The results of the combat use of the high-precision complex "Caliber" in Syria showed that Russia should be talked to "you"
Peace cannot be achieved without force and its demonstration. From time to time, this axiom needs confirmation, which became the missile strikes of the "Caliber" complex against ISIS targets in Syria. Russia has shown one of its "kulaks" with which it can protect itself and those who ask it for it. In the West, this fact sobered some, and "the humiliated and insulted countries and peoples received hope," as the "Russian Planet" reported.
The sudden and effective in all respects the result aroused great interest in this weapon. Numerous responses sometimes exaggerated or, conversely, downplayed the capabilities of this modern and truly formidable complex. Today, the passions around the "Caliber" have subsided somewhat, which makes it possible to more objectively evaluate this miracle weapon and some of the features of its use.
"Caliber" is a universal missile weapon system for sea, land and air. It is designed to destroy surface, underwater and ground targets with cruise missiles (CR) in a wide range in any weather and climatic conditions day and night with strong fire and electronic countermeasures of the enemy. In the West, "Caliber" under the code SS-N-27 is eloquently called the "Sizzler". The system integrator and manufacturer of the complex is OJSC Concern Morinformsistema-Agat.
An important feature of the complex is the versatility of execution. Today it can be carried by surface ships ("Caliber-NK"), submarines ("Caliber-PL") and high-pass vehicles ("Caliber-M"). In 2014, it became known about the deployment in Novorossiysk of diesel-electric submarines with cruise missiles of the "Caliber" type. In addition to modern ones, "Caliber" will be installed on most Soviet-built surface ships of the Russian Navy during their modernization.
Of particular interest is the container version ("Caliber-K") of the complex execution in standard 20- and 40-foot containers. In this version, it is almost impossible to recognize the combat complex, which ensures high secrecy of the delivery of the "Caliber" to the intended area of hostilities.
In the export version under the general name Club, the complex of surface (Club-N, Club-U), underwater (Club-S), onshore (Club-M) and container (Club-K) versions is sold abroad. The characteristics of the "Caliber" known today repeat the capabilities of the export versions.
Another important feature of the complex is the presence of a wide range of missiles for various purposes and characteristics (manufacturer - OKB "Novator"). This provides high flexibility and adaptability of the use of "Caliber", taking into account the existing conditions and opportunities. For obvious reasons, the characteristics of the KR family "Caliber" for "internal use" are not reported or are given in the most general form. The known data refer only to the missiles of the export version.
The types of missiles are determined by their purpose and features of their use. These are 533-mm missiles for destroying surface (M-54K / 3M-54T, 3M-54KE1 / 3M-54TE1), ground (3M-14K / 3M-14T, 3M-14KE / 3M-14TE) and underwater (91RT2, 91RTE2) goals. They can be placed in transport and launch containers / cups or launched from standard torpedo tubes; the letter "E" means the export version.
The export version missiles weighing 1, 2–2, 3 tons can hit targets at a distance of 40 to 300 kilometers with a high-explosive (cluster) penetrating warhead weighing 200–450 kg. CRs have a transonic (supersonic) speed on the cruise (final) section of the flight trajectory, which is carried out at low altitudes above the water (10–20 m) and earth (50–150 m) surfaces in the terrain bend mode. These features, in conjunction with navigation systems, anti-missile maneuvers and a homing head (in the final phase of the flight), reduce the target's chances of survival to almost zero.
And one more important feature. The Kalibra missiles are equipped with a unique small-sized engine produced by NPO Rybinsk Motors: a unit the size of a travel bag can be easily lifted by two people.

Model of the 3M-54E anti-ship missile. Photo: wikipedia.org
Application features
The defeat of militant ground targets in Syria was the first combat use of the "Caliber" complex and a real proof of its capabilities. The first two group strikes against ground targets at a distance of at least 1,500 km were inflicted by four ships of the Caspian Flotilla. On the night of October 7 and November 20, their Kalibr-NK ship complexes fired 26 and 18 3M14 missiles, respectively. The third strike with four missiles on December 8 of the same year from a submerged position was struck by the submarine "Rostov-on-Don" (Project 636) from the Mediterranean Sea. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, all assigned targets were hit.
Thus, reports on the range of the 3M14 type missile launcher of 2, 6–3 thousand km correspond to the real characteristics. Consequently, our "Caliber" is a strategic weapon and is not inferior, but in range and surpasses the American Tomahawk CD. Our Ministry of Defense categorically denied reports of the Western media about undershoots to targets of at least four missiles. At the same time, it will not be superfluous to remember dozens of American Tomahawks that did not reach their targets and fell on the territory of other countries during the US and NATO military operations in Iraq and Yugoslavia.
"Caliber" confirmed its high capabilities to overcome the enemy's anti-missile defense. Its missiles passed the air defense zones of Iran and Iraq, warned in advance, and were not detected by the intelligence of Western countries. At the same time, the most effective Turkish air defense system in the region did not see them, the zone of responsibility of which our KR bypassed along a safe route.
According to the British The Daily Telegraph, in the presence of such a complex in Iraq, the US invasion of the Persian Gulf might not have taken place. The Pentagon also expressed serious concern, where the presence of "Caliber" (Club) in other countries is regarded as a destabilization of the situation in the world (read - a threat to the United States).
Interest in "Caliber" abroad was activated by the low price combined with real results. The competitive complex can be installed on a number of Western-made military equipment. Today, India, China, Algeria and Vietnam have Club of various modifications. It is highly likely that it will appear in other countries as well.
It is clear that the widespread use of the expensive "Caliber" on the targets of militants is unreasonable. But in this case, the positive results of political and military significance are obvious: Russia has shown the availability of effective strategic weapons, which will not hesitate to use if necessary. In addition, the results of their use in combat conditions confirmed the characteristics of the weapon shown during tests and exercises, which, for all their seriousness, cannot be compared with the conditions of a combat situation.
Experience shows that you should more often, but within reasonable limits, demonstrate the capabilities of your weapon. Especially those who smile sweetly through their teeth and clench their fists in the hope of delivering a sudden blow. For this it is not a sin to use organized information leakage.