Today we will talk about non-standard ways to disassemble a Kalashnikov assault rifle. Many experienced shooters have their own trademark subtleties of disassembling the machine, all of them cannot be enumerated, but we will highlight the most interesting ones.
So, the disassembly of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, as you know, is divided into complete and incomplete. Complete is carried out for cleaning in case of serious contamination of the weapon, when switching to a new lubricant, as well as when repairing AK.
Incomplete disassembly is carried out as part of the normal operation of automatic weapons. Even if the machine has not been used, it is dismantled every three days for cleaning and lubrication.
Assembly and disassembly of AK are included in the mandatory standards for military personnel and law enforcement officers. The procedure for disassembling the AK is as follows: separate the store, remove the accessory case from the stock socket, separate the cleaning rod, separate the receiver cover, separate the return mechanism, separate the bolt carrier with the bolt, separate the bolt from the bolt carrier, separate the gas tube with the barrel lining. The assembly is carried out, respectively, in the reverse order.

In addition to the classical methods, there are also non-standard, original ones, which were the result of the creative approach of their authors. For example, here is the method of Sergei Pavlov, which is based on the elimination of unnecessary movements and therefore allows you to assemble and disassemble the machine as quickly as possible. Let's see how it looks in the video.

As you can see, according to Pavlov's method, the machine can be disassembled three times faster than it should be according to the standard. Not a bad result if the issue of disassembly time is acute.
During the tests carried out by the Kalashnikov concern, we see how the concern's expert Sergei Radkevich disassembles and assembles the AK-74M and AK-12. At the same time, he disassembled the AK-74M in 18.6 seconds, while the standard for conscripts was 19 seconds, and he coped with the AK-12 in 16.84 seconds, since there was no need to remove the gas pipe.

Interestingly, the expert believes that the very idea of passing the standards for disassembling and assembling an assault rifle does not make much sense, since you need to shoot quickly and accurately from a weapon, and this is the most important thing in the operation of both the Kalashnikov and any other assault rifle.