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In the summer of 1940, the government of fascist Germany, in order to ensure the rear for the upcoming war against the USSR, tried to make peace with Great Britain. But this operation was not successful. Then on July 16, 1940, Hitler issued directive No. 16 on the preparation of Operation Sea Lion, and on August 1, 1940
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By mid-August 1941, the situation at the fronts was becoming more and more difficult. On the Northern Front, the Red Army had to leave Tallinn, the Nazis broke through the Luga line of defense and were rapidly advancing towards Leningrad. Under these conditions, the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief made a decision
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The 1930s were marked by the rapid growth of the socialist industry, which made it possible for the Soviet Union to reach the level of world leaders in the production of civil and military aviation. This process, in turn, required broad campaign support, through the available
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The uprising raised by Mashuko against the Kabardian aristocracy, which became a vassal to the Crimean Khanate, at the very beginning had every opportunity for success. On the one hand, the haters of the Crimean-Turkish order from various strata of society joined the uprising. On the other hand, the uprising
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Mount Mashuk Pyatigorsk is spread between several isolated mountains. Lermontov compared the mountain bearing the name Mashuk to a shaggy hat. She will play a tragic role in the life of the great writer and poet. It is on the slope of Mashuka that Lermontov will be mortally wounded. Mount Mashuk itself is quite modest, its
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Caucasian Polyphony on the Political Map The Caucasus is an unusually complex region. He was, is and will be. An extraordinary number of peoples and sub-ethnic groups, which within themselves were divided into clans, societies and rural communities, are permeated with many relationships and at the same time unusually
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The first hotel in the city of Stavropol, which became a kind of second "headquarters" of the Caucasian line, began to be built in 1837. The initiative to build another stone (quite modern for those times) building belonged to the local mayor Ivan Grigorievich Ganilovsky. In the new
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Orthodoxy has always been one of the pillars of the Cossacks. This is emphasized even by the fact that often the Cossacks were called "the soldiers of Christ." Of course, behind the scenes Muslims entered the Cossack detachments, but often later they converted to Orthodoxy. One way or another, but the Orthodox holidays were for
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Ingush ancestral towers The Caucasus, which has never lived without small or large military conflicts, naturally acquired the corresponding traditions, customs and even holidays, not to mention the characteristic architecture of battle towers and the cult of cold weapons. Of course, forced belligerence
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Since 1359, the Horde has entered a period of internal strife. Khans and impostors are replacing each other with amazing speed. And the departure of the previous one was invariably accompanied by a bloody massacre. Naturally, against the background of this discord and unrest, numerous regions (uluses) of the once united empire are increasingly
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At first glance, the Caucasus could not have become the homeland of such a deep tradition with a huge social implication as kunachestvo. Too many wars and contradictions rush over these mountains, peoples speak too different languages to become the basis for the growth of a tradition that established friendship
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The ancient village of Kubachi gained fame as the cradle of the most skillful armourers and jewelers. Kubachin daggers, sabers, scimitars, chain mail and a wide variety of jewelry adorn the collections of the most famous museums in the world: the Louvre in France, the Metropolitan Museum in New York, the Victoria and Albert Museum in
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These days, when the mysterious coronavirus is raging almost all over the world, and especially in the information field, many experts are asking many questions. What are the causes of the pandemic? Are we exaggerating the danger of the virus? Why did Europe find itself in such a difficult situation, despite
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Cossack patrol According to the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, the concept of "head" has Turkish roots and means "a head cover in the form of a large cloth cap for protection from bad weather." According to another version, "bashlyk" refers not directly to the Turkish language, but rather to the Turkic
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Monument to the victims of the Maykop massacre After the Maykop massacre in September 1918, oddly enough, General Viktor Leonidovich Pokrovsky not only did not lose his rank and position, but also went up the career ladder. At the beginning of 1919, Pokrovsky, who was already called the gallows behind his back
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The recent events around the situation in the Middle East, which were initiated by the "sultan" of modern Turkey, Recep Erdogan, forced all kinds of experts to analyze the actions of this politician. At the same time, the researchers approached the analysis process from various angles: from simple self-interest in the market
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Zulfiqar of Kubachi According to legend, the Zulfiqar is the most famous sword of pre-Islamic Arabia. This unique sword belonged to one of the noble representatives of the Quraysh tribe from Mecca - Munabbih ibn Hajjaj. Quraysh, who owned Mecca, but not all converted to Islam, became natural
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Terek Cossacks Perhaps it will surprise someone, and perhaps even a little outrage, but the legendary papakha owes its cult significance to the Russian Imperial Army. The fact is that in the Caucasus itself, the number of headdresses was very solid. The so-called
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The Nogays are a Turkic-speaking ethnos that was formed in the relationship between Tatars, Pechenegs, Mongols and some other nomadic tribes. They got their name thanks to the Golden Horde beklyarbek Nogai. During the period of the rise of Nogai, the Bulgarian kingdom depended on him, he fought with Byzantium and walked
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After the storming of Maikop, most of the townspeople hid, because they had heard about the atrocities of the troops associated with the Kuban Rada on the territory of the region. Only a few bourgeois decided, so to speak, to hand over "credentials" to General Viktor Pokrovsky. For this, a solemn
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At the beginning of the second half of the 18th century, Fatali Khan (Fat Ali Khan), the son of the deceased Khan Huseyn Ali, ascends to the throne of the Cuban Khanate with its capital in Cuba (now Guba, Azerbaijan). Soon, the Shirvan Khan Aga-Razi-bek raided his khanate, sensing the weakness of the once idle young ruler. But
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The beginning of the bloody 1918. The southern Russian city of Maykop, which is translated from the Adyghe as "the valley of apple trees", with a population that barely exceeded 50 thousand inhabitants, did not remain aloof from the great and terrible events of national history. Already in January 1918, Maykop passed into the hands of the Bolsheviks, who raised
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Nazir Katkhanov and the fighters of the Shariah column A party of independent Cossacks with the Kuban Rada was formed in the Kuban, Georgian nationalists under the mask
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The project of the monument to Kurgoko Atazhukin At the Kanzhal plateau, the troops of the Crimean Khan Kaplan I Giray suffered a crushing defeat. The khan himself only miraculously survived and fled from the battlefield, taking with him the remnants of the once mighty, but arrogant army. The Kabardians rejoiced at the site of the massacre. For a lot
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View of Elbrus from the Kanzhal plateau In official historiography, it is generally accepted that the battle took place in 1708, when the territory of Kabarda was subordinate to the Crimean Khanate. The Crimean khans and the Ottoman Empire considered Kabarda only as a supplier of slaves and slaves, and this was
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Pyotr Zakharov-Chechen. Self-portrait The fate of Pyotr Zakharovich Zakharov-Chechen is inextricably linked with the terrible assault on the village of Dadi-Yurt. This topic is difficult and potentially explosive, because many ethnically committed historians try to use it in political games and cultivating growth
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Lipka Commemoration at the Monument to St.George PostAfter the death of St.George Post, the fallen heroes were buried in different places. One part of them, together with the commander Yefim Gorbatko, rested in the cemetery of the village of Neberdzhaevskaya. Others, as it turned out later, were less fortunate, they were buried in
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Traditionally, it is considered that amanathism is a simple hostage-taking, since the word amanat is translated as “hostage”. Instantly, in the imagination of the layman, an unsightly picture of a handful of citizens on the floor of the bank under the barrels of automatic weapons appears, a kidnapped person hidden in an old
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Monument to the feat of the Cossacks of St. George's post, established during the tsarist regime On the bank of the Neberdzhaevsky reservoir, which stretches in a picturesque valley and supplies Novorossiysk with water, a traveler can notice an ancient monument. The monument symbolizes both feat and tragedy
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Kuban Cossacks at the Christmas tree Kuban and the North Caucasus in the 19th century were still a wild land, dangerous and uninhabited. The Cossack villages resembled rather earthen fortifications, bristling with watchtowers, on which a guard was on duty day and night. Pickets were set up around the villages. And in
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A modern monument to the feat of St. George's Lent The night from 3rd to 4th September 1862 was windy and chilly. In the morning the mountains and gorges were watered with might and main by a powerful downpour, and fog streamed along the mountain ranges. The slanting rain turned the area almost into a swamp. By this time, the enemy detachment
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At the end of November 2019, Azov became shallow. In the area of Primorsko-Akhtarsk, the water retreated hundreds of meters from the coast, an even larger shallowing could be observed by the Rostovites. But if a common man in the street looked with curiosity at an unusual natural phenomenon, then the old residents of the Azov coast of Krasnodar
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It is generally accepted that atalism is a custom of the Caucasus, according to which a child, after his birth, is sent to be raised by his “adoptive” father. Hence the name of this tradition, since “ata” means father, and “atalyk” means fatherhood. After reaching a certain age, the young man could return to
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In March 1939, the Spanish Civil War ended. The last republicans left through the Pyrenean passes to France. The new power in Spain was personified by General Franco - the rank of Generalissimo was awarded to him later. His position and position were determined by the title "caudillo"
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Given the strength of the British and German naval forces, the North Sea was considered the main naval theater of operations. Military action in the North Sea began in accordance with plans that were developed before the First World War. The main efforts of the British Navy were
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The defeat of the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War did not mean the end of armed resistance against the Franco dictatorship established in the country. In Spain, as you know, revolutionary traditions were very strong and socialist doctrines were widely popular among the workers
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Monument "Exodus" In 2013, on the embankment of Novorossiysk there was a monument "Exodus", dedicated to the flight of the All-South Territory of Yugoslavia in 1920. The first persons of the city from the former party workers pushed speeches about the importance of perpetuating such a tragic page in our history, but even then a deep lurch was heard between the lines
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Hooray! To the Russian fleet! .. Now I say to myself: Why was I not at Corfu, even a midshipman! Alexander Suvorov 215 years ago, on March 3, 1799, the Russian-Turkish fleet under the command of Admiral Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov completed the operation to capture Corfu. French troops were forced to surrender
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On September 6 (August 27), 1689, the Treaty of Nerchinsk was signed - the first peace treaty between Russia and China, the most important historical role of which lies in the fact that for the first time it also defined the state border between the two countries. The conclusion of the Nerchinsk Treaty put an end to
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In the final article of the cycle, we will bring together all the main facts and conclusions that we made in the previous materials. The history of the cruiser "Varyag" began extremely strange: a contract with Ch. P. Verkhovsky) was concluded on 11