In the period from 1977 to 1994, a unique multiple launch rocket system, the TOS-1 heavy flamethrower system (code "Buratino"), was developed, and in 1995 - adopted. It included: a combat vehicle (BM) on a tank chassis with an armored package of guides (developed by FGUP KBTM, today Omsktransmash OJSC), a transport-loading vehicle on an off-road truck chassis (developed by the Motovilikhinskiye Zavody Design Bureau), as well as the unguided rocket projectile (NURS), developed by the State Scientific and Production Enterprise "Splav".
The combat vehicle of the TOS-1 system is a launcher of 30 guide tubes of 220 mm caliber and 3300 mm long, mounted on the chassis of a T-72A tank. A transport-loading vehicle with a loading mechanism and equipment for laying NURS is mounted on the chassis of a KrAZ-255B vehicle. NURS - unguided rocket caliber 220 mm and length 3300 mm, equipped with a thermobaric explosive and a rocket engine to deliver the latter to the target. The firing range of TOS-1 is from 400 to 3500 m.
The chief designer of the TOS-1 system project is Avenir Alekseevich Lyakhov.
In 2000, the command and control of the RKhBZ troops, together with the FSUE KBTM, decided to modernize the BM and create a TZM on a tank chassis with the assignment of the TOS-1A index to the upgraded TOS-1 system (put into service in 2003).
Work on the modernization of the BM was aimed at improving the launcher, improving the fire control system, and in terms of TZM - to replace the wheeled chassis with tank chassis. At the same time, FSUE “GNPP“Splav”developed a new NURS of increased power with increased weight and length for TOS-1A, as a result of which the firing range increased from 3500 to 6000 m, and the affected area - 4 times. At the same time, the upgraded TOS-1A fire control system allows to increase the firing accuracy by 2 times, to reduce the time spent in a firing position by automating the guidance process, replacing the TOS-1 analog ballistic computer with a TOS-1A digital computer complex.
The modernization made it possible to improve the manufacturability and unification of the TOS-1A system through the use of components, components and assemblies of serial production used in the basic armored vehicles.
The TZM-T transport and loading vehicle of the TOS-1A system developed by FSUE KBTM on a tank chassis provides high maneuverability, armor protection of the NURS transportable ammunition, crew protection at the tank level, and standardization of service in operation.
The chief designer of the TOS-1A system project is Alexander Mikhailovich Shamraev, the manufacturer is Omsktransmash OJSC.
The TOS-1A includes:
- combat vehicle BM-1 on the chassis of a T-72 tank - 1 vehicle;
- transport and loading vehicle TZM-T on the chassis of a T-72 tank - 2 vehicles;
- NURS "Solntsepek" ammunition - 72 pieces (on BM-1 - 24 NURS, on two TZM-T - 48 NURS).
NURS in thermobaric or incendiary equipment are used as ammunition.
The BM-1 combat vehicle, moving in the combat formations of its troops, due to the high-temperature field and excess pressure created by the NURS volley in thermobaric or incendiary equipment, provides high accuracy of salvo fire at an area target provides:
- fire support for infantry and tanks in various types of offensive and defensive combat;
- the defeat of enemy manpower in open and sheltered firing positions;
- the defeat of area targets such as a platoon stronghold, a company on the offensive, firing positions of artillery and mortar batteries, convoys of vehicles on the march;
- incapacitation of lightly armored vehicles;
- arson and destruction of structures.
The composition of the BM-1 combat vehicle: a launcher (PU) and a tank chassis.
In turn, the PU includes:
- swinging part (KCh) with 24 directing launch tubes;
- armored turntable with a cockpit to accommodate crew members, special equipment for the fire control system (FCS), communications and installation of the control unit.
The BM-1 armament consists of a launcher with 24 guide tubes with a caliber of 220 mm and a length of 3725 mm for launching the NURS. The guide tube package is mounted in an armored swinging part (CH), which provides bulletproof ammunition protection.
The fire control system is designed to search for a target, measure range, automatically calculate the elevation angles of the CP and lateral turn of the launcher, taking into account the range, roll-trim BM-1, air and charge temperatures, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction in the active and passive sections of the flight path NURS.
The BM-1 is fired from a standstill (from a stop), without the crew leaving the BM-1, in any weather conditions and time of day, from open firing positions (OP) at a visible target with direct sighting at the target or from closed combat positions (PDO) using topographic positioning of the firing position and target.
Targeting of the launcher at the target is carried out using power guidance drives:
- in the horizontal plane - automated, from the control panel of the SPN;
- in the vertical plane - automatic, according to the calculated settings;
- bringing the rocking part of the launcher to the stowed position is automatic.
The method of firing a shot is automated, with the help of firing equipment, which provides the installation of paired or single gatherings, a full or partial salvo.
The BM chassis is equipped with equipment for overcoming a ford up to 1.2 m deep, equipment for self-digging, which is used as a front outrigger (modified dump) and a system for setting up curtains for masking BM-1 type 902G.
NURS is an unguided rocket caliber 220 mm, length 3725 mm, weighing 217 kg, flying to the target after acceleration with a solid propellant propulsion engine along a ballistic trajectory. The NURS head part is equipped with a special thermobaric mixture.
When the NURS fuse is triggered on the target area, the central explosive charge destroys the shell of the warhead and scatters the thermobaric mixture in the surface air layer, while the mixture is simultaneously ignited, which turns into a volumetric explosion. The combustion – explosion process creates a powerful shock wave and high-temperature impulse, which inflicts defeat on enemy personnel and equipment.
The number of NURS in a volley with paired gatherings - from 2 to 24, with single gatherings - from 1 to 24. The rate of descent - 0.5 sec., The duration of a full volley - 6 sec.
The main tactical and technical characteristics of the BM-1 combat vehicle:
- minimum firing range - 400–600 m;
- maximum firing range - up to 6000 m;
- wind speed - from 0 to ± 20 m / s;
- ambient air temperature - from –40 to +50 degrees С;
- the number of types of NURS used for BM-1 ammunition - 5;
- NURS ammunition - 24 pieces;
- the time the BM-1 is ready to open fire by the crew at the maximum range on the visible target from the moment of stopping - 90 seconds;
- the duration of a full volley with paired gatherings - 6 seconds;
- the area of destruction with full ammunition in the BM-1 salvo at the maximum range: the destruction of open and located in open trenches of manpower and the incapacitation - up to 40,000 square meters. m, temporary withdrawal from combat state of manpower - up to 70,000 square meters. m;
- crew - 3 people.
The TZM-T transport and loading vehicle is designed for transporting NURS ammunition, loading, unloading the BM-1 combat vehicle and, if necessary, storing the ammunition.
The TZM-T includes:
- a tank chassis equipped with standard components and assemblies, a power plant, a transmission, a running gear, electrical equipment, automatic protection systems against weapons of mass destruction, PPO, thermal smoke equipment;
- special equipment consisting of:
- crane installation with a lifting capacity of 1000 kg with an electrohydraulic drive;
- remote control panel for the crane installation;
- special equipment for loading;
- lodgements for laying NURS;
- removable bulletproof armor protection of NURS ammunition.
The main performance characteristics of the TZM-T transport and loading vehicle:
- transportable ammunition for BM-1 - 24 NURS;
- loading time BM-1 ammunition - 24 minutes;
- crew - 3 people.
To ensure communication on BM-1 and TZM-T, VHF communication means of the R-163 or R-168 type are used, providing a communication range of at least 20 km. For intercom, R-174 or AVSKU-E equipment is used.
The BM-1 and TZM-T have places for placing personal weapons - AKS-74 assault rifles, ammunition for them, as well as a place for an RPKS-74 machine gun with ammunition and hand grenades such as F-1, RPG-26.
Cross-country ability for road conditions, for BM-1 and TZM-T fuel range - at the level of the T-72 tank.
In terms of combat effectiveness, the BM-1 of the TOS-1A system is superior to domestic and foreign counterparts. The high accuracy of the calculation and the automated testing of the firing angles by the launcher, the low technical dispersion of the NURS during salvo firing allows multiple, overlapping shock and heat impulses on the target area to tightly cover the enemy's manpower and equipment.
The tank chassis, providing tactical mobility and armor protection of the crew at the tank level, allows a single BM-1 or a subunit to quickly move to a favorable firing position in the event of an oncoming battle, and make it in 90 seconds. volley without leaving the crew and, with enemy fire resistance, leave the firing zone in a time of up to 50 seconds. The maximum flight time of the NURS is 35 seconds.
During the operation of the TOS-1 and TOS-1A systems, they took part in hostilities in Afghanistan and local conflicts in the North Caucasus Military District, having established themselves as an effective weapon that has no analogues for use in flat and mountainous conditions.
TOS-1A is a unique development and has no analogues in the world in terms of the applied technical solutions, the combat missions to be solved and the combat effectiveness. All currently existing multiple launch rocket systems were developed for use as part of second-echelon subunits and cannot be used for combat in direct contact with the enemy due to their vulnerability. Only BM-1, having armor at the level of a tank and a minimum firing range of 600 m, can perform combat missions on the front line of defense in a very short period of time, remaining practically invulnerable.
An analysis of the combat effectiveness of the BM-1 shows that the firepower of the system within the firing range is superior to all artillery systems in service with the Russian army that use conventional ammunition. It should also be noted that the TOS-1A system is protected by 34 objects of intellectual property.
The design features of the BM-1, which allow aimed fire at visible and most dangerous targets at ranges from 0.4 to 6 km, also provide advantages over the MLRS systems Grad, Uragan, Smerch, MLRS (USA), LAPS (Germany) and RAFAL (France), the minimum firing range of which is from 9 to 20 km (firing to kill is carried out by a battery, a battalion with fire adjustment) not only in terms of damaging factors, but also in terms of ammunition consumption for similar targets.
However, despite its capabilities and advantages over other MLRSs, the TOS-1A is currently in need of modernization. Omsktransmash OJSC proactively outlined the prospects for further improving the system, having developed design documentation for BM-1 and TZM-T on the chassis of the T-90S tank, as well as TZM based on the KamAZ-63501 "Mustang" family.