
Twentieth anniversary of the tragic death of "Kursk"

Twentieth anniversary of the tragic death of "Kursk"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Part of the Kursk nuclear submarine as a monument to submariners who died in peacetime in Murmansk 20 years ago, one of the largest disasters in the history of the Russian fleet took place. On August 12, 2000, the nuclear-powered submarine Kursk sank in the Barents Sea after an explosion on board. The whole crew, 118 people

The defeat of the landing group Ulagaya

The defeat of the landing group Ulagaya

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

One of the most prominent cavalry commanders of the White Army, Sergei Georgievich Ulagai, on August 14, 1920, at night, the Ulagai group captured Akhtari. On August 17, west of Novorossiysk, a detachment of Cherepov was landed. On August 18, Ulagai's troops took Timashevskaya, on the right flank Shifner-Markevich captured Grivenskaya

How Tukhachevsky destroyed his armies on the Vistula

How Tukhachevsky destroyed his armies on the Vistula

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Polish infantry during the Battle of Warsaw. August 1920 While the Polish army had grown stronger and stronger by the time of the decisive battle on the Vistula, Tukhachevsky's troops were weakened. They suffered heavy losses, were tired of incessant battles, the rear fell behind by 200-400 km, which disrupted the supply

The fierce battle for the Kakhovsky bridgehead

The fierce battle for the Kakhovsky bridgehead

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A British-made White Guard tank, captured by the soldiers of the 51st Infantry Division near Kakhovka, Slashchev and Barbovich stopped the enemy and threw them back to the Dnieper. However, here the whites ran into the powerful Kakhovsky fortified area, occupied by fresh units of the Blucher division. Wire

How the Russians took Beijing by storm

How the Russians took Beijing by storm

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Russian troops are fighting in Beijing 120 years ago, Russian troops were the first to break into Beijing. The fall of the Chinese capital predetermined the defeat of the uprising of the ihetuan ("boxers"). As a result, the Chinese Empire fell into an even greater political and economic dependence on foreign

Lais's Heroic Defense

Lais's Heroic Defense

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Castle Lais On December 17, 1599, the Livonians launched a new assault on Lais, but suffered a severe setback. A shower of arrows, cannon balls and bullets fell on the assault columns, our gunners shot down two enemy guns. Order bollards and mercenaries, in orderly ranks marching into the attack, halved, rolled back in disarray

The death of the Livonian army in the battle of Ermes

The death of the Livonian army in the battle of Ermes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Ruins of Fellin Castle 460 years ago, the Russian army destroyed the Livonian detachment in the battle of Ermes. This was the last fairly large field battle of the war between the Russian kingdom and Livonia. The Order lost its combat-ready forces. Spring-Summer Campaign 1560 After the capture of Marienburg, the main forces of the Russian

"Diligence and courage are superior to strength." Defeat of the Swedes at Grengam

"Diligence and courage are superior to strength." Defeat of the Swedes at Grengam

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Battle of Grengam. Artist F. Perrault. 1841 300 years ago, the Russian rowing fleet defeated a Swedish squadron on the Baltic Sea near Grengam Island. This was the last major battle of the Northern War. Campaign of 1720 The campaign of 1720 began with a victory. In January, a Russian detachment consisting of

Battle for Lviv. The failure of the Red Army in Galicia

Battle for Lviv. The failure of the Red Army in Galicia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Polish volunteer death squadron in Lviv 100 years ago, on July 23, 1920, the Lvov operation began: the offensive of the Soviet South-Western Front with the aim of defeating the Lviv group of the Polish army and liberating Western Ukraine. To Lviv! Mistake of the Soviet Supreme

How the Anglo-Saxons played off Russia and Japan

How the Anglo-Saxons played off Russia and Japan

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Russian poster of the beginning of the war "Let's sit by the sea, wait for the weather" The use of the "Russian penal battalion" reached its apotheosis at the beginning of the 20th century. Then participation in other people's games led the Russian Empire to a terrible collapse. It all started with a "small victorious war" with Japan. Alexander

How the collapse of the USSR was prepared: democracy, nationalism and the destruction of the army

How the collapse of the USSR was prepared: democracy, nationalism and the destruction of the army

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Reagan and Gorbachev sign the INF Treaty in the East Room of the White House. December 1987The disintegration of the USSR was prepared by the "democrats" and nationalists. Their ideology was based on anti-communism, Westernism and Russophobia. "Modernization" of public authorities After the glasnost program (revolution

The death of the cavalry group Rednecks

The death of the cavalry group Rednecks

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Drawing of a cadet-Alekseev, which depicts a squadron of Wrangel's Russian army in June 1920. White aviation played an important role in the outcome of the operation to defeat the cavalry group of the Redneck

Russian penal battalion. Why Russia fought for European stability

Russian penal battalion. Why Russia fought for European stability

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"Suvorov's crossing over the Alps". Painting by Vasily Surikov, painted in 1899, Russia's attempts to interfere in European affairs did not bring anything good to the Russians. No matter what coalition we find ourselves in, whoever we fought with, in the end the West won, and we suffered losses

Battle of Vienna

Battle of Vienna

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A crew of a 122-mm M-30 howitzer is firing at the enemy in one of the streets of Vienna Agony of the Third Reich. 75 years ago, on April 13, 1945, Soviet troops took Vienna. It was the victorious finale of the Vienna Offensive. During the Vienna Offensive, the Red Army liberated the eastern part of the

Polish "liberation" campaign to Kiev

Polish "liberation" campaign to Kiev

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Polish-Ukrainian troops enter Kiev. Khreshchatyk, 1920 100 years ago, in April 1920, the Polish army launched an offensive. The Polish army, with the support of the Petliurites, occupied the Right-Bank Ukraine and captured Kiev. General Situation In the early spring of 1920, it seemed that Soviet Russia

The victory over Japan was won not by the atomic bomb, but by the Red Army

The victory over Japan was won not by the atomic bomb, but by the Red Army

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Aerial view of the burning Japanese city of Hiroshima after the atomic bombing 75 years ago, on August 6, 1945, the Americans dropped a 20-kiloton bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion killed 70 thousand people, another 60 thousand died from wounds, burns and radiation sickness. August 9, 1945

Why England was Russia's worst enemy

Why England was Russia's worst enemy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Caricature "Real problems begin with" awakening ", 1900 (Russia, England, Germany, Italy, France and Japan are fighting on the body of China. America is watching) Russia and England have no common borders, geographically distant from each other. It would seem that two great powers can be, if not in

The Far Eastern Republic and the Japanese Threat

The Far Eastern Republic and the Japanese Threat

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The People's Revolutionary Army of the Far Eastern Republic on the streets of Vladivostok. 1922 100 years ago, in April 1920, the Far Eastern Republic (FER) was established. Formally, it was an independent democratic state, but in fact it was a buffer beneficial to Moscow between Soviet Russia and

How the Red Army took the capital of Slovakia by storm

How the Red Army took the capital of Slovakia by storm

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The offensive of the 7th Guards Army 75 years ago, the Red Army stormed the capital of Slovakia. On April 1, 1945, units of the 2nd Ukrainian Front reached the northeastern outskirts of Bratislava. On April 4, our troops completely liberated the Slovak capital. General situation In the spring of 1945, Soviet troops

Storming of Koenigsberg: "impregnable" fortress was taken in four days

Storming of Koenigsberg: "impregnable" fortress was taken in four days

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Soviet soldiers are fighting a street fight on the outskirts of Königsberg, Agony of the Third Reich. 75 years ago, on April 6, 1945, the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front began the assault on Konigsberg. On the fourth day of the operation, the garrison of the most powerful fortress of the Reich surrendered. The defeat of the East Prussian group of the Wehrmacht

"Teachings on the Weser." How Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway

"Teachings on the Weser." How Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A German anti-aircraft gunner covers the troops participating in the Wehrmacht's invasion of Denmark in April 1940 80 years ago, on April 9, 1940, the German invasion of Denmark and Norway began (Danish-Norwegian operation, or Operation Weserubung; Exercises on the Weser, or " Weser maneuvers "). Wehrmacht occupied

How the Red Army stormed Gdynia and Danzig

How the Red Army stormed Gdynia and Danzig

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Soviet tankmen of the 62nd Guards Heavy Tank Regiment in a street battle in Danzig. Mounted on the IS-2 tank, the DShK heavy machine gun is used to destroy enemy soldiers armed with anti-tank grenade launchers. 75 years ago, on March 30, 1945

The death of the Lithuanian army in the Battle of Vedros

The death of the Lithuanian army in the Battle of Vedros

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The figure of Ivan the Great at the Millennium of Russia monument in Veliky Novgorod. At his feet (from left to right), the defeated Lithuanian, Tatar and Livonian On July 14, 1500, the Russian army defeated the Lithuanian troops in the battle on the Vedrosh River. This battle was the culmination of the Russian-Lithuanian War of 1500-1503. Russians

Denikin's resignation

Denikin's resignation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Wrangel in Sevastopol. 1920After the loss of the Kuban and the North Caucasus, the remnants of the White Army were concentrated on the Crimean Peninsula. Denikin reorganized the remnants of the army. On April 4, 1920, Denikin appointed Wrangel as commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Yugoslavia. Reorganization of the White Army After the loss of the Kuban and

The myth of the Aurora salvo at the Winter Palace

The myth of the Aurora salvo at the Winter Palace

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A poster for the film Aurora's salvo (USSR, 1965) The myth of the Aurora salvo was born immediately after the storming of the Winter Palace. However, on October 25, 1917, the palace was fired not by a cruiser, but by the guns of the Peter and Paul Fortress

The death of the Kuban army

The death of the Kuban army

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A. I. Denikin on the day of his resignation from the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia 1920 year. The armed forces of the South of Russia fell. The core of the White forces was evacuated by sea to the Crimea. But throughout the Caucasus, the wreckage of Denikin's army and various autonomous and "green"

How Gorbachev destroyed the USSR

How Gorbachev destroyed the USSR

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan. Switzerland. 1985 Gorbachev's catastrophy. The question is why Gorbachev and his team were allowed by their actions to first destabilize the USSR and then destroy it. Why the "perestroika" was not stopped. Khrushchev was stopped, they were not allowed to destroy the Union, and

Agony of white Novorossiysk

Agony of white Novorossiysk

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I. A. Vladimirov. The flight of the bourgeoisie from Novorossiysk. 1920 Troubles. 1920 100 years ago, the Red Army liberated the North Caucasus from the White Guards. On March 17, 1920, the Red Army took Yekaterinodar and Grozny, on March 22 and 24 - Maykop and Vladikavkaz, on March 27 - Novorossiysk. Denikin troops

The defeat of the German army in Upper Silesia

The defeat of the German army in Upper Silesia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Soviet troops in Neisse Agony of the Third Reich. 75 years ago, on March 15, 1945, the Upper Silesian offensive began. The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front under the command of I.S.Konev eliminated the threat of a German flank counterattack and completed the liberation of the Silesian Industrial

Why Khrushchev destroyed the Stalinist artels

Why Khrushchev destroyed the Stalinist artels

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The captain of the Land of the Soviets is leading us from victory to victory! 1933. B. EfimovA lot of "black myths" were created about the Stalinist USSR, which created negative impressions of the Soviet civilization among people. One of these myths is a lie about the "total nationalization" of the national economy under the USSR and

How the US and Saudi Arabia played against us

How the US and Saudi Arabia played against us

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The current oil crisis repeats the 1985-1986 situation. when the US and Saudi Arabia played against the USSR. A sharp drop in prices for "black gold" dealt a strong blow to the then Russia-USSR. True, the opinion that the oil war destroyed the Soviet Union is wrong. The USSR did not collapse because of the fall

The last attempt to save the USSR

The last attempt to save the USSR

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko (1911-1985) 35 years ago, on March 10, 1985, Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko passed away. He made a last and futile attempt to save the USSR. On March 11, Mikhail Gorbachev took over as General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. The man who destroyed Soviet civilization

Vyborg is ours. The Moscow treaty that saved Leningrad

Vyborg is ours. The Moscow treaty that saved Leningrad

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Residents of Leningrad greet the tankers of the 20th tank brigade in T-28 tanks returning from the Karelian Isthmus 80 years ago, on March 12, 1940, the Moscow Peace Treaty was signed, which ended the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. Russia returned part of Karelia and Vyborg, lost in

Stalinist Marshal of Diplomacy

Stalinist Marshal of Diplomacy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, during a conference in San Francisco at which the United Nations was created. September 1945 130 years ago, on March 9, 1890, the future Soviet political and statesman V.M. Molotov was born. Chapter

Spring awakening. Reich's final blow

Spring awakening. Reich's final blow

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

German tanks and self-propelled guns captured by Soviet troops in the city of Szekesfehervar, abandoned due to lack of fuel. March 1945 Agony of the Third Reich. 75 years ago, on March 6, 1945, the Wehrmacht offensive began near Balaton. The last major offensive of the German army in World War II

The fall of the white Kuban

The fall of the white Kuban

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"Tachanka". Painting by Mitrofan Grekov, written by him in 1925 1920 year. 100 years ago, in March 1920, the Red Army carried out the Kuban-Novorossiysk operation. Soviet troops of the Caucasian Front completed the defeat of Denikin's army, liberated the Kuban, the Black Sea province and part

How recruits appeared in Russia

How recruits appeared in Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Alexey Kivshenko, "War games of the amusing troops of Peter I near the village of Kozhukhovo." 1882 315 years ago, on February 20 (March 3 according to the new style), 1705, the Russian Tsar Peter Alekseevich introduced recruitment, a prototype of universal military service. This system was not invented from a good life. Peter

How the Ice Siberian campaign ended

How the Ice Siberian campaign ended

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Hood. film "Admiral" of Troubles. 1920 year. 100 years ago, in February 1920, the Great Siberian campaign ended. The remnants of Kolchak's 2nd and 3rd armies made their way to Transbaikalia. They united with the troops of Ataman Semyonov, and the White Far Eastern Army was formed in Chita. Baikal 5-6 February 1920

Defeat of Denikin's army in the Tikhoretsk battle

Defeat of Denikin's army in the Tikhoretsk battle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Mitrofan Grekov. "Frozen Cossacks of General Pavlov." 1927 100 years ago, in February 1920, the Soviet troops of the Caucasian Front carried out the Tikhoretsk operation and inflicted a heavy defeat on Denikin's army. The White Guard Front collapsed, the remnants of the White troops retreating indiscriminately, which predetermined

Why England and France acted in the interests of Hitler and the United States

Why England and France acted in the interests of Hitler and the United States

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Handshake between Adolf Hitler and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain at the Munich Conference ("Munich Agreement") "Crusade" of the West against Russia. The behavior of England and France before and at the outbreak of World War II is difficult to explain. It seems that the British and the French