If you love looking at pictures from the past, then you will appreciate this collection. These pictures captured the life of people who lived in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, in the Yenisei province.

1. Cheldon peasants of Krasnoyarsk
The picture was taken in Krasnoyarsk at the end of the 19th century. The photograph and the negative arrived at the museum in 1916.
A paired portrait of Krasnoyarsk peasants, taken against the background of a log building.

2. A. D. Zyryanov - a peasant with. Shushensky Minusinsky district of the Yenisei province
The picture was taken in the village. Shushensky in the 1920s.
In 1897 A. D. Zyryanov settled in his house arrived in exile in the village. Shushenskoe V. I. Lenin.

3. Elderly peasants of the village of Yarkino, Yenisei district
The picture was taken in the village of Yarkino in 1911.
A paired portrait of peasants taken against the background of an ancient chapel.
Collection of the Angarsk excursion 1911
Priangarye is an area of the lower course of the river. Angara and its tributaries with a total length of more than 1000 km, located on the territory of the Yenisei province. This is one of the oldest settlement areas in Eastern Siberia, consisting mainly of old residents. In 1911, at the expense of the Migration Administration, the Angarsk excursion (expedition) was organized, led by a museum worker, Alexander Petrovich Ermolaev, with the aim of examining the material culture of the Angara population.

4. Elderly women of the village of Yarkino of the Yenisei district in festive clothes
Photographer unknown. The picture was taken in the village of Yarkino in 1911.
A paired portrait of two elderly women in festive clothes.
Collection of the Angarsk excursion 1911

5. Peasant family from the village of Lovatskaya, Kansk district
The photo was taken in the village of Lovatskaya, Kansk district, no later than 1905.
Peasants in festive clothes stand on the steps of the porch covered with homespun rugs.

6. A peasant family from the village of Yarki of the Yenisei district on a holiday on the porch of the house
August 1912 The photograph was received by the museum in 1916.

7. A family of old-timers-Old Believers on the river. Manet
R. Mana, Krasnoyarsk district, Yenisei province. Until 1910

8. A wealthy peasant family from the village. Boguchansky Yenisei district
1911 g.

9. Adolescents p. Boguchansky Yenisei district
1911 g.
Collection of the Angarsk excursion 1911

10. Young peasants with. Boguchansky Yenisei district
A pair of photographs of young peasants standing near a barn with a low door and a staircase.
Collection of the Angarsk excursion 1911

11. Girls-peasants from the village of Yarki, Yenisei district in festive clothes
August 1912 The photograph was received by the museum in 1916.

12. A group of peasants from the village of Yarki, Yenisei district
1911 The peasants are filmed near the sleigh, against the background of a mill with a low door supported by a rail. Dressed in work casual clothes.

13. Festive costume of the prospector
The picture was taken in the village. Boguchansky in 1911
A photograph of a young man in a festive costume of a gold miner.

14. A. Aksentyev - superintendent of the mine on the river. Taloy in the Yenisei district
G. Yeniseisk. Photo taken on July 20, 1887.
The supervisor on the gold washing machine is an employee who supervised and monitored the order of work, he also received gold from the washers.
The men's suit, captured in the photo, is very peculiar: a mixture of urban and so-called mining fashion. A shirt of this type was worn by mine workers and peasants, and this style was used more often for output clothes. Boots with high heels and blunt toes were fashionable footwear in the 1880s and 1890s. A hat and a watch on a neck cord or chain were urban luxury items that added originality and gold mine charm to the costume.

15. Maria Petrovna Markovskaya - village teacher with family
G. Ilansk. July 1916
From right to left: M. P. Markovskaya; daughter Olga (1909-1992) is standing nearby; daughter Nadia (1912-1993) sits at her feet on a stool; next to her, with a handbag in her hands, sits her mother - Simonova Matryona Alekseevna (nee Podgorbunskaya). The girl in a checkered dress is the eldest daughter of M. P. Markovskaya - Vera (born 1907); daughter Katya (born 1910) is sitting on the railing; stands next to O. P. Gagromonyan, sister of M. P. Markovskaya. Far left - head of the family Efim Polikarpovich Markovsky, railway foreman

16. Paramedic s. Bolshe-Uluisky Achinsk district Anastasia Porfirievna Melnikova with a patient
On the back of the photo there is ink text: “An. Per. Melnikov as a paramedic at the B. Uluisk hospital. An exile (but) settler, 34 years old, in the depicted form walked 40 miles to the hospital in a frost of 30 degrees Réaumur."
The village of Bolshe-Uluyskoye, which is the center of the Bolshe-Uluyskaya volost, was located on the river. Chulyme. It housed a mobile medical station and a peasant resettlement center.

17. Artisan-potter from the village. Atamanovskoe, Krasnoyarsk district
The beginning of the twentieth century. The village of Atamanovskoye was located on the river. Yenisei, in 1911 there were 210 households. Every Tuesday a bazaar was held in the village.
The photograph was received by the museum at the beginning of the 20th century.

18. Fishing tugun on the Verkhne-Inbatsky lathe of the Turukhansk region
Verkhne-Inbatsky machine. The beginning of the twentieth century.
Tugun is a freshwater fish of the whitefish genus.
The photo entered the museum in 1916.

19. Angarsk peasant woman goes to check the ouds. Priangarye
Collection of the Angarsk excursion 1911

20. Ice fishing with uds on the river. Hangar. Yenisei district
Collection of the Angarsk excursion 1911

21. Rafting of the killed elk on the river. Mane of the Yenisei province
R. Mana (in the area of Krasnoyarsk or Kansk districts). The beginning of the twentieth century.

22. Peasant Going Hunting
Near the village of Yarki. 1911 g.
The hunter stands on wide, short skis attached to the foot with straps. On such skis went without sticks.
Collection of the Angarsk excursion 1911

23. Angarsk hunter with a dog
D. Yarkin of the Yenisei district. 1911 g.
The hunter is shot against the background of a barn with a low plank door and a hay line above.
Collection of the Angarsk excursion 1911

24. At the peasant's yard in the village. Kezhemsky of the Yenisei district
Collection of the Angarsk excursion 1911

25. Flax mash in the Yenisei district
Yenisei district. 1910s From receipts of the 1920s.

26. Portomino on the Yenisei
Krasnoyarsk. Early 1900s The photo entered the museum in 1978.

27. Laundresses on the Yenisei
Krasnoyarsk. Early 1900s Reproduction from negative 1969

28. Threading of ropes in the village of Yarkakh, Yenisei district
1914. On the back of the photograph there is an inscription in pencil: "Svat Kapiton, twisting a rope."
The photo entered the museum in 1916.

29. Harvesting tobacco in Minusinsk district
1916 At the back of the peasant estate, in the garden, tobacco is being harvested, part of which has been torn out and laid in rows.
The photograph entered the museum in 1916.

30. Weaving mill-cross in with. Verkhne-Usinsky Usinsky border district
Photo from 1916, entered the museum in 1916.

31. Harvesting "Borisov" brooms in the village. Uzhur of Achinsk district
Photo of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. On Borisov day, July 24, fresh brooms were prepared for baths, hence the name - "Borisov" brooms

32. Mummers on the streets of the Znamensky glass factory on Christmastide
Krasnoyarsk district, Znamensk glass factory, 1913−1914
A group of men and women are dancing to the accordion in the street. The photo was previously published as a postcard.

33. The game of "small towns" in the village of Kamenka, Yenisei district
The beginning of the twentieth century. Reproduced from the book "Siberian folk calendar in ethnographic terms" by Alexei Makarenko (St. Petersburg, 1913, p. 163). Photo of the author.

34. "Race" - a competition between horse and foot in the village of Palace of the Yenisei district
1904 Reproduced from the book "Siberian folk calendar in ethnographic terms" A. Makarenko (St. Petersburg, 1913, p. 143). Photo of the author.
In the foreground are two competitors: on the left is a young guy with a shirt extended over the ports and with bare feet, on the right is a peasant sitting astride a horse. A stick is installed next to the footman - the meta, which is the beginning of the distance, the second meta is not visible. Behind a crowd of men - peasants of different ages in festive clothes, watching what is happening. The competition takes place on the street of the village, part of its right side with several residential and outbuildings is visible. This kind of "races" between horse and footmen were arranged by Siberians in the summer on holidays and fairs.
The distance is not great, it necessarily includes a 180-degree turn. That is why the footman often won: the knight was skidding:)

35. Migrant peasants at temporary housing
Minusinsk district. The beginning of the twentieth century.
At the beginning of the 20th century, with the beginning of the Stolypin agrarian reform, a stream of immigrants poured into Siberia from the southern and western regions of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. They were called new settlers, and those who lived in Siberia for more than one generation were old-timers.

36. Khokhlusha-displaced person from the village of Novo-Poltavka, Minusinsk district
Photo of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The picture shows a young woman in a traditional Ukrainian costume, sitting on the steps of the porch. Acquired 1916

37. Khokhlusha
On the question of the "regionality" of the costume. This photo is from V. G. Kataeva 1911. The photo was taken in a resettlement village based on the lands of the Siberian Cossacks.

38. Wedding
Kansk district, village of Karymova, October 1, 1913 Family of Sokolovs, new settlers from Tambov province