Over the past few weeks, a number of news has appeared about the progress of the promising Mi-28NM project. The goal of this project is to modernize existing attack helicopters using new systems, components and assemblies. The emergence of new messages was facilitated by the start of flight tests of the prototype helicopter. The machine first took to the air at the end of July, soon after which some new information appeared about the progress of work, the goals of the project and existing plans.
The beginning of flight tests of the experienced Mi-28NM became known at the end of July. It is reported that on July 29, the pilots of the flight test station of the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M. L. Mile”(Lyubertsy) for the first time lifted a new helicopter into the air. The first checks of the machine were carried out in hover mode at low altitude. Completion of tests in this mode with confirmation of the required characteristics made it possible to continue testing, moving on to studying the operation of equipment in other modes. It should be noted that at the end of July, spotters managed to take several photos of the prototype helicopter both in the parking lot and in the air.
A few days after the start of flight tests, the plans of the military department concerning the future future of the Mi-28NM helicopters were announced. On August 5, the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces, Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev spoke about the planned timing of the start of the operation of promising equipment in the troops. According to the commander, the serial Mi-28NM will enter service at the end of 2017 or a little later. The commander-in-chief also touched upon the topic of the technical and operational characteristics of the updated helicopter. V. Bondarev said that the new helicopter will be more convenient for pilots and easier to fly.

The first flight of the Mi-28NM. Photo kabuki / Russianplanes.net
In general, the main characteristics have been improved, thanks to which the new helicopter is distinguished by increased engine thrust and increased ammunition. In addition, dual control is used, and there is also a full range of protection against portable anti-aircraft systems.
A little later, new messages appeared about the progress of the tests, as well as about possible export development prospects. As it turned out, even before the completion of the tests, the Mi-28NM attack helicopter was able to interest potential customers in the face of foreign countries.
On August 18, Izvestia reported that a prototype of the Mi-28NM machine recently made its first test flights, which were intended to test the operation of engines and other elements of the power plant, as well as control systems and other equipment. In addition, from an unnamed source, the publication received information about the future plans of the industry. So, it is planned to complete the tests by the end of this year, after which the prototype will be handed over to the armed forces. In 2017, the promising helicopter should go into production.
It is reported that the Algerian armed forces have already shown interest in the new helicopter. In 2014, this country has already ordered several dozen Russian attack helicopters of the Mi-28NE model and now, apparently, is considering the possibility of expanding and modernizing the fleet of such equipment by purchasing newer machines. Nevertheless, for obvious reasons, while the appearance of such a contract is a matter of the distant future. The helicopter is not yet ready for serial production and transfer of finished equipment to a domestic or foreign customer.
On August 28, the well-known profile blog BMPD announced the emergence of a new agreement concluded within the framework of the modernization of the attack helicopter and related systems. On July 15 this year, the enterprise “Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M. L. Mil”published information about a new contract concluded with the Center for Scientific and Technical Services“Dynamics”(Zhukovsky). In accordance with this agreement, Dinamika specialists are to develop a complex simulator for the Mi-28NE helicopter crews. The contract price is 355.79 million rubles.
According to available data, the development of the Mi-28NM ("Product 296") project began in 2009 as part of the Avangard-3 development work. The task of the new project was to modernize the existing Mi-28N attack helicopter using new systems, components and assemblies. By replacing certain components, it was planned to improve the basic flight, combat and operational qualities of the vehicle. In addition, some parts of the project were associated with the simplification of the production of equipment due to the abandonment of components, the supply of which may be associated with certain problems.
As part of the modernization project, the existing helicopter airframe is retained, however, some modifications to its design are used. As a result, both the general layout and most of the "old" appearance are preserved. Nevertheless, the absence of some units and the appearance of others leads to noticeable external differences between the existing Mi-28N and the new Mi-28NM.
The most noticeable external difference between the two vehicles is the absence of an antenna for the control system for anti-tank missiles of the Ataka family. This device was previously placed on the nose of the fuselage and received a fairly large fairing, giving the helicopter a recognizable look. Due to the absence of an antenna and its fairing, the nose of the modernized vehicle has different contours, allowing at first glance to distinguish between helicopters of the two modifications.
During the modernization, the helicopter received new engines with improved performance. Serial Mi-28 of existing modifications are equipped with TV3-117VMA turboshaft engines with a takeoff power of 2200 hp. and 2400-strong emergency mode. The main production of such products remained abroad, and in addition, the supply of the required engines is hampered by political problems. As a result, the Mi-28NM project proposed to use the VK-2500P-01 / PS engines. They differ from TV3-117VMA in higher characteristics. In addition, such engines are produced by Russian enterprises.
The VK-2500P-01 / PS product is equipped with a modern electronic work control system and is also equipped with fire protection. Due to new design solutions, increased reliability of work in areas with hot climates and in high mountains is provided. It also provides superior performance over existing engines in its class. The power of the VK-2500P-01 / PS engine in take-off mode is 2500 hp. Emergency mode delivers up to 2800 hp. within 2, 5 min.
Earlier it was reported that as part of the new project, improved blades were proposed for use in the main rotor. By changing the design of these products, it is planned to raise the maximum flight speed by about 13%. The increase in cruising speed should be 10%.
An important feature of "Product 296" should be the processing of the complex of onboard radio-electronic equipment. Thus, a standard installation of the N025 radar station is proposed with the antenna placed in a spherical over-sleeve fairing. At the same time, as reported, when creating a new helicopter, the existing station underwent modernization aimed at improving the main characteristics. Thanks to this, the updated N025 radar should improve some of the combat characteristics of the new helicopter in comparison with the basic modification.
An increase in the number of tracked targets and an increase in the accuracy of determining their coordinates are announced. Also, new algorithms for the operation of the equipment have been developed, and the performance of computing systems has been increased tenfold. Such modifications should significantly improve the combat capabilities of the equipment, as well as, to a certain extent, simplify its piloting.
The new project eliminates one of the main shortcomings of the previous modifications of the Mi-28. Previously, only the pilot could control the machine, while the operator's cabin had a different composition of equipment. The Mi-28NM project proposes to equip both cabins with a full set of controls required for piloting the aircraft. Thus, in the event of a hit to the pilot, the operator will be able to take control and take the helicopter out of the dangerous area.
According to the domestic press, the Mi-28NM project proposes a set of tools aimed at improving the safety of the crew and the vehicle as a whole. The latest developments in the field of various passive protective equipment mounted on equipment are used. In addition, the Concern "Radioelectronic Technologies" has created a new laser suppression station. When an attack is detected, this device with the help of laser radiation should deflect enemy missiles away from the helicopter.
There is information about plans to upgrade the weapons complex. The range of weapons of the modernized helicopter should still include guided and unguided missiles of various types, etc. At the same time, a decision was made to use some new systems. As already mentioned, the Mi-28NM helicopter lost its nose antenna for radio command control of anti-tank missiles. There is information according to which it is now planned to use guided missiles with laser guidance. For this, an emitter will be used, which is part of the optoelectronic equipment. Apparently, such a change in the helicopter will lead to the need to use new types of missile weapons.
The development of the Mi-28NM project was completed no later than 2014-15, after which work began on the construction of a prototype. Last year, the Rostvertol enterprise (Rostov-on-Don), which is engaged in serial production of Mi-28 family equipment, built a prototype of the Mi-28NM machine, which has the additional designation OP-1. Soon the car was transferred to the flight test station for the required checks. As follows from the latest reports, until recently, the experienced Mi-28NM passed preliminary tests, and only at the end of last July first took off.
To date, according to press reports, a number of flights have been carried out to test the operation of the main systems. After this, new checks should be carried out aimed at establishing the capabilities and characteristics of various components and assemblies, as well as their interaction. It takes a certain amount of time to carry out all the necessary tests. It is mentioned that the checks will be completed by the end of this year, after which the prototype will be handed over to the armed forces.
Already in 2017, the Russian Helicopters corporation is going to begin the deployment of serial production of new equipment. According to the estimates of the commander-in-chief of the Aerospace Forces, by the end of next year, combat units will be able to begin mastering the latest production helicopters. In the future, the serial production and delivery of the Mi-28NM will make it possible to replenish the fleet of attack helicopters, supplementing and eventually replacing the equipment available in the troops. Fulfillment of current plans will lead to a certain increase in the strike potential of combat aviation, using newer equipment with improved technical, operational and combat characteristics.