The withdrawal from the USSR cost the Baltics more than the "Soviet occupation"

The withdrawal from the USSR cost the Baltics more than the "Soviet occupation"
The withdrawal from the USSR cost the Baltics more than the "Soviet occupation"
The withdrawal from the USSR cost the Baltics more than the "Soviet occupation"
The withdrawal from the USSR cost the Baltics more than the "Soviet occupation"

The demand of the Baltic states addressed to Moscow to pay them compensation for the years of "Soviet occupation" is so absurd that even the Prime Minister of Estonia condemned it, finding it "illogical". One can argue with him, there is logic here: the de-occupation (that is, the withdrawal from the USSR) cost the Baltics much more expensive than the “occupation”.

The joint demand of the ministers of justice of the three Baltic republics to Russia for compensation for the years of "Soviet occupation" clearly demonstrates to what heights of absurdity can be brought artificially, for the sake of political conjuncture, the construction of their own history. Literally in accordance with the anecdote: "Eastern barbarians rolled back, leaving behind them power plants, hospitals, schools, academic towns."

“Losses during the post-Soviet transformation of the early 90s are characterized by the following figures: 35% of the economic decline in Estonia, 49% in Lithuania and 52% in Latvia”

The reaction of Russian politicians, who promised in response to "ears off a dead donkey," in this sense is natural. But the lack of reaction on the part of historians is alarming. After all, our Baltic "partners", with their insistent demands, apparently not fully realizing the consequences of their actions themselves, raise such historical issues that require reflection both in the Baltic countries and in modern Russia.

Baltics between Soviets and Soviets

Modern official historiography of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania regards the entry of these states into the USSR in 1940 as an occupation. At the same time, the fact that the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republics were proclaimed by the elected parliaments of these countries and they also asked to join the USSR is dismissed in principle. Firstly, because the elections in all three states were held in the presence of Soviet military bases on their territories. Secondly, because the pro-communist blocs won the elections. Where, they say, are there so many communists in the prosperous European Baltic states, where did they get such support? It is clear that the elections were rigged by Moscow - this is the official point of view of the modern Baltic ruling elite.

But let's remember the history. The slogan "Power to the Soviets!" was publicly announced in the Baltics even earlier than in Petrograd.

The territory of modern Estonia approximately corresponded to the Revel or Estland province of the Russian Empire (the southern part of Estonia and northern Latvia were part of the Livonian province). Soviets of workers', landless and army deputies arose here with the February Revolution. By the fall of 1917, the provincial councils had a well-developed structure, serious organizational capabilities and played a significant role in political life.

The demand for the transfer of power to the Soviets was publicly voiced here back in September 1917 by the Revel Council, the Soviets of Latvia and the 2nd Congress of the Soviets of Estonia.

On October 22 (November 4, according to the new style), a military revolutionary committee was created under the Executive Committee of the Soviets of Estonia - the organ of leadership of the armed uprising. On October 23 (November 5), earlier than in Petrograd, he took control of all strategically important points, thereby ensuring a quick and bloodless change of power.

The popularity of local Bolsheviks is evidenced by the following figures: in the fall of 1917, the RSDLP (b) was the largest party in Estonia, with more than 10 thousand members. The elections to the Constituent Assembly in Estonia gave the Bolsheviks 40.4 percent of the votes against 22.5 percent for the national parties - the Estonian Democratic Party and the Estonian Union of Landowners.

The Executive Committee of the Soviets of Workers ', Soldiers' and Landless Deputies of Latvia (Iskolat) took power into its own hands on November 8-9 in a new style. The balance of power in the region is evidenced by the results of the elections to the Constituent Assembly in the Vidzeme region. The Bolsheviks received 72% of the votes for them, others, including national parties - 22.9%.

It should be noted that part of Latvia was at that time occupied by Germany. Lithuania, or rather the Vilna province, part of whose territory is now part of Belarus, part - part of Lithuania, was completely occupied by Germany. Revolutionary events unfolded here later, already in 1918, but were suppressed by German and Polish troops. But there is no reason to believe that public sentiments in the occupied territories were fundamentally different. It should be admitted that the Estonian, Lithuanian and Latvian Bolsheviks were numerous and had very significant support in the regions.

And, closing the question of where so many supporters of socialism came from in the Baltic countries, we note that they were precisely the Estonian, Lithuanian and Latvian Bolsheviks, and not some emissaries from Petrograd.

Where did they go after? In February 1918, after the breakdown of the next round of negotiations on the Brest-Litovsk Peace, German troops launched an offensive along the entire Eastern Front. By February 22, they occupied the territory of the Courland and Livonia provinces. The Soviets were destroyed. In March-April 1918, the Duchies of Courland and Livonia were created in these territories. They were subsequently united by Germany into the Baltic Duchy. On July 11, 1918, the establishment of the Kingdom of Lithuania was announced, to the throne of which the German prince Wilhelm von Urach was enthroned.

Later, in November 1918, in connection with the defeat of Germany in the First World War, the Compiegne Armistice was signed, which, among other things, provided for the preservation of German occupation forces in the Baltic States in order to prevent the restoration of Soviet power here. Such restoration became possible only in 1940.

Continuous continuity of the Baltic democracies


How much money did the USSR spend on helping other countries

In modern Baltic historiography, it is generally accepted that "election campaigns in the republics, organized according to the" Moscow scenario "violated the democratic guarantees of the constitutions of the sovereign Baltic states, that the elections were not free, undemocratic" (quote from the historian Mikelis Rutkovsky).

The head of the Estonian Ministry of Justice, Urmas Reinsalu, commenting on the recent joint declaration of the ministers of the three countries on compensation from Russia, said: "The continuous succession of the Baltic states allows us to put forward such a requirement." This question should also be studied - to whom do the modern Baltic democracies raise the "continuous succession"?

In the 1930s, the nationalist dictatorship of Konstantin Päts was established in Estonia, parties were banned, parliament did not meet, political opponents were persecuted by the police, and "camps for parasites" were created. The fascist dictatorship of Karlis Ulmanis was established in Latvia in the 30s. Political parties were banned, newspapers were closed, parliament was dissolved, communists, those who did not manage to become illegal, were arrested. Since 1926, the dictatorship of Antanas Smetona was established on the territory of Lithuania. The leaders of the Communist Party were shot, the socialists were persecuted and went into an illegal position.

Dictatorships in the Baltic countries existed until 1940, when, at the ultimatum demand of the USSR, the persecution of political parties was stopped, elections were allowed, which were won by the pro-Soviet, pro-communist forces.

Thus, the question of the "continuous succession" of the modern authorities of the Baltic states can hardly be considered completely closed. As well as the issue of "Soviet occupation", given that the Soviet republics were the first to emerge here.

Socio-economic situation in the Baltic States in the interwar period

What successes in socio-economic development could the independent Baltic states boast in the interwar period (between the First and Second World Wars)? Here are just a few facts:

By 1938, Latvian factory industry accounted for 56% of the 1913 level. The number of workers dropped by more than half from the pre-war level.

In 1930, Estonian industry employed 17.5% of the country's labor force, in Latvia - 13.5%, in Lithuania - 6%.

Against the background of deindustrialization, the share of the population employed in agriculture practically did not decrease, despite the general European trends. In 1922, the rural population in Estonia accounted for 71.6%, in 1940 - 66.2%. A similar dynamics is typical for Lithuania. In the countries there was an "agrarianization" of the economy and an archaization of life.

Against this background, there was a real exodus abroad of residents looking for a better life, earnings, who are not using their forces in the economies of the Baltic countries. From 1919 to 1940, about 100 thousand people emigrated from Lithuania alone to the USA, Brazil, Argentina. Surprisingly reminiscent of the times of new independence, isn't it?

What to claim compensation for?

In the post-war period, the Estonian USSR was in first or one of the first places in the USSR in terms of the volume of investments in fixed assets per capita. The republic actively developed such high-tech industries as the electrical and radio engineering industry, instrument making, and ship repair. The chemical industry from its own raw materials (oil shale, the supply of which was provided by the mining industry of the republic) produced a wide range of goods - from mineral fertilizers to antiseptics and detergents. On the territory of the republic, the world's largest Baltic and Estonian state district power plants operating on local oil shale were built, fully meeting the needs of the republic.

The population of the Estonian USSR was 1565 thousand people. The population of the modern Republic of Estonia is 1313 thousand people.

The Latvian SSR turned into an industrially developed region, occupying one of the leading places among the republics of the USSR in terms of the production of national income per capita. Here is a small list of goods, the production of which was established in the republic and which were supplied both to the regions of the Union and for export: passenger cars, trams, diesel engines and diesel generators, automatic telephone exchanges and telephones, refrigerators, radios, washing machines, mopeds - and etc.

The population of the Latvian SSR was 2666 thousand people. The population of the modern Republic of Latvia is 1,976 thousand people.

In 1990, the Lithuanian SSR ranked 39th in the world in terms of GDP per capita. Instrument-making, machine-tool manufacturing, electrical and radio engineering centers, radio electronics production operated in the republic. Shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, and the chemical industry developed. The electric power industry of the Lithuanian SSR, in addition to thermal power plants, was provided by the Ignalina nuclear power plant, which was shut down in 2009 at the request of the EU.

The population of the Lithuanian SSR was 3689 thousand people. The modern Republic of Lithuania - 2898 thousand people.

Since independence, the share of industry in the Baltic countries has decreased from 23-26 (according to various estimates) percent of GDP in 1995 to 14-20 percent in 2008. The share of transport and communications - from 11-15% in 1995 to 10-13% in 2008, and even the share of agriculture and fishing - from 6-11% in 1995 to 3-4% in 2008 … And this is taking into account that 1995 in itself is notable only for the fact that by this year the radical transformations (“de-Sovietization”) were basically completed, privatization was carried out and the states submitted applications for joining the European Union.

Losses in the course of the post-Soviet transformation of the early 90s are characterized by the following figures: 35% of the economic recession in Estonia, 49% in Lithuania and 52% in Latvia.

Against this background, you will involuntarily begin to look for additional sources of income. Albeit in the form of compensation.
