An unnamed source in the Russian defense industry unofficially told TASS on January 8 that Russia is working on a new version of the already famous SLCM "Caliber" 3M14, called "Caliber-M". Work is being carried out within the framework of the current state armament program (GPV-2027), and the new CD will be transferred into service before its end. The following details are reported: "Caliber-M" will have a range of "more than 4, 5 thousand km", carry both conventional and special warheads (there are no changes, and the current one can, of course), and the weight of a conventional warhead will be seriously increased, "will approach 1 ton". It will be designed "for arming large surface ships of the frigate class and above, as well as nuclear submarines." If all this is not misinformation (and most likely not, because the creation of such a CD is quite logical), then you can try to start from this meager data and speculate a little.
All constructions are strictly evaluative

As for the increase in the range almost twice (the usual non-nuclear "Caliber" is also reported to have a range of up to 2600 km, and the nuclear one flies further, according to various sources, by 3, 3, 3 or 3, 5 thousand km), then this step is absolutely logical and fits into the general line of development of domestic long-range missile systems. Aviation CDs now have the best in performance characteristics, both here and in the world, are the long-range non-nuclear missile launcher X-101 with a range of 4500 km, its nuclear "sister" X-102 with a range of 5500 km, as well as their official only non-nuclear missile. offspring ", KR" medium "range X-50 (aka X-SD," product 715 ") with a range of up to 3000 km (there is information about 1700 km, perhaps we are talking about different versions with different mass of warheads). According to open sources, the Kh-101/102 have a mass of 2200-2400 kg (non-nuclear, of course, heavier), a length of 7.45 m and a maximum diameter of 74 2 mm. Rather, it is necessary to talk about the maximum width of the hull due to its "flattened" angular shape in these aviation cruise missiles, which, unlike sea and land ones, are not limited by the size of the TPK or torpedo tube, which must correspond in shape and caliber.
Most likely, we can count on the same weight and dimensions for the Caliber-M, but taking into account the need to maintain the cylindrical shape of the case. Even for a slightly larger mass and dimensions, because the rocket is forced to start from the surface of the water or from under the water, which means that a TSU is required - a solid-propellant launch accelerator, and not only it. Moreover, the diameter will be approximately the same, because the rocket will be limited by the standards of both a surface vertical launcher, UKSK 3S14 modules, and an underwater one - SM-346, which are installed on project 885 (885M) submarine cruisers, as well as, for modernization, on the project 949A, the same silos will be installed. And just the diameter of 72 cm here will be the limit beyond which it is impossible to go, both of these launchers are designed for such a diameter, in particular, for the diameter of the TPS - a transport and launch cup of 0.72 m, for the supersonic anti-ship missile system 3M55 "Onyx" it calculated plus clearance. The length of the TPS is almost 9 m, which, obviously, will be the maximum limit for the "Caliber-M" together with the TPS and in length. Probably, the newest hypersonic anti-ship missile system 3M22 "Zircon" is also designed for the same glass diameter and length. But, of course, we will have to say goodbye to the launch of the Caliber-M through torpedo tubes - it will not fit in a 533 mm TA, unlike the usual Caliber, and, obviously, even in 650 mm it will not. This explains the clarification that only nuclear submarines and large surface ships will be equipped with the new missile.
Another interesting question is whether a land-based version of this missile will be created. If we leave the controversial issue of the real range of the ground-based missile systems of the Iskander-M 9M728 and 9M729 complex for the time being (the argumentation of the Russian and American sides on these issues is known, but the truth will become known a little later), then it is very likely that, in the case of the almost inevitable "untimely death" of the INF Treaty, a land-based version of the "Caliber-M" could also be created. And then the whole of Eurasia, and not only it, will be under the gun of the winged Iskander. So it’s probably possible to expect such a step by the Russian side, but it will follow only after the creation of a naval version of the Kalibr-M missile launcher.
As for the increased mass of the MS of this CD, the author has the following thoughts on this matter. Perhaps, after processing the array of available data (and after using in Syria about a quarter of a thousand sea, land and aviation CDs, we have enough data, as well as after American and American-Anglo-French strikes) about the destructive action against real targets of existing conventional warheads weighing 400 -450 kg (and American weighing from 300 to 450 kg), it became clear that for a number of purposes, not only about 300 kg of the Tactical Tomahok warhead warhead, whose obvious weakness is no longer a secret for the Americans, but also the more powerful 400-450 kg warheads may not be powerful enough. And there was a need to create a heavier warhead. But it seems to the author that this version of the warhead "approaching a ton" is not the one that will be on all non-nuclear versions of the hypothetical "Caliber-M". Perhaps there will be a weighted version of the range reduced in comparison with the declared 4500 km, and the usual one, say, with a half-ton warhead with various equipment options (high-explosive penetrating, cassette, etc.). And, of course, with a special, semi-megaton or megaton class. Or perhaps the TASS source simply let the "misinformation" in this moment - this, too, cannot be ruled out.
In total, we, in theory, can get a cruise missile with a mass together with a TSU of the order of 2, 5-2, 7 tons, a length of about 8 m or more, a body diameter hardly more than 720 mm, possibly with different maximum masses of conventional warheads. Although, of course, the real characteristics of the rocket may turn out to be completely different, and in the course of development, much can change.
And the possibilities of such promising SLCMs in terms of the range of destruction, of course, are impressive, you can "keep" the entire continent and part of Africa from your shores, and even from the shores of, say, Syria - the prospects are even more interesting. Or from the coast of Chukotka - in the direction of the United States. For bombers with the Kh-101/102, the capabilities, of course, are even higher, especially considering recent reports that the range of these missile launchers may also increase in the future. How can this be achieved? Perhaps they are implementing a project that has flashed since the beginning of the 2000s and equipping them with highly efficient turbopropfan engines, or they will switch to even more economical turbofan engines, or the next fuel change for the KR will increase the range, say, by another 1-2 thousand km. At the same time, taking into account the land-based cruise missile of unlimited range with a nuclear jet engine being created in Russia, of course, it is interesting whether this technology will be spread in the Navy (in Long-Range Aviation, probably, it is unlikely). But so far the "Petrel" itself has not yet completed the preliminary tests, so it is too early to dream of its development.
Let's wait. Also, of course, it is interesting what the range characteristics of the promising sea and air-based missile systems created in the United States will be. So far, there is no reliable information, but there are estimates from 2, 8 to 3, 5-4 thousand km. Let's wait for the reciprocal move of our main potential "partners".