Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
When the Soviet reusable spacecraft Buran touched the runway near the Baikonur cosmodrome, there was no limit to the jubilation of the MCC staff. It's no joke to say that the flight of the first Soviet "shuttle" was watched all over the world. The tension was outrageous, and one hundred percent guarantee
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The Dream Chaser spacecraft, a well-known aerospace company SNC (Sierra Nevada Corporation), had previously dropped out of the fight for the right to deliver astronauts to the ISS in the future. However, in addition to astronauts, aboard the International Space Station
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The United States repeated the success of the Soviet "satellite fighter" only 18 years later. Everyone knows that the Soviet artificial earth satellite was the first. But not everyone knows that we were the first to create anti-satellite weapons. The decision taken on June 17, 1963 to develop it was
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In the future, the Russian group of reconnaissance spacecraft will be replenished with systems of a new type. A few days ago, it became known about the development of a new project of a reconnaissance satellite. All current work is scheduled to be completed at the end of this decade. Deployment
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On May 16, the next scheduled launch of the Proton-M launch vehicle with a spacecraft on board ended in failure. Due to some, not yet established, problems with the operation of some units, the payload was not launched into the calculated orbit. A rocket with a spacecraft burned up in dense layers
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Roscosmos said that the creation of a super-heavy rocket with a carrying capacity of 70-80 tons would require about 700 billion rubles. According to the ministry, currently it is necessary to draw up a schedule for financing the project. Work on the development of a new super-heavy rocket is planned
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Groupings of spacecraft have long become the most important element of the armed forces of different countries. In addition, concerns about the possible expansion of hostilities into outer space with the use of appropriate anti-satellite systems began to be expressed quite a long time ago. Understandable
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On January 12, 2007, the PRC managed to scare the whole world by testing a new ballistic missile, which was able to hit a satellite in Earth's orbit. A Chinese rocket destroyed the Fengyun-1 satellite. The United States, Australia and Canada expressed their protest to China then, and Japan demanded from its neighbor
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China and Russia have common interests beyond the borders of the earth The Chinese space program continues similar "imperial" projects of the Soviet Union and the United States in terms of scale, scope and pursued goals. It poses an extensive complex of applied problems of economic, military, scientific and technical
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On April 28, 1955, large-scale construction work began on the territory of the future spaceport And it will not be an exaggeration to say that most of them are "staged"
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90 years ago, on March 16, 1926, American inventor Robert Goddard launched the world's first liquid-fueled rocket. And although it was just a small and awkward experimental model that took off only 12 meters, in fact, it was the prototype of all current space
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I think that many astronautics who are actively interested in the history and current state of affairs in the field of space exploration and exploration have already recognized the rocket captured in the title photo. This rocket, or rather, the rocket accelerator, is the largest solid-fuel rocket
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The fall to Earth of an asteroid is one of the basic scenarios of the Apocalypse used in science fiction. To prevent fantasies from becoming a reality, humanity has prepared in advance to protect itself from such a threat, and some methods of protection have already been worked out in practice. It is interesting that the approaches of scientists from
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When invited to look into space from where everything is happening, only a very lazy person will refuse. Therefore, we accepted with great interest the invitation from the press service of the Mission Control Center in Korolev, Moscow Region. It was really interesting how it all happens
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In mid-January, the American aerospace agency NASA decided to sign several large contracts with private companies in the space industry. Among others, the contract was awarded to the Sierra Nevada Corporation, which offers the project of the Dream Chaser reusable spacecraft
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Domestic manufacturers learn to make spacecraft on their own The Russian space industry is in crisis due to technological sanctions imposed by the US and the EU. In fact, we are paying for the fact that in previous years we did not preserve and did not develop the production of microelectronics
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Russian scientists are finishing work on the creation of the first domestic robot assistant for work on the International Space Station. The anthropomorphic robotic system "Andronaut" was presented in the framework of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Manned Flights in
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On April 12, Russia celebrates one of those holidays, which is a reminder of the outstanding technological successes of mankind. We are talking, of course, about the holiday, which is called the World Day of Aviation and Astronautics. April 12 is a truly international holiday, and outside the Russian Federation
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Press conferences in Luxembourg were eagerly awaited by both people professionally involved in politics, economics and finance, and … fans of science fiction and space. But another thing is even stranger - it may be of interest to sociologists, those who follow the labor market, as well as
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On January 24, 1978, the Kosmos-954 satellite, belonging to the USSR and having a nuclear power plant on board, collapsed in the Earth's atmosphere. Fragments of it fell over northern Canada. The incident caused a serious international scandal, but this case was not the first and far from the last
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Russia is not the only country in the world betting on the lunar program. China is also hatching serious plans for a natural satellite of the Earth. Recently, a Chinese experimental spacecraft successfully entered a circumlunar orbit. This part of the Chinese lunar program is a rehearsal for the future
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From the very beginning of the Crimean events, unspoken sanctions against Russia also affected the space industry. For example, the already paid American, and later European, components for Russian spacecraft were not delivered. In the future, however, everything can take an even more serious turn. The most
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A natural satellite of the Earth is still an interesting option for a variety of space programs. The moon is important for humanity as the closest object to Earth and as the first step towards the possible colonization of space. Both Europe and Asia are showing interest in a natural satellite today. Their
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The emergence of the so-called. micro- and nanosatellites have enabled many organizations to launch their own space programs. Nevertheless, the cost of launching such devices still remains at a fairly high level, as a result of which proposals for new ones regularly appear
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Where the solar wind subsides behind us and eternity stands next to us … What awaits those who could break through the heliopause and touch the light of distant stars? The ghostly glow of Kuiper belt particles. Decades of flight without the possibility of replacing failing units. Attempts to fix
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Recently, a meeting was held under the chairmanship of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin on the issues of Russian manned astronautics. Against the background of talk about the fact that the Russian budget does not yet reach the implementation of the lunar exploration program, a question of this nature was also discussed: what will be done
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While the camera of the Russian-European spacecraft "ExoMars" sent the first image of the Red Planet to Earth, the United States is working on sending a full-fledged manned expedition to Mars. Why do the Americans need it, how much will such a project cost and is it planned to participate in it
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Good news. The Voronezh Association KBKhA (Design Bureau of Chemical Automatics) carried out successful firing tests of an ion electric rocket engine, developed jointly with the Moscow Aviation Institute. The tests of this fundamentally new engine were successful. Everything
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November 1, the leadership of the State Research and Production Center named after Khrunicheva reported that the new heavy launch vehicle "Angara A5" - the world's first rocket made according to the modular principle (formed as a designer), passed comprehensive diagnostics and is fully ready for launch from the Plesetsk cosmodrome. The light version of the "Angara"
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A series of successful space launches by commercial companies were interrupted by two disasters in late October. We tried to figure out what private astronautics is today and what are its prospects on October 29, a few seconds after the launch from the cosmodrome to
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The US military is monitoring a new space object, which the Western media have already called the new Russian "satellite killer". In particular, this was reported by the Russian news agency TASS with reference to representatives of the Strategic Command (Stratcom) of the Pentagon. Stratcom employee
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In mid-October, NASA officially confirmed that two former shuttle hangars, located on the territory of the Kennedy Space Center, will be used as part of a secret military space program. It is reported that the devices created under the US Air Force X-37B program will occupy
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On December 22, an event took place that may go down in the history of world astronautics. The American company SpaceX conducted another successful launch of the Falcon 9 launch vehicle with a payload in the form of several spacecraft, after which its first stage returned to earth and performed a regular
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In the near future, the creation of a Unified Space System (CES) will begin, designed to track the launches of ballistic missiles and to protect Russia from a nuclear missile strike. Some of the existing components of the existing launch detection system, built in Soviet times, are outdated and
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Domestic cosmonauts should be trained not for work on the ISS, but for expeditions to the Moon and Mars. This is the opinion of Boris Kryuchkov, deputy head of the Cosmonautics Training Center (CPC) for scientific work. According to him, the system of selection and training of cosmonauts existing in Russia today is not in
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It seems that now we can observe events, in some way reminiscent of what happened in the fifties and sixties of the last century. More than clearly, a new space race has been outlined, in which there will be new participants. Moreover, as before, the main goal of all scientific and design
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Americans have something besides a trampoline for space travel. Where is our next-generation spacecraft? Five years ago, at the International Air Show in Zhukovsky, visitors saw a model of a new-generation Russian spacecraft. How far have its creators come in the implementation of the project?
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On July 9, the first test launch of the new Russian launch vehicle Angara-1.2PP took place at the Plesetsk cosmodrome. The start-up completed the calculation of the aerospace defense forces. The rocket successfully completed its flight mission and demonstrated its capabilities. In the future, it is planned to continue testing, during which
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Flying wing aircraft, rocket aircraft, electric aircraft, when it comes to the aircraft of the future, manufacturers usually do not skimp on a variety of exotic designs. However, in practice, they are primarily engaged in the modernization of existing models, since
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The surface area of the Red Planet is approximately 145 million square kilometers. Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine how difficult it is for scientists to determine the place for landing the next research vehicle on Mars. In the event that the main goal of the Martian expedition