The mysterious American spacecraft (we are talking about the space unmanned vehicle X-37B) has been in low-earth orbit for a year now, performing various tasks related, apparently, to long-term, but unknown space goals. This is the third long-term flight of the device in near-earth orbit. The X-37B last flew into space on December 11, 2012, it was launched from the spaceport at Cape Canaveral as part of the OTV-3 (Orbital Test Vehicle 3) mission. The general objectives of the mission, as well as information about the cargo on board the spacecraft, are strictly classified.
Prior to this, the X-37B vehicles had already managed to visit space 2 times - as part of the OTV-1 mission, which was launched in 2010 (it lasted 225 days), and as part of the OTV-2 mission, in which the second built device was tested. X-37B. This mission turned out to be the longest, the spacecraft was in orbit for 468 days, it managed to orbit the earth more than 7 thousand times. After completing the mission, both vehicles successfully landed at the US Air Force base in Vandenberg, California.
Work on the X-37 spacecraft began in 1999 after NASA signed a contract with Boeing. The total amount of the contract was $ 173 million. Since 2004, the US Air Force has been in charge of the experimental orbital aircraft project. The X-37B was created by Boeing Defense Space and Security with the participation of the research laboratories of the X-37 programs of NASA, X-37 of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the X-40 of the US Air Force. The entire process of designing, manufacturing and testing the systems of the new orbiter was carried out at the Boeing facilities located in California.

The X-37B experimental orbital aircraft is designed to perform a variety of missions in Earth orbit at altitudes ranging from 110 to 500 miles at speeds up to 17,500 miles per hour. The vehicle weighs about 4995 kg, length - 9 m, height - 2.85 m, wingspan about 4.5 m. Each aircraft is equipped with a cargo compartment measuring approximately 2 by 0.6 meters. According to the creators, the design of the X-37B incorporates the best qualities of a spacecraft and a traditional aircraft, which makes it flexible enough to use the device to solve a variety of tasks. The launch of the device into space is carried out in a vertical mode using a launch vehicle, but it lands on its own completely in an automatic mode in an airplane way (the same principle as for shuttles). Both X-37B spacecraft were built for the US Air Force by Boeing Government Space Systems.
According to Boeing, both aircraft are built on lightweight composite structures that have replaced traditional aluminum. To protect the wings of the spacecraft, a new generation of high-temperature thermal tiles is used on the orbital plane, which is different from the carbon tiles that were used on American shuttles. Also, Boeing experts note that all the spacecraft's avionics are designed to automate the descent and landing of the vehicle. On top of that, the X-37B lacks hydraulics, all of its flight control and braking systems are built on electromechanical drives.
Today, no one knows how long the current mission in orbit will last, this information has not been officially announced anywhere, it is also not clear where exactly the device will land this time. Currently, the US Air Force is considering an option with the descent and landing of the vehicle on the shuttle landing strip, which is located on the territory of NASA's Kennedy Space Center near Cape Canaveral. It was from here, just over a year ago, that the spacecraft was launched into space. The infrastructure left after the shuttle program can be used can be used, which will reduce the cost of the entire project, US officials say.

Currently, the longest flight of the orbital aircraft X-37B into space remains the flight within the framework of the OTV-2 project. The device was launched on March 5, 2011 from the launch pad located in Florida at Cape Canaveral. It was launched into orbit by the Atlas-5/501 rocket. As a result, the device spent 468 days and 13 hours in flight, landing at Vandenberg airbase in California. The flight was carried out as part of the continuation of the test program, which started on April 22, 2010, together with the launch of the first X-37B (OTV-1) spacecraft into orbit, the first flight lasted 225 days.
It should be noted that the X-37B became the first spacecraft in US history to return to Earth and land completely independently in unmanned mode. According to Boeing specialists, this aircraft clearly showed that unmanned spacecraft are able to enter orbit and return home safely. As part of the second super-long flight into space, the creators of the spacecraft checked in detail the strength characteristics of the X-37B structure, and also tested its additional functions and capabilities.
At the same time, the leaders of the US Air Force shy away from interviews and direct answers to the question of what exactly are the tasks facing the orbiting space plane X-37B. All their comments boil down to words about the need to collect data on the characteristics and capabilities of the aircraft. According to the manufacturer, the spacecraft is used to demonstrate the safety and reliability of using reusable unmanned spacecraft in orbit to solve the tasks assigned to the country's Air Force.

It is not surprising that some skeptics, as well as a number of experts, including in Russia, believe that the United States is testing another space interceptor, which, if necessary, can disable the satellites of a potential enemy, and someone even speaks out about its possibility of inflicting missile and bomb strikes from earth orbit.
This is not surprising, since the US Air Force remains silent and does not disclose the purpose of using the X-37B orbital aircraft. At the same time, the official version assumes that the device can be used to deliver various cargoes into orbit, this is what is called its main function. At the same time, there is information that the spacecraft can be used for reconnaissance purposes. According to the Russian historian A. B. Shirokorad, both of these assumptions are untenable due to their economic inexpediency. In his opinion, the most plausible is the version that the US military is using this apparatus for testing and testing technologies for its future space interceptor, which, if necessary, will allow the destruction of space objects of other countries, including by kinetic action. This purpose of this spacecraft could fit into a document called the "US National Space Policy" from 2006. This document, in fact, proclaimed Washington's right to partially extend its national sovereignty to outer space.