rocket for interplanetary travel with the delivery of the necessary cargo.
In rocketry and in the nuclear weapons industry, the United States lagged behind the USSR for decades, and if the USSR continued to exist, then one could say that it was forever behind.
To hide their lag, the Americans resorted to the help of cinematography, the level of which made it possible to mislead public opinion with tales of the flight to the moon and other myths. But they could not deceive the experts, and today the most daring of them prove that the US astronauts never flew to the moon. In particular, this opinion is shared by the head of the Russian rocket and space industry, Leonid Viktorovich Batsura, who has worked in the space industry for about 40 years.
L. V. Batsura, the world's largest specialist in the creation of interplanetary spacecraft and space flights, in an interview with the newspaper "Zavtra" about the design of the "lunar" "Apollo" pointed out a number of design features that clearly do not allow him to fly to the moon and land onto its surface.
He also questioned the delivery of an American rover to the surface of Mars and expressed regret about the senseless spending of billions of dollars by Russia on the implementation of the obviously unfeasible idea, planted by the Americans, of creating an "environmentally friendly" rocket engine running on liquid hydrogen. Soviet scientists and designers proved the impossibility of creating such an engine back in 1935, and V. P. Glushko experimentally proved it in 1980.
But the pro-American lobby is stubbornly pushing Russia into unjustified expenses, trying to deprive us of the opportunity to improve the Protons and Breezes and generally write off the best rocket in the world as not meeting environmental requirements, and they themselves are expanding the use of our missile fuel in their new designs. LV Batsura, in particular, said the following: “But the Americans, neither in 1969 did not have, nor do they have today, real technical means of reaching the Moon, landing on the Moon and returning people from the Moon to Earth.
How can you not notice that Apollo, the shell of the take-off stage of which is covered with 25 layers of mylar and one layer of aluminum foil, would swell to the shape of a ball when it entered space and its shell would fly to shreds?
How can you not notice that when landing on the moon, the landing engine of the descent module had to burn both the landing radar antenna, and the landing gear, and the bottom of the landing stage?
How can you not notice that when the takeoff engine is running, its torch must burn the coatings, niches, and the bottom of the takeoff stage, overheat the fuel component tanks and destroy the entire stage?
How can you not notice that with the scenario of the accident on Apollo 13, which is being "snatched" by experts who defend the interests of the United States in Russia, Apollo 13 would be scattered across the universe by an explosion equivalent to 150 kg of TNT?
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of such questions, caused by inconsistencies in official data and visible to any unbiased expert. The entire American "lunar program" - … staging … And very many of our compatriots were far from extras in it. I think the fate of Korolev and Gagarin greatly influenced them.
Very quickly, the United States realized that they would not be able to organize a demonstration manned expedition to the moon either until 2020 or until 2040. Can not! So they asked Obama to close the program. He covered her. But now they have a declared priority - Mars. And there, as always, everything is "in chocolate", a Hollywood "happy ending" is a must. " (Interview in the newspaper "Zavtra" No. 34 of August 2012). Yuri I. Mukhin, back in 2006, wrote a book of 432 pages entitled "The US Lunar Scam".
One fact is enough to confirm a significant lag between the United States and the USSR in space exploration, namely: the United States in the twentieth century did not create a single orbital station, that is, it did not build a single “house” in space. In the 21st century, the United States built an orbital station. But in fact, the US orbital station was built by Russian scientists, engineers and workers. For the construction of the station, a high level of development of science and the space industry is required, and for putting it into orbit, a powerful rocket is required. This is probably why the United States, before the collapse of the USSR, could neither fly to the moon, nor independently launch an orbital station into Earth's orbit. They could not fly to the moon or to another planet even after the collapse of the USSR. Mars is dealt with by the same Hollywood that was engaged in flights to the moon.
The Soviet Union put the Salyut orbital station into orbit back in 1971. In total, in the period from 1971 to 1983, 7 Salyut stations were launched into orbit. Each Salyut station weighed about 18, 9 tons, and the volume of living quarters for cosmonauts was about 100 cubic meters. The delivery and change of the crew was carried out by the Soyuz and SoyuzT spacecraft, and the fuel, equipment and other cargoes - by the Progress cargo ships.
On February 20, 1986, the Soviet orbital station for flights in near-earth orbit "Mir" was launched into orbit. And if the station "Salut" can be called a home, then for the station "Mir" the name "Palace" is more appropriate.
The Mir station was designed to build a multipurpose permanently operating manned complex with special orbital modules for scientific and national economic purposes. The station's mass was about 40 tons, its length was about 40 meters.
Gorbachev's perestroika stopped all work on the construction of the complex, but the Mir station until recently flew and could fly for many more years. The Russian government destroyed it under US pressure. This was obvious to every thinking person. Many scientists and workers in the space industry objected to the destruction of the station, which, in their opinion, was in good working order, performed all the functions assigned to it and, when carrying out the work stipulated by the maintenance regulations, could be operated for a long time.
The state of the station allowed our astronauts to work in it and see everything that happens on planet Earth. The United States could not afford this to Russia, defeated in the Cold War, and we lost our palace-house in space. The experience of creating stations, accumulated by Soviet science, the labor of Russian scientists, engineers and workers, is embodied in the US station, which today flies around the earth, watching us.
In 1975, the United States, seeing its lag behind the USSR in strategic weapons and inability to create an anti-missile defense, sought to get the USSR's signatures on the ABM and SALT treaties.
To achieve their goals, they temporarily moved from confrontation to friendly steps. In July 1975, a demonstration of friendship between the USSR and the United States was the docking and two-day joint flight in space of the Soyuz and Apollo spaceships. But this flight does not indicate the equality of our achievements and opportunities.
The Americans did not have a powerful spacecraft of the type of our "Progress" then and, in my opinion, could not create it at the present time, in spite of access to our designs and technologies. Therefore, it must be assumed that even today they are lagging behind the Russian Federation in the space industry. And it is quite obvious from the above examples that the United States lagged behind the USSR for many years in the space industry and in space exploration in the 1960s-1980s. Anyone who claims the opposite is doing it either out of hatred of our country, or fulfilling an order well-paid by the West.