Success is based on advanced production, highly qualified personnel, and a powerful design bureau
Nizhny Tagil, where the head enterprise - JSC Scientific and Production Corporation Uralvagonzavod is located - is the birthplace of the first steam locomotive and the largest supplier of freight rolling stock for the railways of Russia and the CIS countries, the city-tank city, which gave the country and the world a huge number of combat vehicles - some of the best on the planet. However, few people know that the beginning of the space age was also largely laid on the Tagil land.
Yuri Gagarin's landmark flight would not have taken place without Uralkriomash, an enterprise that is part of the UVZ corporation. Tagil specialists took part in all domestic space programs. Mobile refueling facilities for launch vehicles were developed here, which ensured the launches of not only the Vostok-1 spacecraft, but also the first satellites, as well as the implementation of the Energia-Buran and Sea Launch programs.
Into space - on liquid oxygen
In 1946, as a result of the development of long-range combat missiles, which began under the leadership of Sergei Korolev, the country's nuclear missile shield was created and prospects for the practical exploration of outer space were opened. The new technology required a large amount of liquid oxygen - a fuel oxidizer, so in the early 1950s, with the development of space research in the Soviet Union, a need arose for means of transporting large quantities of liquid oxygen by rail, which turned out to be an incredibly difficult task. There was no experience in the creation of railway tanks for the transportation of cryogenic liquids in the country. The solution to this acute problem was entrusted to Uralvagonzavod.

By the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR as part of the State Unitary Enterprise "Uralvagonzavod" named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky, on October 1, 1954, a special design bureau was formed - OKB-250 for cryogenic technology and ground launch equipment, headed by the chief designer Methodius Veremiev, which later became independent the enterprise - OJSC "Uralkriomash". In fact, work on the creation of a cryogenic tank began two years earlier. Therefore, already in the same year, a team of designers developed documentation for a new railway tank car for the transportation of liquid oxygen - product 8G52. Serial production of the novelty, which started at the same time, marked the birth of a new industry in the country - cryogenic transport engineering.
The complexity of the problems solved was incredibly high. Liquid oxygen reacts with many metals and evaporates quickly. Therefore, the AMtsS aluminum alloy, which does not interact with liquid gas, was selected for the inner vessel of the tank. Another advantage was its excellent weldability. The space between the inner vessel of the tank and the outer casing was filled with heat-insulating material - mipora.
In 1954, the future academician Sergei Korolev issued a technological task to the cryogenic engineers of Uralvagonzavod for the creation of means for refueling (8G117) and refueling (8G118) with liquid oxygen of the famous R-7 space rocket. In 1956, UVZ began the production of liquid oxygen refueling facilities for space launch vehicles. With their help, in August 1957, the R-7 intercontinental ballistic missile was tested at the Baikonur cosmodrome - an outstanding achievement of domestic rocketry, which still puts spacecraft and Earth satellites into near-earth orbit. Mobile refueling facilities (refuellers and refuellers of liquid oxygen and nitrogen) for the R-7 rocket with powerful cryogenic pumps ensured successful launches of a number of artificial earth satellites, automatic interplanetary stations and the Vostok spacecraft with the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on board.
When the first and most difficult problems were solved, the foundations of cryogenic production technology were laid, the plant specialists began to work on the reliability of their products. The insulation of the cryogenic vessels was imperfect; part of the contents of the tanks evaporated during the journey. Sometimes they came to the cosmodrome half-empty. Then OKB-250 mastered vacuum - the best insulator in nature. At that time, no enterprise had experience in the manufacture of large vacuum-insulated vessels.
The first copyright certificate for the invention, which was received by a group of OKB-250 specialists, was a certificate for the construction of an 8G513 tank with vacuum powder insulation. It served as a prototype for a new generation of modern cryogenic tanks and radically solved the problem of the loss of liquid oxygen and nitrogen during transportation from five to 0.2 percent per day.
The next stage in the development of cryogenic technology was the creation of stationary complexes at cosmodromes for storing and refueling spacecraft with liquid oxygen and nitrogen. They were used to launch the Soyuz rocket and space system (RSC) and turned out to be much more reliable and efficient than the previous mobile refueling facilities.
One of the outstanding achievements of OKB-250 in the 60s was the creation of railway tanks for the transportation of liquid hydrogen - the most efficient, but extremely explosive rocket fuel. The new task was much more complex than the previous ones. The liquid temperature is only 20 degrees above absolute zero, superinsulation with a deeper vacuum is required. The work begun in 1966 ended with the creation of the ZhVTs-100 tank. It implemented the perfect principle of insulation - screen-powder-vacuum. The ZhVTs-100 tank in 1969-1972 was successfully used in the N1-LZ space program for studying the Moon, and its improved modifications were used in the grandiose program for launching the Energiya-Buran rocket and space system (RSC).
This reusable RCS was launched on November 15, 1988. After an unmanned orbital flight, the Buran spacecraft made an automatic landing at the airfield with an accuracy of several centimeters. The Uralkriomashevites have been preparing for this triumph for about ten years. The “Burana” power supply system created at UVZ is a prototype of the power complexes of interplanetary spacecraft of the future. During the launch, a nitrogen supply system for the Energia-Buran space station, developed and manufactured by the Tagil residents, was also used.
Another interesting page in the space annals of cryogenic production is Sea Launch. Specialists of the Tagil Uralkriomash have developed and manufactured means for storing and refueling the Zenit rocket. Participation in this international program was the best proof of the demand for the unique design and technological experience accumulated by the enterprise.
Development prospects
OJSC "Uralkriomash" today is a diversified, steadily developing enterprise, one of the leaders in the production of specialized railway cryogenic equipment in the "1520 area". The enterprise works in all directions and with various consumers: it manufactures products for the needs of railway carriers and oil and gas companies, Roskosmos and the domestic defense industry. OJSC Uralkriomash provides the customer with a full range of services: from idea generation, development of schematic diagrams and design documentation, production with mandatory quality control at every stage of work and ending with installation supervision, warranty, post-warranty and service maintenance.

The presence of such an enterprise within the corporation, of course, provides UVZ with a number of competitive advantages over other serial enterprises - manufacturers of rolling stock.
In 2011, OJSC Uralkriomash, together with OJSC Scientific and Production Corporation Uralvagonzavod, developed a development strategy for 2012–2015. For this period, the enterprise has determined for itself ambitious plans to expand the range of manufactured products: both cryogenic and means for transporting various liquid products. Also in the plans of the enterprise is a gradual, without prejudice to production, but significant modernization of existing facilities and the construction of new facilities.
One of the priority goals of the new marketing policy is to enter new markets. This is important both for OJSC Uralkriomash and for the research and production corporation UVZ as a whole. Historically, the cryogenic enterprise was focused on domestic consumers and the countries of the former Soviet Union. But now active work is underway to expand the geography of product supplies.
Thus, it is predicted that the presence of OJSC Uralkriomash in the structure of the corporation will allow UVZ to enter new innovative science-intensive and high-tech markets, including foreign countries. These are the markets for cryogenic gas equipment in the CIS countries, the emerging markets of liquefied natural gas and liquefied hydrocarbon gas in the CIS countries, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the markets for single specialized cryogenic equipment.
Cryogenic engineering
For almost 60 years of activity, OJSC Uralkriomash has accumulated vast experience in the development and manufacture of specialized railway tanks for the transportation of various gases in a cryogenic liquefied state. The enterprise is a monopoly in Russia and the CIS countries in this industry, therefore the main direction of activity was, is and remains the development and manufacture of vehicles and stationary containers - products of cryogenic engineering.
In cryogenic railway tanks and tank containers manufactured by OJSC Uralkriomash, it is possible to transport various cryogenic liquids: oxygen, nitrogen, argon, hydrogen, liquefied natural gas, ethylene. The production of tank containers is approved by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, which makes it possible to transport liquids and gases in them by road, rail and water transport, including in international circulation. The range of volumes of boilers produced by rail tank cars and tank containers is from 10 to 52 cubic meters. Work is underway to expand the range of both rail tank cars and tank containers.
In addition to railway and cryogenic tanks, OJSC Uralkriomash produces tank equipment for storage of cryogenic products with a geometric vessel volume of up to 250 cubic meters, cold gasifiers, cryogenic pipelines. In general, OJSC "Uralkriomash" manufactures products that ensure the process of transportation, loading / unloading, storage and gasification of cryogenic liquids.
One of the largest projects in this direction is the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome. Naturally, the joint-stock company as a manufacturer of cryogenic storage equipment does not stand aside from the implementation of this project. Uralkriomash will manufacture fuel delivery systems for the Soyuz-2 launch vehicle, and later, after 2015, for the Angara launch vehicle. The volume of orders is large.
In 2013–2015, Roskosmos needs to develop and manufacture a filling system, including 16 stationary tanks and fittings. Also, within the framework of this project, it is planned to produce up to 30 units of specialized cryogenic railway tank cars model 15-558С-04 over these years. In addition, an order was received for the manufacture and delivery of 47 similar tanks for the Ministry of Defense during this period.
Tank car 15-558С-04 is an improved version of the new generation model 15-558С-03, designed for the transportation of liquid oxygen. The first two prototypes were manufactured in 2012. Its peculiarity in comparison with the previous model - 15-558S-01 is that it was developed for the specific requirements of the customer - the Federal Space Agency. The main condition for the creation of the product was the increase in the volume of the transported cargo. At the same time, it was necessary to comply with the railway dimensions and use the basic platform produced by Uralvagonzavod - a railway platform with two-axle bogies of model 18-100. The designers of Uralkriomash successfully coped with all the tasks.
In turn, in the 15-558С-04 tank car, it is planned to increase the storage time of the product from 30 to 60 days due to the use of superinsulation, as well as the use of stainless steel in the outer shell instead of the budget version of ferrous metal.
In tanks for the transportation of liquid oxygen, other liquid gases can also be transported: argon, nitrogen. In addition to the space industry, they are in demand in the metallurgical industry, as well as by private companies selling air separation products. Additionally, the issue of manufacturing tank cars of model 15-558С01 is being worked out to replace the expired rolling stock of civil enterprises.
Another serious niche in the cryogenic industry is the creation of stationary storage facilities for air separation plants. Today, a paradoxical situation is emerging when oxygen-nitrogen plants are being built at the enterprises of the Urals, and storage facilities for them are supposed to be transported from China. Uralkriomash plans to occupy this niche and supply stationary equipment to the Ural plants.
Thus, for the period 2013–2015, the cryogenic production facilities of OJSC Uralkriomash will be fully loaded.
A further prospect for OJSC Uralkriomash may be the production of products for the transportation and storage of liquefied natural gas. Today, the world is actively developing the production of tank containers for liquefied natural gas. For example, in the United States, where shale gas production is actively developing, the deposits are mostly small and it is simply unprofitable to pull the pipeline. The best way to transport is using containers.
The situation is similar in Russia, where there are remote villages to which it is economically inexpedient to lead pipelines. Therefore, it is necessary to deliver natural gas there either in a compressed or in a liquefied state, but it is more profitable in the latter.
Since liquefied natural gas is a cryogenic liquid with temperatures close to those of liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen, Uralkriomash has great potential in the field of creating means for transportation, storage, refueling and gasification of liquefied natural gas (LNG).
For this, OJSC Uralkriomash is developing a cryogenic tank container KCM-40/0, 8 and, for the first time in Russia, a rail tank car for the transportation of liquefied ethane, ethylene and natural gas, model 15-712. In addition to tank containers for liquefied natural gas, the open joint-stock company Uralkriomash has developed technical documentation for a tanker truck, options for storage facilities for liquefied natural gas, and a liquefied natural gas gasifier.
Other directions
In the 1990s, funding for space research declined sharply. This forced the team of Tagil cryogenics specialists to look for orders for the development and manufacture of previously uncharacteristic products, including for the agro-industrial and fuel and energy complexes. We put into production a mini-brewery, installations for freezing food products with liquid nitrogen vapors, installations for freeze drying vegetables and fruits using the vacuum method, and installations for drying wood. At the same time, installations for extinguishing fires were created, tanks for the transportation of oil products, liquefied carbon dioxide, railway tanks for light oil products were developed and manufactured. The company is still engaged in the production of tanks and tank containers for petroleum products.
The development and production of non-cryogenic products is actively continuing. One of the main tasks for OJSC "Uralkriomash" is to enter a new promising market of railway rolling stock for liquefied hydrocarbon gases.
As part of this direction, in 2012, the Ural Railcar Design Bureau, a structural division of the corporation, developed a new tank car, model 15-588-01. Its manufacture and certification was undertaken by Uralkriomash. The tank car is also installed on a railway platform with two-axle bogies model 18-100, which is manufactured by Uralvagonzavod.
The demand for this model is very high and amounts to about 15 thousand units annually. This demand is due to two factors. First, the domestic fleet of LNG tanks is very outdated: about 30–40 percent of the fleet is suitable for decommissioning. Secondly, in Russia and the CIS, the production of oil, gas and products of their processing is increasing, which means that the need for their transportation is growing. Large oil refiners have repeatedly made inquiries with OJSC Uralkriomash regarding such tanks.
Due to the increased volume of the boiler, increased carrying capacity and other parameters, the tank 15-588-01 has the best performance among competitors. It is planned that the volume of production of tanks model 15-588-01 will be large-scale.
At present, the production of chemical tanks model 15-157-02 has been transferred to Uralkriomash from the head enterprise of the corporation. For a cryogenic enterprise, a chemical tank has become a new type of product. Despite the novelty and tight deadlines, their production has been successfully mastered and the products are being manufactured. The new tanks meet all the necessary conditions. Since the sodium hydroxide environment is very corrosive, special requirements are placed on the quality of the welds and the strength of the structure. But according to the specialists of the joint-stock company, for them the development of chemical tanks did not become a super task, since the development and production of cryogenic equipment is much more complicated and of a higher class. And thanks to its high scientific and technical potential and flexible technological process, OJSC Uralkriomash is able to reorganize itself to manufacture new products in a mobile manner.
In 2010, OJSC Uralkriomash, together with OJSC Kuznetsov and OJSC VNIIZhT, entered the Guinness Book of Records by developing and manufacturing a tender tank for the GT-1 gas turbine locomotive. This is a new type of traction rolling stock, which uses a gas turbine as a propulsion unit and LNG as a fuel. Its operation, as economists emphasize, is four times cheaper than using a diesel engine. This project was implemented as part of the Russian Railways' innovative development program for the transfer of traction rolling stock to alternative energy sources. Work under this project continues.
OJSC Uralkriomash is an unusual enterprise. Due to too large experimental production, it cannot be attributed to the research institute or design bureau. But at the same time, it cannot be called a plant either, because it includes a powerful design bureau. Such a successful symbiosis makes Uralkriomash OJSC a unique enterprise with the highest potential and great prospects.