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The picture does not quite correspond to the time of the narration in the article, but it was the developments of the NII-48 that became one of the foundations for the development of Soviet sub-caliber anti-tank ammunition in the future. In the photo: artillery crew of the 76.2-mm divisional gun ZIS-3 of the 1942 model under the command of the foreman
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The most popular Harop loitering ammunition in the media. Source: Effective kamikaze toys However, the British Department of Defense has built such a heavyweight wording: “Inexpensive controlled
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The multi-purpose vehicle 2S38 with a 57-mm cannon has become a trend in recent years Unnecessary caliber In the period between the two world wars, artillery guns with a caliber of 57 mm seemed to war theorists, in particular, in the USSR, as intermediate and unnecessary models. The destructive abilities of 45-mm ammunition are quite
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A look through the earth Geospatial information for the army is now becoming increasingly relevant. In all countries, the defense departments understand that the prompt provision of terrain description and geodetic parameters to the troops can decide the outcome of the confrontation. To collect
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By the beginning of 1943, the Red Army did not wait for the required number of basic radio weapons systems: RAF and RSB. In 1942, only 451 were produced by the RAF stations (radio stations for automobile front-line), a year later they were assembled even less - 388, and only by 1944 the annual output was 485
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The head of the communications department of the USSR Armed Forces, Major General Nikolai Ivanovich Gapich, seven months before the start of the war, prepared a report "On the state of the communications service of the Red Army", which lay on the table of the People's Commissar of Defense Semyon Konstantinovich Timoshenko. In particular, it said: “Despite the annual
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The need for the B-52 to be on duty in the air with atomic weapons was caused by another exacerbation of the Cold War at the turn of the 50-60s, as well as the too long flight time of aircraft to Union facilities. The Americans had to keep aircraft with atomic weapons in the air in case of an unexpected strike
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"Wolf's Foam" from Portugal As you know, the Soviet Union learned about the German tungsten know-how after the counter-offensive near Moscow. Then the secret anti-caliber anti-tank shells with an unusually hard core fell into the hands of Soviet specialists. Found them by a rank 3 military engineer
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Rigorous science says that malodorous compounds in small concentrations affect the olfactory system, exerting psychological effects and causing behavioral changes. That is, they force a person to frown and leave combat positions in horror in search of a breath of fresh air. Much
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In the early 1980s, the scientific communities in the USSR and the United States almost simultaneously came to the conclusion that a large-scale nuclear war between countries would lead not only to the death of most of the world's population, but also to global climate change. It was a golden time for scientists of the Soviet Union: then
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Our usual approach to the topic of personal safety is to violate the principle of mindfulness. Why? Because people do not think about what urban civil self-defense is, what it consists of, and what areas are best for it. By making a rash choice, the user can
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Tests of the SIAM complex. The rocket spotted and hit an unmanned target. Photo by FAS Army aviation helicopters are an important tool that can influence the course of battles. Accordingly, a developed army may require specialized or improvised means of dealing with such a threat. One
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Launch of a rocket complex "Hermes" It became known about the beginning of research work on the creation of a promising interspecific missile complex with hypersonic ammunition. The project "Klevok-D2" is proposed by the Tula Instrument Design Bureau named after V.I. Academician Shipunov and provides for a deep
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General view of LPO-50. Photo In the early fifties, the Soviet defense industry developed several new models of flamethrower weapons for the ground forces. One of them was the LPO-50 light infantry flamethrower. He entered service with the Soviet army, and was also supplied
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The German flamethrower on the cover of the magazine This progress in military affairs attracted the attention of the press. For example, in the July 1915 issue of the American magazine Popular Mechanics there was
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At the very end of 2019, the Strategic Missile Forces put their first Avangard hypersonic complex on alert. A number of third countries consider such weapons to be a threat to their security, requiring an appropriate response. Various countermeasures are proposed and
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The launch of the Pukkykson-3 rocket on October 2, 2019, the DPRK continues to build its nuclear forces, and a promising ballistic missile of the Pukkykson-3 submarines should become their new element. The first launch of an experimental product of this type took place almost a year ago, and in the near future they may
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Ajax armored vehicle with a 40-mm cannon from CTAI. Photo of the UK Department of Defense In the fifties, the so-called. telescopic ammunition for artillery or small arms. Later, this idea was developed in several countries and attracted the attention of the military. However, despite all expectations
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Ground-based Hermes means in the stowed position Shortly before the exhibition, its developers published new details, but in fact
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RPL-2020 machine gun. Photo by The international military-technical forum "Army-2020" has once again become a platform for the demonstration of various samples of various weapons, military equipment and special equipment. As in previous times, a significant part of the exposition is occupied by completely new
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The first known image of the "Mix" complex from the publication of the Ministry of Defense In the foreseeable future, the newest 6S20 "Mix" grenade launcher and flamethrower complex may enter service with the Russian army. The work on this product is approaching its finale, and soon the first samples will be sent to
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RPG-7 grenade launcher. A mechanical sight and a PG-7VL shot are used. Photo of the RFV Ministry of Defense 1961. The RPG-7 anti-tank rocket launcher with the PG-7V cumulative round entered service with the Soviet Army. In the future, this system began to develop and improve, due to which it
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Camouflage suits "Lovat Scouts", early XX century. Photo Imperial War Museum / The stereotypical image of a sniper, stealthily approaching a firing position and waiting hours for his target, is unthinkable without a ghillie-type camouflage suit. This piece of equipment represents a large
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On August 8, the American Internet edition We Are The Mighty published an interesting article authored by Alex Hollings. The loud headline "America's nukes are absolutely tiny compared to Russia's" was followed by a discussion of
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155 mm shells, like the artillery caliber of the same name, are among the most popular in the world. They are produced by a variety of countries, many of which, keeping up with the times, have made these ammunition adjustable. Introducing a version of the top 5 most successful 155mm rounds from a point
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Death Statistics The modern battlefield is filled with a huge number of weapons designed to defeat the enemy. Barrel and rocket artillery, aircraft weapons, guided missiles, mortars, easel and hand grenade launchers. It would seem that in these conditions the role of small arms as
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From about the middle of the 20th century, the 30 mm caliber became the de facto standard for automatic cannons. Of course, automatic cannons of other calibers, from 20 to 40 mm, were also widespread, but the most widespread was the 30 mm caliber. Especially widespread rapid-fire 30 mm cannons
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Can you even understand what the next war might be like? How reliably did the leaders of states and military leaders imagine what the First World War or the Second World War (WWII) would look like, and how much did their forecasts coincide with reality during the waging of these wars?
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This article is intended to expand the series of articles "Civilian weapons", which includes articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, transforming it into something like the series "Civil security", in which the threats that lie in wait for ordinary citizens will be considered in more a wider context. In the future, we will consider
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The term "wunderwaffe" (wunderwaffe, miracle weapon) originated in Nazi Germany as a designation of a fundamentally new weapon, or a weapon significantly superior in characteristics to everything previously created and capable of bringing significant changes on the battlefield. Later, the term "wunderwaffe" received
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Probably, no one will argue that communication has been one of the most important components of a modern army for decades. Even during the Second World War, the one who could provide the best information exchange between headquarters and units and units received a huge advantage. AND
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Not so long ago, in one of the materials, I sadly complained that the moronization of society in the information space is taking on alarming proportions. I am translating: the people are getting dumber. And here is another confirmation of this. Actually, I was looking for information completely on this topic, but I was simply shocked at how many people in
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In general, there is even such a term: interbellum, that is, the interval between the two world wars. And in this interval, from 1918 to 1939, specifically in Germany, they managed to fit two armies. The first is a kind of garbage of the imperial Reichswehr, permitted by the Treaty of Versailles, and, in fact, since 1933
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For what I adore our readers, it is for perseverance. Yes, fortunately, sometimes in the comments you can easily collect one or two articles easily and naturally. But no, you will also shower the whole PM with advice. So what was arranged for me after this article: “Gasoline and diesel fuel of the Third Reich:
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During the Second World War, a large number of unusual weapons were created in Great Britain. Many of them were not created from a good life. After the defeat of the expeditionary force in France and the loss of a huge number of various weapons in Great Britain, the German
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The model of the nose cone, created in the framework of the "Dove" project. Carrier pigeons were quite actively used during the First and Second World War. The use of pigeons as winged messengers has a thousand-year history; this use of birds was known even in the army of Alexander the Great
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Underwater Nuclear Explosion, Project Domenic, 1962 The Cold War years gave the world many images of nuclear weapons. This is not only about strategic offensive weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles. During the confrontation between the United States and the USSR, there were
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Some weapons firmly enter our lives through the cinema. One such example is the American light jet flamethrower M202 FLASH, which would not have received such fame and recognition if it had not been included in the movie "Commando" in due time. Action movie classic
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Today, at the mention of the phrase a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher, an image of the RPG-7 materializes in the head of many. The grenade launcher, which was put into service back in 1961, is familiar to many from films, news stories from all over the world and computer games. However, the RPG-7 was far from
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The Mk.47, or Striker 40, is the most advanced American belt-fed heavy-duty automatic grenade launcher. Like most models of such weapons developed in NATO countries, it was originally created for the use of 40x53 mm ammunition and allows the use of all types