Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Russia is in dire need of a super-heavy-class carrier Last year, Roscosmos announced a tender for the development of a heavy-class rocket based on the existing Angara project, capable, among other things, of delivering a manned spacecraft to the moon. Obviously, the absence of superheavy in Russia
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The Northrop HL-10 is one of 5 aircraft at NASA's Edwards Flight Research Center (Dryda, California). These machines were built to study and test the capabilities of safe maneuvering and landing of a vehicle with low aerodynamic quality after returning from space
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Recently, the head of the Pentagon Leon Panetta stated a common truth: "Any fifth-grader knows that the US aircraft carrier strike forces are not able to destroy any of the existing powers in the world." Indeed, American AUGs are invulnerable, because aviation "sees" further than any land (and sea)
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The topic of space exploration in the USSR has always been top secret. Fortunately, today the veil of mystery is being lifted … For example, similar mystery hovered over the works of the outstanding designer Vladimir Chelomey. His name is mainly associated with the development of the legendary launch vehicle
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Success is based on well-developed production, highly qualified personnel, and a powerful design bureau
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The Federal Target Program (FTP) to counter the space threat can get a start in life. Russian experts from the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Roscosmos and TsNIIMASH have created a draft target program to counter space threats, including meteorites falling to Earth. By
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Reusable rocket and space system at the launch site. Graphics of the Research Institute of High Temperatures The basis of modern Russian cosmonautics is made up of the Soyuz and Proton rockets, which were created in the middle of the last century. Almost everything that launches into space from Russian cosmodromes is displayed on
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The live catastrophe was a serious blow to the entire Russian space industry. We are talking about the accident of the Proton-M rocket with three GLONASS satellites on board, which occurred on July 2, 2013. This ill-fated launch was shown live on the Russia-24 channel. He could be observed live
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At present, about fifty states of the world have their own space program and operate their own spacecraft for various purposes. 37 states at least once sent their cosmonaut into orbit, but only a dozen of them have the ability to independently launch
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Since the first launch of the manned spacecraft Vostok with Yuri Gagarin on board, the Rocket and Space Corporation Energia named after S. P. Korolev has been working on the development of this area of practical cosmonautics, the founder of which is the chief designer
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Currently, the surface of Mars is being explored using special orbital stations, as well as stationary modules or slow-moving rovers. There is a fairly large gap between these research vehicles, which could be filled by various aircraft. It seemed
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The decision to restructure it has already been made and will soon be announced “Something seems to be going wrong,” said a federal news anchor as he watched the Proton-M launch vehicle heading flat on the air to the ground. Spectacular footage of the disaster attracted attention
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Despite the recent accident of the Proton-M launch vehicle, active work continues in the framework of the Russian space program. For example, as it became known the other day, this year the cosmonauts currently working on the International Space Station (ISS) will receive spacesuits of a new model
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The Swiss airline Swissair, operating all over the world, is today one of the largest and most reliable carriers not only in Europe, but also in the world. At the same time, Switzerland never had any special space ambitions, but not so long ago, in the spring of 2013, this
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Scientists say that humanity is moving in small steps towards a future in which flights from one planetary system to another will finally become a reality. According to the latest estimates of experts, such a future may come within one or two centuries, if scientific progress does not
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Recently, Russian space and its prospects are often spoken about in the past tense, recalling the successes and glories of the past years and paying attention only to recent failures. Despite this, the Russian space program is quite ambitious and, as at the time of the beginning of exploration
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More than 40 years have passed since the first man entered the surface of a natural earth satellite, but there is still debate about how full-fledged the studies of the Moon were, and whether all the mysteries of the Moon have been solved. Millions of people on our planet are given food for thought by numerous
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In childhood, any Soviet boy dreamed of becoming an astronaut. And only one in a million had such a dream come true. One of the main barriers that stood in the way of those who wanted to conquer outer space was the most severe medical commission. Even experienced pilots were sometimes expelled from
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Last Sunday, April 21, the new American Antares launch vehicle made its first launch from the MARS launch site in Virginia. The spaceport, located on Wallops Island, is designed to launch small rockets. The rocket launch was originally scheduled for Friday, but 2 times
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The film "Iron Man" inspired the developers to design a suit that would be suitable for jumping from space. The suit of the future or exoskeleton for jumping from space has received the designation RL MARK VI, it is being created by the developers of Solar System Express and biotechnics from Juxtopia LLC
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British satellite STRaND-1. Source: Nanosatellites will soon become part of combat systems along with drones In the United States, a report was published with a commercial forecast of the development of the global market for military satellites. In 2012, this segment of the space industry was valued at 11.8
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On March 12, 2013, the Federation Council hosted a round table on the development of measures to ensure planetary security from space risks and threats. The head of Roscosmos Vladimir Popovkin made a report to the senators. Following the results of the round table, Viktor Ozerov, Head of the Council Committee
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The United States will have to make a choice between the creation of a lunar base and the development of asteroids. According to US President Barack Obama, each of these programs will be very costly, so you have to choose one thing. Until recently, the answer to this question seemed obvious. Scientists around the world
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On April 12, we celebrated the 52nd anniversary of the first manned flight into space. This date itself - April 12, 1961 - became a kind of milestone, which made it possible to announce to the whole world about the unprecedented achievements of Russian science. A few years after the glorious flight of Yuri Gagarin, the Soviet Union
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In the middle of the last century, manned jet aircraft, gradually mastering ever new speeds and heights, were able to come close to the threshold of space. American challenge The first successes were achieved by the Americans: on October 14, 1947, test pilot Chuck Yeager on an experimental X-1 rocket plane
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For many thousands of years, a person gazed into the starry sky and asked himself the same question - are we alone in the Universe? Over time, the technologies that humanity possesses have improved. A person could look further and further and, the further humanity could peer into cosmic
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The super-heavy carrier rocket N-1 was nicknamed "Tsar Rocket" for its large dimensions (launch weight of almost 2500 tons, height - 110 meters), as well as the goals set during work on it. The rocket was supposed to help strengthen the state's defense capability, promote scientific and
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A handful of soil, which was picked up on the crest of the lunar crater Camelot, slipped from an ordinary scoop into a special Teflon bag and, together with the Apollo 17 team, went to Earth. On that day, December 13, 1972, few people could have imagined that the sample of lunar soil, numbered 75501