Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The meteor shower that passed over the Urals on February 15 showed how vulnerable and defenseless humanity is to the cosmic threat. The meteorite that exploded over Chelyabinsk, luckily did not lead to human casualties, although the number of victims exceeded a thousand people. Big
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The leaders of Russia and Kazakhstan have agreed on further joint mutually beneficial use of the Baikonur cosmodrome - such a statement was made following the visit of Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev to Moscow. The parameters of the agreements reached have not been made public. But the preceding
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
PRC China is currently one of the five leading space powers in the world. Successful space exploration is largely predetermined by the level of development of satellite launch vehicles, as well as spaceports with launch and control and measurement complexes. China has four
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India India is another Asian giant actively developing its missile technology. This is primarily due to the improvement of the nuclear missile potential in the confrontation with China and Pakistan. At the same time, national space programs are being implemented along the way
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Race through the icy haze and meet the sunrise over the Ocean of Storms. See with your own eyes the other side of the moon. See the narrow crescent of the Earth, hovering in the velvet black above the Lorenz crater. Walk at an altitude of 200 km above the surface of our satellite, having examined the smallest details of its relief
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The termination of flights under the Space Shuttle program at one point made Russia a monopoly in the field of manned space exploration. From now on, every state that expresses a desire to send its cosmonauts into orbit is forced to resolve this issue with Roscosmos. In the next 7-10 years, alternatives
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Dawn. We do not know anything yet. Ordinary "Latest News" … And he is already flying through the constellations, the Earth will wake up with his name. - K. Simonov The silence of endless spaces - and only 20 years for a space dream. The "space race" that unfolded between the USSR and the USA, was the cornerstone in
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The moment the engine of the last stage stops working, there is an extraordinary feeling of lightness - as if you are falling out of the seat of a chair and hanging on the seat belts. Movement with acceleration ceases and the cold lifeless Cosmos takes into its arms those who took a risk
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The probe floats in an icy void. Three years have passed since its launch at Baikonur and a long road stretches behind for a billion kilometers. The asteroid belt has been safely crossed, the fragile instruments have withstood the severe cold of world space. And ahead? Terrible electromagnetic storms in orbit
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I believe, my friends, rocket caravans will guide us forward from star to star. On the dusty paths of distant planets, our traces will remain. But NASA astronauts risk being forever stuck on Earth. Due to financial difficulties, a difficult situation has developed around the "flagship program" of the American
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October is the month of space travel. On October 4, 1957, the King's Seven carried Sputnik-1 into the velvet-black sky of Baikonur, opening the Space Age in the history of our civilization. More than half a century has passed since then - what success has modern cosmonautics been able to achieve? How soon will we get there
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The arena of human passions. Progress ray and gray dusk of everyday life. Jerusalem and Mecca of all religions. Crusades, rivers of blood Kings, courtiers, slaves. The illusion of greatness and power. Atrocities, wars and love. Saints, sinners and destinies. Human feelings, jingle of coins. The cycle of substances in nature
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The dull landscape of the Martian desert Cannot paint the cold sunrise. In the thin air, clear shadows Lay on the now distant all-terrain vehicle. The Great Space Odyssey of the 20th century turned into a cruel farce - a series of clumsy attempts to escape from its "cradle", and a black
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On December 1, 2009, the Department for the Study of the UFO Phenomenon at the UK Department of Defense ceased its work. According to a widespread statement by officials, the reason for the closure of the UFO desk was the absolute uselessness of the department in the framework of ensuring the country's security. For 50 years of stress
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The cold glare of the stars is especially beautiful in the winter sky. At this time, the brightest stars and constellations become visible: Orion, Pleiades, Greater Dog with dazzling Sirius … A quarter of a century ago, seven warrant officers of the Naval Academy asked an unusual question: how close is modern mankind
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“… In ancient times, people peered into the sky in order to see the images of their heroes among the constellations. Much has changed since then: people of flesh and blood have become our heroes. Others will follow and will certainly find their way home. Their searches will not be in vain. However, these people were the first, and
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During MAKS -2013, the cooperation of domestic firms from the structures of Roscosmos and Rosatom presented an updated model of a transport and energy module (TEM) with a space nuclear power propulsion unit (NPP) of a megawatt class (NK No. 10, 2013, p. 4). This project was presented publicly exactly
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In early August, the leadership of the State Space Research and Production Center (GKNPTs) named after V.I. M.V. Khrunichev. The purpose of the appointment of new leaders was the recovery of the enterprise, caused by the existing problems. New dignitaries must solve existing problems
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The United States had plans to deploy a military base on the moon with reconnaissance functions and a permanent garrison to protect it from possible attack. The approximate cost of the project, which began to prepare in 1959, was, according to various sources, from 5 to 6 billion dollars. 100-page report
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On the eve of Cosmonautics Day, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the national space program, in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta outlined a new concept for the study and exploration of space. The basis of the thesis of the voiced concept is the transition from romance to pragmatism, the introduction of everyone into the work
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The friendship between Russia and the PRC is strengthening every day. Cooperation between the countries intensified after Vladimir Putin visited China at the end of May 2014. The main result of the Russian leader’s visit to Beijing was the signing of the largest gas pipeline in the history of the two states
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
In the past ten years, we have seen literally a revolution in private astronautics. It began in the United States, but today this revolution is changing approaches to the use and exploration of outer space around the world, including in aspects of scientific and technological policy of states and
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After quite loudly publicized accidents involving Russian Proton rockets, one can say that it has become even indecent to write about the real state of affairs in the space industry. However, the Russian space program is not only about accidents and disasters of satellites and space stations, it is
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The newest Russian missile "Angara", which should become the first domestic carrier of its own design, is not yet ready. The Angara, which was to be launched first on Wednesday 25 June and then on Friday 27 June, did not fly on a reserve day - Saturday 28 June. Information on
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The outer space control system (SKPP) is a special strategic system, the main task of which is to monitor artificial earth satellites and other space objects. This system is now part of the Aerospace Defense Forces of Russia and maintains the Main Catalog
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When you look at photographs of the Burana and Shuttle winged spacecraft, you might get the impression that they are quite identical. At least there shouldn't be any fundamental differences. Despite the external similarity, these two space systems are still different
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The global navigation satellite system (GLONASS) began to be developed back in the USSR by order of the country's defense ministry. The satellites of this system have been launched into orbit since October 12, 1982. The system was first put into operation on September 24, 1993, 12
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Our main, most far-advanced project in the field of space carriers - "Angara" - turns out to be a failure ?! In vain, wrong, to be closed? So one might have thought after reading an article that appeared on December 19 in Izvestia with the title “Oleg Ostapenko considers the main
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It is getting more and more cramped in outer space. Nowadays, there are about 1000 active satellites in near-earth orbit alone, not to mention a variety of space debris. Satellites relay television signals, provide communication, and help car owners cope with
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Skylon is the name of a promising project presented by Reaction Engines Limited. Within the framework of this project, in the near future, an unmanned reusable spacecraft can be created, which, according to the developers, can be used for
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The year 2013 was marked by the launch of the first Chinese lunar rover named "Yuytu" ("Jade Hare") to a natural satellite of the Earth. Yuytu became the first spacecraft to land on the lunar surface after a long hiatus. The last soft landing on our satellite was carried out
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The outgoing year 2013 for the world cosmonautics will be remembered for the launches of the Chinese lunar rover, the Indian Mars probe and the first satellite of South Korea. In addition, the first flight to the ISS by the American private cargo vehicle Cygnus ("Swan") was a landmark event. For the Russian cosmonautics year
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The properties of near-earth space open up great prospects for armed confrontation Outer space is characterized by many aspects of use and military is no exception. One satellite image can contain overview information equal to a thousand images obtained during
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The UK government has announced that it is ready to invest 60 million pounds (almost 3 billion rubles) in the project of the private company Reaction Engines. The company's engineers expect to build a working model of a brand new commercial jet engine. The
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The mysterious American spacecraft (we are talking about the space unmanned vehicle X-37B) has been in low-earth orbit for a year now, performing various tasks related, apparently, to long-term, but unknown space goals. This is the third long-term flight of the device
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On December 8, 2013, the Proton-M launch vehicle was successfully launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome, which launched an English communications satellite into space, which is one of three vehicles with which the Anglo-American corporation expects to create a global mobile communications system. Derived on
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Two large US space companies continue to quarrel over the Russian rocket engine RD-180, which is produced in the Moscow region by NPO Energomash and is designed for launch vehicles belonging to the middle class. American antitrust authorities suspect United Launch
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The cosmic history of mankind will lose more and more details every decade. The more we succeed, the less significant the very important achievements of the past will seem. Perhaps in schools it would be better to study not the history of political confrontations
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In 1955-1956, spy satellites began to be actively developed in the USSR and the USA. In the USA it was a series of Korona devices, and in the USSR a series of Zenit devices. First generation space reconnaissance agents (American Corona and Soviet Zenith) took photographs, and then released
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A few days ago, a short message flashed in the news feed of the domestic media about the planned launch of a privately-built spacecraft in the United States into near-earth orbit. It is not surprising that against the background of the events in Ukraine exciting every Russian person, such news could hardly