Police weapons. Who does what during self-isolation! Someone does not leave the Internet, someone, to the delight of his wife, finally makes repairs. I, too, did not have a surplus of free time. However, I would like to start the story about what this time has turned into by referring to the material of our permanent author A. Staver "What can replace the usual Kalashnikov: about the prospects of small arms." There was a lot of interesting things about the prospects in the field of small arms for the army. But everything that was discussed there, with good reason, can be applied to weapons for the police!
What should it be like in the 21st century? Certainly effective: who needs an ineffective weapon? Sufficiently versatile as the number of challenges to the police force increases. In addition, it should be technologically advanced and fairly cheap. And this is also, of course, an important requirement. And it follows from the current trend towards the unification of production. That is, if an increasing part of it is transferred to the level of computer production, then the weapon itself must be produced at the same factories as computers. Ideally, a shooting computer should appear in front of us. But what about the "impulse", well, the one from a nuclear explosion, which the supporters of the good old iron love to talk about? Yes ugh on him! Firstly, there is protection, and secondly, this is not relevant for the police. And thirdly, now there is a mass of all kinds of electronics in the army, which seems to be also afraid of the impulse, but for some reason it becomes more and more of it. So let's forget about it right away.
There is one more thing. The world is changing. The cost of human life is increasing. Which, by the way, was shown by the coronavirus epidemic. This means that the day is not far off when the developed countries will start a new arms race, not nuclear, but simple, but technologically complex. And reliable "pieces of iron" will be declared a weapon of terrorists, and their very presence in a person or a country will be equated with a crime and international terrorism. That is, a drone will arrive and the owner of such a "piece of iron" will be slammed without trial or investigation. Now "uncivilized" peoples have practically everything the same as civilized ones. But they outnumber them. This means that it is very profitable to take away the weapons they are used to. And everything that is profitable will be done sooner or later.
Hence the conclusion: for the police of the near future, a submachine gun is needed - this is a well-tested weapon of the police in the past, after all, it began with it, which could simultaneously shoot plastic bullets and fire gas and thermobaric grenades (this is according to the situation !), and fire heavy fire at the target. So that, say, the terrorists sitting outside the window could not even stick their noses into it, while the special forces fighters would run to this very window.
And so I thought about all this and made a layout, a layout-concept, nothing more, which, at least, allows you to hold on to it and evaluate the usability. And I’ll make a reservation right away that people would not write any nonsense in the comments later, that we are not talking about any cutting of budget money, and that the author is not in any “hopeless situation”. It's just that someone makes models of tanks and knightly armor at their leisure, but I prefer the models of a promising shooter. That's all.
I will say more, this is not even a weight and size model. Because in terms of dimensions, yes, it has the dimensions of a future weapon, but the weight is still less, because not all the "stuffing" is installed in it.
So, let's look at the first photo. The construction is based on a plastic tubular truss. Moreover, all the handles for holding in it are tubular, modeled on the handle of the Finnish machine gun "Valmet". There are three handles for holding: two inclined at the back and one vertical at the front. The longest lower tubular frame is used to accommodate a telescopic butt inside it, a tube for a tactical flashlight is attached to it, and under it there are two ring mounts for a cartridge with charges. A metal Picatinny plate with two folding mechanical sights is attached to the upper frame, which in front goes into an L-shaped steel plate-brass knuckles, which protects the shooter's hand if it is on the front vertical stand, and which can be used, and so that the window or knock the door down, or in hand-to-hand combat. On the upper frame there is also an electronic control unit for a submachine gun with a display, which reflects all the parameters of the system, including the consumption of ammunition. There are also two release keys on both handles - above and below, which is also very convenient. The microchip implanted under the thumb turns on the system, so only "our man" can shoot from such a PP.

Accessory parts include four additional mounts for two additional cartridges that easily mate with the two main mounts on the lower tubular frame. All cartridges have the same shape, so they can be inserted into any of the mounting assemblies, but they have different fillings. For example, a grenade is shown below, which can be gas, thermobaric, and fragmentation. They can differ in color. Both the grenade itself and the cartridge with it.

As for the device of the cartridge itself, it is based on existing developments and does not present any difficulties for release. This is a plastic cylinder, inside which is a block of eight barrels, each of which is designed for four shots. The barrels are rifled, but since they are essentially disposable, they use the cheapest metal. Inside each barrel there are four bullets, which differ from the usual ones only in that steel rods pass through them, protruding from the back by 5-6 mm. In this case, each rod rests against the head of the bullet located behind it. Everything is like in the well-known "Metal Storm" system by Australian inventor O'Dwyer, but in this case there is also a difference. There are no powder charges in the barrel! They are housed in four cylindrical sleeves attached to the barrel and connected to it by a hole that opens into the bulge space. A similar method of placing a powder charge, by the way, has also been tested in U-shaped ammunition studied in the United States. But there they were talking about cartridges with a bullet. In this case, we have a slightly different design, a sleeve attached to the barrel. The barrel itself is designed for four shots, and the sleeve for one! The space inside the liner is divided in a ratio of 20 to 80. They are separated by a sintered piston, whose thickness is somewhat larger than the hole for the outlet of the powder gases. A microchip is mounted on it - a microwave receiver and two igniters. There are also two powder charges: the larger one of fast-burning gunpowder, facing the barrel, and the smaller one, in a confined space, armored, slow-burning.

The shot is fired as follows. When you press the trigger on one of the handles, the microwave generator generates a pulse that receives a microchip from one of the free bullets of one of the barrels. An electric current is generated, the igniter is triggered, but immediately only the powder charge that has an outlet into the barrel flares up. At the same time, the membrane breaks, the gases fill the bullet space and push the bullet out of the barrel. A charge of armored gunpowder begins to burn. The gases push the piston forward and block the liner bore. Thus, during subsequent shots, the powder gases enter only the barrel, and do not fill the empty sleeves, creating high pressure in them, which just allows them to be made disposable.

Since there are holes with a diameter of 2-3 mm around the perimeter of the cartridge, the powder gases at the muzzle at the time of the shot create a vacuum and air is pumped through them through the cartridge. Thus, the more often this submachine gun fires, the more intensively the cartridge is cooled. Everything is like a Lewis machine gun.

The design of the submachine gun was calculated so that both right-handers and left-handers could easily use it. In the latter case, the belt anchorage brackets and the control unit can be easily moved to the opposite side. And that's all. This photo demonstrates holding a submachine gun by the lower grip and barrel of the cartridge. The stock rest is turned up for ease of use. The M-shaped stock control button is located just above its spring and allows five positions. The sights are raised up for the convenience of working with the weapon with different grips, but everything is calculated so that at a distance of 200 m the aiming point coincides with the axis of the cartridge itself. In addition, when firing automatically, the weapon always takes a little upward.
The rate of fire of such a cartridge can be very high, because there are no moving parts in it. The number of remaining charges is shown on the display screen. The firing range (based on the comparative characteristics of modern submachine guns) can reach 200 m on this sample. That is quite enough to solve almost any tasks that can be assigned to modern police formations.