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Scottish soldiers walking along the road in the Addis Ababa area General situation In 1935-1936, Italy captured Ethiopia and created the Italian East Africa colony. It also included Eritrea and Italian Somalia. In June 1940, fascist Italy entered World War II. Originally
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Ernest Picchio. "Execution of the Parisian Communards" French catastrophe1870-1871 years became a difficult time for France. Emperor Napoleon III, who considered France the leader of Western Europe, allowed the country to be drawn into a war with Prussia. Prussian chancellor Bismarck, who united Germany with "iron and blood"
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MM. Antokolsky. "Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible". 1875 During the time of Ivan the Terrible, a project to create a union of the Commonwealth and the Russian kingdom arose in Poland. The prospect looked tempting. The Polish-Russian alliance could occupy a dominant position in Europe already at the beginning of the 17th century. Knock the Swedes out
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The Janissaries of the Ottoman Empire during the siege of the Rhodes citadel The Russians entered the struggle with Turkey during the time of Ivan the Terrible. And this struggle was not for individual lands, but for the preservation of the entire Russian and Slavic civilization, Orthodoxy. The Ottoman sultans claimed not only the Balkans, but also
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Hike of the Troops of Moscow Rus, XVI century. Painting by S. Ivanov. 1903Osmans subjugate the Crimea The Crimean Khan Hadzhi-Girey entered into an alliance with the Turks in 1454, after the fall of Constantinople, when the Turkish fleet reached the Cafe, landed troops and tried to take the Genoese fortress. Soon the Genoese began to pay tribute
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Monument to Paul I in Gatchina. The work of I. Vitali 220 years ago, the Russian Tsar Paul I was killed in his bedroom at the Mikhailovsky Castle. For a long time, the topic of Paul's murder was completely banned in the Russian Empire. According to the official version, he had an apoplectic stroke. I went to the capital
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Signing of the Riga Peace Treaty 1921 The Riga Treaty was signed 100 years ago. Soviet Russia lost the war to Poland and was forced to cede the territories of Western Belarus and Western Ukraine. Also, the Soviet side undertook to pay reparations to Poland and transfer large material
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I. Aivazovsky. "Battle of Navarino" Russia played a decisive role in the fate of Greece. During the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829. The Ottoman Empire suffered a crushing defeat. In the Caucasus, Russian troops took Erzurum and reached Trebizond. At the Danube theater, Diebitsch's army took Silistria
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Chigirinsky castle Beginning of the campaign of 1678 At the beginning of 1678, the Russian government made another attempt to conclude peace with Porta. The steward Afanasy Parasukov was sent to Constantinople. However, Russia's proposals for peace were rejected. Sultan insisted on his right to own Ukraine
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Signing of the treaty "Ravenous" peace During the First World War, the Russian army inflicted a number of heavy defeats on the Ottoman Empire. Russian troops occupied a number of regions of Turkey, captured Erzurum (the largest administrative and military center of the eastern part of Turkey), Bitlis and Trebizond. The Russian fleet was preparing
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The trial of Patriarch Nikon (SD Miloradovich, 1885) Since the time of the Great Schism, the people and the authorities have irrevocably moved away from each other. There is a gradual loss of living faith, a decline in the authority of the church. Official Orthodoxy is degenerating, shrinking, becoming an appearance. In the final we will get
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Tabor (Cossacks). Y. Brandt Istanbul's appetites were not limited to Ukraine. The projects of the times of Ivan the Terrible were revived - to subjugate the entire North Caucasus, capture the Volga region, restore the Astrakhan and Kazan khanates under the protectorate of Turkey. Russia had to pay tribute to Crimea as a successor
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V. I. Lenin and K. E. Voroshilov among the delegates of the X Congress of the RCP (b). 1921 Exhaustion of the country World War, Troubles, intervention and mass migration led to the depletion of Russia, its resources, human and material. War communism policy, mobilization policy aimed at confronting enemies
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Soldiers of the Buryat-Mongolian regiment of the Asian cavalry division The leaders of the "February" nature, bourgeois-liberal, pro-Western, prevailed completely. Among the exceptions was Baron Roman Fyodorovich von
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Tsar Alexander II 140 years ago the Russian Emperor Alexander II the Liberator was killed. The sovereign was killed in a terrorist attack carried out by several members of the Narodnaya Volya organization in St. Petersburg. This was far from the first attempt on the life of a reformer tsar. Interestingly
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"Cossacks". I. RepinGo over to the tsarist power of most of the right-bank Cossack regiments Throughout Ukraine, the name of Doroshenko, who brought the Turks, caused a general curse. The Turkish occupation led to massive violence, plunder and the capture of people for sale into slavery. Turkish colonization turned out to be even worse
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Painting by Russian artist Alexei Kivshenko: "The entry of Russian troops into Paris in 1814" How Russia was "thanked" for the victory over the French Empire At the same time, 2/3 of the "Great Army" were not French, but various Germans
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Red Army soldiers enter TiflisGeorgian "Democracy" The Georgian Democratic Republic was proclaimed in May 1918, after the collapse of the Transcaucasian Republic. The government was headed by the Georgian Mensheviks. Among them were prominent figures who previously played a large role in
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Church Council in 1654 (Patriarch Nikon presents new liturgical texts) A.D. Kivshenko, 1880 Nikon proclaimed a global project: "New Jerusalem to be in Moscow!" New Jerusalem will become the world center of Orthodoxy, similar to the Vatican. Nikon himself will become an "Orthodox pope." His
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United Partisan Army of the Tambov province In the fall of 1920, when the last strong centers of the White movement - the Wrangel Crimea and Semyonovskaya Chita - were crushed, the Bolsheviks had to strain their forces in the fight against the "green", rebels and bandits. Frunze, in the fight against them, introduced the term "small
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The Red Army attacks the Kronstadt fortress on the ice of the Gulf of Finland. March 1921 Maritime Republic After the February Revolution of 1917, the base of the Baltic Fleet became a kind of autonomous republic. Anarchists dominated the ships of the Baltic Fleet and the Kronstadt fortress. Massive
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The assassination of Emperor Paul I. French engraving Accusing Russia of "crimes against the state," England is displaying monstrous hypocrisy. Over the past 300 years, England has been Russia's worst enemy. And only by the middle of the 20th century did it share this place with the United States. British stand behind premature death
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Modern portrait of the head of the Asian Cavalry Division, Lieutenant General Baron R. F. von Ungern-Sternberg / center Since the beginning of hostilities, he deserved
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Drake accepts the surrender of Admiral Pedro de Valdes European predators are increasingly spread across the planet. At the same time, the colonial policy of different countries was quite different. A particularly strong difference was between Catholics and Protestants. Spain When the Spanish conquistadors captured
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Battle of Khotyn. Dutch artist J. van HuchtenburgUkraine under the rule of the Ottomans turned into a "wild field". Podolia was directly incorporated into the Turkish Empire. The West Russian population of the region fell into real slavery. The hetman's rate, Chigirin, at this time became a large slave
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Arrival of Dmitry the impostor to Kaluga after fleeing from Tushino. The painting by N. Dmitriev-Orenburgsky "The Good Tsar" more and more resembled a formidable autocrat. The boyars and nobles were suspected of betrayal. His "guardsmen" seized the courtiers and executed them. The Polish prisoners were tortured and drowned. Swedish aid
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D. Shmarin's painting "Baron Ungern - For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland" 100 years ago, the Asian division under the command of Baron von Ungern defeated the Chinese and took Urga, the capital of Mongolia, by storm. The independence of Outer Mongolia, which was previously occupied by Chinese troops, was restored. The actual
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Burning of Archpriest Avvakum. Russian painter Pyotr Myasoedov, 1897 370 years ago, the Great schism of the Russian Church and the people began. Patriarch Nikon led the power struggle against his people. Since the time of the split, the people, the official church and the government have been irrevocably alienated from each other. Alive
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Kamyanets-Podolsk fortress Under Turkish rule, the Hetmanate retained internal autonomy, freedom from Turkish taxes and pledged to help the Sultan with his army. For himself personally, Doroshenko bargained for irremovability from the hetman dignity and inheritance in his family. Pro-Turkish stance sparked anger
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Proclamation of the German Empire in the Palace of Versailles near Paris in 1871 Painting by A. Werner 150 years ago the Second Reich was created. On January 18, 1871, the monarchs of all German states in a solemn atmosphere at Versailles proclaimed the Prussian King Wilhelm the German emperor. Germany
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Siege of Trinity Lavra in 1608. Lithograph of 1852 Marina Mnishek and the impostor The government of the Commonwealth at first did not take False Dmitry II seriously. In vain the "Starodub thief" sought to conclude an alliance treaty with Sigismund. The Polish government doubted the impostor's success. With another
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Alaverdi Monastery Georgia asks for Russian patronage After the end of the Troubles in Russia, the Georgian tsars and the prince again began to ask for Russian patronage. In 1619, the Kakhetian king Teimuraz asked the Russian sovereign Mikhail Fedorovich to protect him from the persecution of the Persians. Moscow, respecting the request
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Battle of Bolotnikov's army with tsarist troops near Moscow. Artist Ernest Lissner 410 years ago False Dmitry II was killed in Kaluga. A protege of Poland, an impostor who posed as if by a miracle the escaped son of Ivan IV the Terrible, Tsarevich Dmitry Uglitsky. A significant part of them submitted to his authority
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British military leader Frederick Poole in Arkhangelsk. 1918 Over the past three centuries, England has been Russia's worst enemy. Only since the Second World War has Britain divided this place with the United States. The continuous conflict with England was fueled by the desire of the British to rule the world. Clearing a place for myself
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Marshal K. E. Voroshilov receives a parade in Kuibyshev on November 7, 1941 140 years ago, Clement Efremovich Voroshilov was born, statesman and military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union. A man who has come a long way from a simple worker to the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, always loyal to the Motherland
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The capture of the tsarist and Cossack regiments of the Turkish and Tatar fortresses. Engraving by L. Tarasevich 340 years ago, Russia, Turkey and the Crimean Khanate signed the Peace of Bakhchisarai. The Russian state repulsed the onslaught of the Ottoman Empire to the north. The Turks recognized the power of Moscow in the Left-Bank Ukraine. Kiev stayed for
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G.N. Gorelov. "Bolotnikov Uprising" Despite the suppression of the Bolotnikov uprising and the death of its leaders, the turmoil did not stop. The surviving thieves joined the army of False Dmitry II and took part in a new campaign against Moscow. The siege of Moscow Almost immediately after the rebel army laid siege to
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Tank "Matilda" of the 7th tank regiment on the march. December 19, 1940 80 years ago began the first British offensive in Africa - the Libyan operation. The British cleared the previously lost territory of Egypt from the enemy. They occupied Cyrenaica (Libya), and in January 1941 - Tobruk. We went to the district in February
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The rescue of General-in-Chief A. V. Suvorov by grenadier Stepan Novikov in the battle at Kinburn on October 1, 1787. “Despite numerous wounds, he looks cheerful and youthful. Due to the severity of life, diseases are unknown to him. He never takes internal medications. Sleeps in the hay, hiding behind a sheet, and
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Battle of Rymnik. Engraving by H.G. Schütz. Austria. Late 18th century Alexander Suvorov taught his soldiers: "Choose a hero, take an example from him, imitate him in heroism, catch up with him, overtake him - glory to you!" He himself lived by this principle. KinburnCatherine's journey, review of the troops on the Poltava field and the fleet