In 2000, the press around the world reported on the use of new weapons by Russian troops. During the battles for the village of Komsomolskoye (Chechen Republic), self-propelled heavy flamethrower systems TOS-1 "Buratino" fired at the positions of the militants. Soon after these messages, some details began to appear regarding the technical and combat characteristics of the complex. In addition, the greater effectiveness of the unguided missile strike caused a specific reaction from some human rights defenders. These persons considered TOS-1 an inhumane weapon and even began to demand from the international community to condemn the actions of the Russian military. However, the entire foreign reaction has been limited to only low-key criticism and low-key praise. More than ten years have passed since then and the TOS-1 complex, along with its modernization TOS-1A "Solntsepek", continues to remain in service with the Russian troops of the RHBZ. At the same time, the total number of built heavy flamethrower systems, according to various estimates, does not exceed two or three dozen. Why is it that the weapons, which received many accolades and caused a critical reaction, entered the army in such limited quantities? Let's try to figure it out.

Let's start in order. The basis of the combat vehicle of the TOS-1 and TOS-1A complexes is the tracked chassis of the T-72 main battle tank. Diesel engine V-46 with a capacity of 700 hp. provides a 46-ton vehicle with mobility and maneuverability at the level of other armored vehicles, which allows it to operate as part of mobile strike groups. So, in the course of the already mentioned use of TOS-1 missiles against targets in the territory of the village of Komsomolskoye, the cover of flamethrower systems was carried out by T-72 tanks. Due to the same base and insignificant difference in combat weight, "Buratino" and the tanks did not have any problems in interaction on the approach to the combat position and leaving it. The modification of the TOS-1A "Solntsepek" received a new power plant - a diesel V-84MS with a capacity of more than 800 horsepower. This innovation to a certain extent improved the driving performance of the combat vehicle.
As you can see, the running characteristics of the armored combat vehicles "Buratino" and "Solntsepek", equipped with launchers, could hardly be the reason for the small number of ordered vehicles. Maybe the claims of the military are caused by other machines of the complex? Probably. The original TOS-1 complex included a transport-loading vehicle (TZM) based on the KrAZ-255B truck. The wheeled chassis was equipped with a cargo crane and devices for transporting unguided missiles. It is quite obvious that the wheeled chassis of the TZM flamethrower system did not have such indicators of speed and maneuverability as the combat vehicle had. For this reason, the modernized TOS-1A received a new transport-loading vehicle, made on the chassis of the T-72 tank. The target equipment of the new TPM was modified accordingly. In addition, special armored housings were added to the design, which in the stowed position cover the missiles from bullets and shrapnel. Each combat vehicle of the "Buratino" and "Solntsepek" complexes is supplied with two TPMs with a set of unguided missiles. If necessary, a certain number of trucks can be attached to the connection of flamethrowers to transport a stock of missiles, but in this case, for safety reasons, it is required to bring missiles to the combat vehicle exclusively on the TPM with a closed casing.

Fighting vehicle BM-1 in firing position
So, all the vehicles of the complex are maximally unified and protected from enemy attacks. When creating a new version of the heavy flamethrower system, a number of the wishes of the military were taken into account, which, for example, led to a number of innovations related to the level of protection of ammunition and, as a result, vehicles. The main armament of both complexes - unguided rockets MO.101.04 and MO.1.01.04M caliber 220 mm. Both types of missiles are equipped with a volume-detonating or incendiary warhead. The first was the MO.101.04 projectile. With a length of 3.3 meters, it weighs over 170 kg and has a maximum flight range of 3600 meters. The new MO.101.04M rocket is longer (3.7 meters), heavier (217 kg) and flies further, by six kilometers. The missiles are launched from a package of tubular guides. Outwardly, it is a box, inside of which there are "nests" for rockets. On the combat vehicle of the TOS-1 complex there are 30 guides, on the TOS-1A - 24. The package of guides can be guided in the horizontal and vertical planes: the swivel mechanism is installed on the seat of the standard turret of the T-72 tank. Vertical guidance is carried out by lifting the entire package.
One of the main differences between the original and the modernized version of the flamethrower system is the different number of missile rails. The reason for this was the peculiarities of the combat use of the complex. Since the maximum launch range of MO.101.04 missiles was relatively small, the troops immediately began to take measures regarding the safety of the vehicle and crew. A volumetric detonating or incendiary warhead, having received damage on the launcher, can destroy the entire vehicle. To avoid such incidents, even during the first TOS-1 applications in Afghanistan (late eighties), the crews left the extreme side guides empty. Thanks to this, the relatively rare fragments and bullets of the enemy had almost no chance of damaging the missiles. Taking this experience into account, the engineers of the Omsk design bureau of transport engineering redesigned the design of the launcher. First, the "loss" of six missiles in practice did not have a significant effect on the effectiveness of the fire. Therefore, only 24 guides were left. Secondly, the saved volume and weight were given to the protection of the rockets. Now the outer cladding of the launcher is made of armor plates and can withstand the hit of the B-32 armor-piercing bullet (cartridge 7, 62x54 mm) from a distance of 500 meters. Thus, the combat vehicle of the TOS-1A complex is practically not subject to the risk of destruction as a result of damage to the warhead of the missile by small arms or shrapnel, especially when firing MO.101.04M at the maximum range. As for the protection of the chassis and crew, the anti-shell protection of the armored hull of the T-72 tank does not withstand the impact of only powerful cumulative and high-speed sub-caliber feathered projectiles.

Transport and loading vehicle TZM-T
The version about insufficient protection of combat and transport-loading vehicles can also be deleted. Maybe a potential buyer is not satisfied with the combat qualities of unguided missiles? You can immediately say: both satisfied and not. The volley of the first version of the ammunition - MO.101.04 - ensured the destruction of targets in an area of up to two thousand square meters at ranges of up to 3.6 kilometers. A full salvo when firing at a maximum rate takes from six to twelve seconds. In terms of its effectiveness, a salvo of one combat vehicle is equal to the relatively long operation of an artillery battery. At the same time, "Buratino" and "Solntsepek" do not have a large enough range of compatible ammunition: only incendiary and thermobaric. In a number of cases, the action of such warheads turns out to be insufficient, for example, when it is necessary to destroy any structure. This requires a direct hit of the projectile inside the target, followed by an explosion. Such features of the warheads of the MO.101.04 and MO.101.04M missiles severely limit the range of their use, although they increase the affected area. The second problem with unguided rockets was their relatively short range. 3600 meters of the first version of the MO.101.04 rocket was considered too short range, especially in comparison with other multiple launch rocket systems. In a collision with a seriously armed enemy, the use of TOS-1 or TOS-1A is a rather difficult task. With the proper organization of the interaction of subunits, the enemy, if he allows the combat vehicle to enter the position, will not allow the launch. In this respect, heavy flamethrower systems are again inferior to the "classic" MLRS. Thus, the 9K58 "Smerch" complex with the help of a 300-mm 9M55S missile with a thermobaric warhead is capable of hitting targets at distances from 25 to 70 kilometers, without exposing itself to the danger of being hit by return fire. At the same time, the warhead of the 9M55S missile weighs a quarter more than the entire MO.101.04M missile of the Solntsepek complex.
So, we have found the stumbling block that prevents the mass production of heavy flamethrower systems and equipping troops with them. This is a specific ammunition that does not allow widespread use. Yes, in terms of its combat effectiveness, it exceeds a number of other similar systems. But the price of this is a short firing range, the risk of catastrophic consequences in case of damage to ammunition, as well as the need for serious cover in the position. All these factors seriously reduce the possible conditions for the use of heavy flamethrower systems. And the small range of available warheads for missiles is not conducive to frequent use. The combination of pros and cons of the TOS-1 and TOS-1A systems makes it possible to roughly imagine the "ideal" situation in which the use of heavy flamethrower systems will be justified and effective. This is the firing of areal targets from a relatively short distance. In addition, the attacked enemy must be relatively poorly trained and not have serious anti-tank weapons or artillery. Thus, the ideal mission for "Buratino" or "Solntsepek" is to strike a camp or a convoy of vehicles of a weak army or armed bandit formations. When using the new MO.101.04M projectiles of increased range, the general features of the hypothetical salvo remain the same.

In general, in the case of the heavy flamethrower systems "Buratino" and "Solntsepek" we observe a specific situation. An interesting and undoubtedly promising project in practice turns out to be rather poorly adapted to real combat operations and requires the involvement of additional forces. Another reason why the TOS-1 and TOS-1A were not ordered in large quantities concerns the specific tactical niche of the complexes. Of course, if necessary, it would be possible to increase the firing range of flamethrower systems. But in this case, they will "overlap" with the existing MLRS. Meanwhile, purchases of new multiple launch rocket systems continue, which cannot be said about heavy flamethrower systems. Thus, the only suitable tactical niche for heavy flamethrower systems remains small special operations, where rapid deployment and instant destruction of manpower and poorly protected equipment are required over a relatively large area. At the same time, the very idea of a special multiple launch rocket system for the RChBZ troops is interesting and, possibly, promising. For example, MO.101.04 missiles can be equipped not only with volume-detonating or incendiary warheads. On the basis of this ammunition, a special projectile can be created that carries a mixture for extinguishing fires. With this use of heavy flamethrower systems (it sounds ironic - fire extinguishing with a flamethrower system) there is no need to provide fire cover for a combat vehicle, and all the advantages are fully preserved. Similarly, TOS-1 and TOS-1A are capable of eliminating small clouds of toxic substances or similar aerosols. However, the authors of the projects of heavy flamethrower systems have not yet presented alternative projects for their use and, it seems, do not even have such plans.