The color revolution is by no means "soft power", as it is often said about it. Not at all. Rather, it is a set of tools in order to take advantage of the democratic institutions of power, which in certain countries were copied from the Anglo-Saxon models, to break the existing state power in them. After all, what is the foundation of Western democracy? The statement that all power is from the people. He entrusted it to be carried out by individuals, and he also has the right to change them. So it is quite possible to argue that the Americans themselves not only created an attractive model of a democratic state structure, but also made sure to build into it special tools designed to break it, if necessary. Well, that is very wise.
Note that a person easily resigns himself to any violence against his personality, if it provides him with a good home, living amenities and other benefits. All this he will easily give up for the "freedom" to elect and be elected, because most people simply do not need such freedom. That is why people from all over the world are eager to live in the United States. There is a high level of well-being, so everything else is unimportant to them. But all those countries where this level is relatively low, can become the object of the "color revolution", because then people will be told: "It is not high because of the policies of your government. Change it, establish democracy according to our model, and then everything that we have will be with you! " So the technology of "color revolutions" is also a means of economically weakening a country with an unwanted regime and the prospects of "catching up" with Western countries. As soon as the gap closes, people are taught that "the process is going too slowly and needs to be … accelerated a little." Why wait for something?
The model underlying the “color revolutions” is simple: it is organizing a protest movement, then turning it into a controlled and aggressive crowd, whose aggression is directed against the current government, before which the condition is set: either you leave voluntarily, or blood will be shed. Or yours or ours. In any case, today it is unacceptable, since you declare your adherence to democratic values.

Let them talk!
Well, if the authorities resist, then the "color revolution" immediately turns into an armed rebellion, which is sometimes accompanied by armed intervention, as happened in Libya, and is quite possibly considered as an acceptable option for the development of the situation in Syria.
The color revolution model is simple and consists of five successive stages that are organized and implemented:
The first stage is the formation of a protest movement in the country, which should become the driving force behind the planned “color revolution”.
Before the start of an open speech, it is formalized in the form of a network of conspiratorial cells, consisting of a leader and three or four activists. Such a network is capable of uniting many thousands of activists, who thus constitute the core of this protest movement. Cell leaders should receive training at centers that specialize in promoting Western-style democratization.
Activists should be recruited from among young people who are easily carried away by various catchy slogans and always hopelessly hope for the best. That global terrorist networks, that the "protest movement" in this case, the same principle operates.
Second phase. The network leaves underground and appears on the streets of cities. To start acting, you need a signal called an "incident." It can be any, we emphasize, any event that causes the intensity of passions and, as a result, has received a powerful public response. Usually it is specially prepared. For example, you can bribe a police officer to fire a shot into the crowd and injure, or even better, kill some innocent teenager. There and then his photographs should be taken and posters immediately printed with the inscription: “The blood of John, Ted, Suzanne, Ivan … cries out for vengeance! We will not forget, we will not forgive!"
For example, in the revolution in Serbia ("Bulldozer revolution" 2000), in Ukraine (2004), and then in Georgia (2004), the results of elections, which the opposition declared to be falsified, turned into an incident. The events in Tunisia (2010), a country with an authoritarian regime, began differently, namely with the self-immolation of a small trader who staged this protest in one of the central squares in the capital. The event is absolutely insignificant in terms of the scale and problems of the country, but it has become a landmark for the Tunisian society and its protest structures.
Stage three. After the incident attracted the attention of a mass audience, the stage of the "twitter revolution" begins - the involvement of new supporters of the movement through social networks. Cells of "protestants" are now rapidly growing overgrown with people who join the protest movement, as they are pushed by fear for their own future. People's anxiety is the character trait that the organizers of the protest movement play on. “What if they win, and I’m not with them, and then what will happen to me ?!” - that's how or something like that they reason. Anxiety grows and leads to the fact that the consciousness of these people goes into what is called the "borderline state." Such a person becomes easily susceptible to massive panic reactions and general hysteria, "turns off" his own rational consciousness and acts at the level of primitive reflexes and instincts. From this state to the creation of a crowd crushing everything in its path, it is only one step away.
Stage four. This formation is not just a crowd, but a political crowd. A political crowd making political demands on the government. This requires only a large area (maidan), where large masses of people can be accommodated at the same time.
Speeches are thrown into the crowd, it is “warmed up” with specially prepared information messages, and they are trying to introduce new values into the consciousness. A person is told: “You have the right to be heard! But the authorities don't want to hear you. Well, change it. All power only from you! " For stupid people, and there are most of them everywhere, such words raise a sense of their own worth. Who is he at home? A fat wife with arms as thick as his leg does not respect him, in bed he does not satisfy her, the salary is low, colleagues laugh at him, the boss scolds him, the children openly despise such a useless "hat", but here … here his opinion is valuable to someone, he personally makes history! There is something to experience euphoria from! And he subconsciously has a thought: "We will change the power, and I myself will … change everything, including mine …"
Naturally, since the crowd also has purely physiological needs, it is imperative to take care of the supply of food, strong drinks (in moderation!), To put up tents for people, and also to prepare and bring the means of armed struggle: convenient for throwing cobblestones, railway nuts and bolts, sharpened fittings, bicycle and motorcycle chains. Therefore, a well-established, organized "rear service" is needed.
Fifth stage. On behalf of the crowd to the authorities, activists put forward ultimatum demands, threatening riots and, less often, quite possible physical destruction. If at the same time the power of pressure does not withstand, the elements immediately sweep it away. If the authorities accept the challenge of the crowd and stand firm, then the crowd will be activated to storm state institutions. After that, such a "revolution" inevitably develops into a rebellion, and in some cases into a civil war, during which military intervention is carried out into the country from abroad in order to restore law and order.
We can trace all this on the examples of the revolutions of the so-called "Arab Spring". Although the chaos was organized here not only in one country, but on the scale of entire regions at once: the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. Here they actively used such innovations as a feedback mechanism that allows you to quickly correct the shortcomings of the original design, and the technology of "controlled chaos" - working in a traditional society of the Eastern type, which is immune to the propaganda of Western democratic and liberal values. But then there was "controlled chaos". The authorities were accused of corruption, oblivion of "true Islam" and many other sins. That is, it was necessary to curtail the existing government at any cost and … "on any bargaining chip"!
The events in Ukraine (2013 - 2014) are also a “color revolution”, and exactly repeating the Egyptian scenario. By the way, this leads to the conclusion that here it can be quite expected that it will open the way for foreign intervention, as it has already happened in Libya and, quite possibly, or rather, expected, in the same Syria.
By the way, it is quite possible that the next object of the "color revolution" will be Russia. We have a dime a dozen "incidents", it remains only to use them in the right way to raise the corresponding protesters. However, any sword always has a shield.
There is also a corresponding defense against the intervention of the "color revolutions". These are three groups of measures, the application of which usually gives a good effect.
The first is aimed at ensuring measures to identify and cut off funding that goes to the formation of the protest movement.

We will never see the graves of these children, but they still laugh, standing on ours! On this and the rate, both with a + sign and with a - sign. And who will win!
The second is the involvement of young people, that is, the social base of protest movements between the ages of 18 and 35, in the activities of such public associations and organizations that would be controlled by the government.
Finally, the third group of measures is aimed at creating such “steam release valves” in society that would not allow it to “overheat” like a faulty steam boiler. That is, if a modern person wants to be heard, then let him … speak! He can express himself, for example, on the Internet, anonymously and most often this is quite enough for him.

And these are already more conscious … and more active. Activity with a + sign is good! With a sign - you need to do something.
There is one more point of view, which can be called the "theory of the pendulum". The essence of which is that any formed change in society, in whose interests it is not carried out, will sooner or later hit those who organized it! That is, swinging the pendulum of social relations is dangerous. In particular, some foreign scientists are already beginning, albeit still rather cautiously, to declare that none of the color revolutions in the Middle East or North Africa brought any benefits to the Christian world: on the contrary, the "Arab Spring" caused an outbreak of radical Islamism and was the beginning of a real "Christian winter". And they are already asking themselves (and others, in particular, their politicians, "uncomfortable questions"), and what will happen in the end if the wave of "color revolutions" in the world is not stopped in time?