A few months ago it became known that 60 MiG-31 interceptors will be modernized in the coming years. In the course of the work, the aircraft will be repaired and their service life will be extended, and in addition, new electronic equipment will be installed, corresponding to the MiG-31BM modification. A good and useful undertaking. However, like many similar programs, the modernization of fighters has become the object of a new "sensation". On Tuesday, Izvestia published a note in which already known information was given regarding the ongoing modernization of the MiG-31. However, the main part of the article was devoted to the statements of V. Orlov, assistant general director of the Pravdinsky Radio Plant. They attract the most attention, but first things first.

The main element of the current modernization of the MiG-31 interceptors to the state of the MiG-31BM is the installation of a new on-board radar station and the Zaslon-AM weapons control system developed by the N. I. V. V. Tikhomirov, as well as related equipment. The new equipment will help to increase the detection range and target acquisition for tracking by about a third, depending on weather conditions and target flight parameters. The exact figures of the dependence of the ranges on the effective scattering area of the target have not yet been named. Everything that is known about the distances to visible and attacked targets is that the detection of a fighter-type target is carried out at ranges of up to 320 kilometers, and attack and destruction are possible at a distance of about 280 km. The type of target fighter that was used in the calculations, as is always the case, was not named. In addition, the MiG-31BM has an expanded range of weapons, including long-range air-to-air missiles R-37 and guided bombs. The MiG-31BM aircraft retains its previous capabilities for carrying weapons: any available weapon can be transported at six suspension points (plus two for additional tanks). It is noteworthy that the capabilities of the new airborne radar and weapons control system make it possible to shoot the entire set of missiles almost simultaneously: Zaslon-AM can simultaneously track up to 24 targets and fire six, and the potential of the systems allows attacking a larger number of targets. Such capabilities are provided by a phased array of a radar station.
It would seem that 60 aircraft will receive modern equipment and will be able to guard the borders of our country for more than one year, everything is fine. But the information given in Izvestia may well entail a scandal. The fact is that the assistant to the general director of the Pravdinsky radio plant (the enterprise is located in the city of Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod region and is part of the Almaz-Antey concern) seriously criticized the hardware used on the MiG-31BM. According to V. Orlov, the real indicators of the new interceptor radar are significantly lower than those stated. He argues that target detection in the forward hemisphere with a collision course occurs only at the 85-90 km line. If the interceptor has to catch up with the target, then the detection range is reduced in general to 25 km. Of course, such characteristics are insufficient for modern air combat. Orlov cited the American F-14 fighter as an example. According to the assistant to the general director of the Pravdinsky radio plant, the radar station of the American aircraft used to "see" targets at a distance of up to 230 kilometers, and after modernization, this figure increased to 400. Moreover, the domestic radar and SUV "Zaslon-AM" have too low indicators for a maneuverable airplane. battle. Orlov believes that the reason for using such imperfect equipment is the desire of the Ministry of Defense to support certain enterprises, even at the cost of the country's defense capability. Otherwise, as an employee of the Radio Plant says, people may remain on the street and social upheavals will begin, up to riots.
In appearance, the situation is serious, if not terrible. However, close examination of individual statements can change the impression of the environment. First, you should pay attention to the announced indicators of the target detection and attack range. People, even superficially familiar with the basics of radar, know that the detection range of an object primarily depends on the power of the signal reflected by the target. It is usually increased by increasing the transmitter power, improving the receiver sensitivity, and also selecting the required radiation range. However, the technologies of reducing radar signature, popular in recent years, are doing their job: the effective scattering area of aircraft decreases, and with it the power of the reflected signal decreases. Thus, objects with a higher RCS can be detected at a large distance, and with a smaller one, in turn, at a relatively short distance. Accordingly, when calculating the detection range of targets, their RCS should also be taken into account. And in various reference materials on radar stations, not only the target detection range is often indicated, but also the parameters of the latter. From this we can conclude: for some reason, Orlov compares the performance of radar stations of two different aircraft "using" targets with different characteristics.
The second nuance of comparing the MiG-31BM and the Grumman F-14 Tomcat lies in their "biography" and tactical purpose. To begin with, it is worth remembering that the Raytheon AN / APG-71 radar of the latest modification of the American aircraft - the F14D Super Tomcat - at distances of 230 kilometers provided detection of only large targets with a large effective dispersion area, such as B-52 bombers, etc. As for the missile launch range, the Super Tomcat's arsenal did indeed have ammunition with a range of at least 150 kilometers - the AIM-54 Phoenix missile. And yet the F-14 is not a competitor for the MiG-31BM, and here's why. First, in 2004, the Phoenix rocket was removed from service, and two years later, the last F-14D aircraft were sent to storage and disposal bases. Moreover, the first "Tomkats" began to be withdrawn from the US Air Force in the mid-nineties. Currently, a bunch of F-14 + AIM-54 is in service and is operated only in Iran.
Now let's look at the maxims regarding close air combat. The MiG-31 was originally designed as a long-range all-weather interceptor. The concept of its application implied a quick exit to the missile launch line, an attack on an intercepted target or targets, and a departure to its airfield. The MiG-31 in its first version could attack enemy aircraft and cruise missiles at ranges of about 120 kilometers, later this figure only grew. It is easy to guess that with such a range of fire, the interceptor will be able to attack targets, use up its ammunition and go home before it is in danger of being attacked. It is unlikely that in such conditions it will come to close maneuverable combat.
V. Orlov's fabrications about the reasons for the installation of the Zaslonov-AM on the MiG-31BM, and not other radar stations, also look rather strange. Research Institute of Instrument Engineering named after V. V. Tikhomirova is one of the leaders of the domestic electronics industry and can hardly be called lagging behind and at risk of being left without orders and jobs. Naturally, the institute is now going through not the best years in its life, but there is no need to wait for hunger riots.
Finally, it is worth examining one more statement by V. Orlov. He believes that the MiG-31BM equipment not only has insufficient detection and destruction ranges, but is also unable to "see" a number of specific targets. Thus, the operating frequencies of Zaslon-AM (it was named 6 GHz) do not allow the aircraft to find aircraft built with the use of stealth technologies. According to Orlov, domestic radars should switch from centimeter to decimeter or even meter range. In this context, firstly, it is necessary to remind: the specific frequency of the transmitter of a particular radar is classified information and is sometimes hidden even after the station is removed from service. Therefore, confident statements about six gigahertz look at least strange. The second controversial point in reasoning about frequency ranges concerns the need to increase the wavelength. Over time, the creators of radar systems moved to centimeter ranges for several reasons. This is an increased accuracy of detection and tracking of objects in comparison with other frequencies, a relatively low power consumption (which is important for aviation), as well as a smaller antenna size. A return to decimeter or meter bands may not live up to expectations. In addition, with the creation of such systems for aircraft, characteristic difficulties will certainly arise.
As you can see, once again the media, in pursuit of "sensational" news, either turned to the wrong source, or did not bother to check the information. Regardless of the reasons for the appearance of the publication with the so-called fried facts, the words voiced in it are likely to become widespread in certain circles and cause further controversy. Probably, in the course of further analysis of the statements of the assistant director of the NGO "Pravdinskiy Radiozavod", new facts will become clear and versions regarding the things expressed will appear. However, one can predict with much greater certainty the imminent appearance of new scandalous messages on other topics.