The era of other wars has come

The era of other wars has come
The era of other wars has come
The era of other wars has come
The era of other wars has come

Natural disasters of recent years give rise to serious reflections

"Climate Weapons: Bluff or Reality?" - this is the title of an article by Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov, published in September on the pages of "VPK" (No. 35). The author answers this question in the affirmative, and we absolutely agree with him. At the same time, we consider it necessary to highlight the problem raised in more detail.

Currently, geophysical weapons are still considered by many experts as a hypothetical tool that can be used only in the distant future. However, the existing technological and scientific groundwork allows even today to create individual samples of unconventional and exotic weapons systems. Moreover, the analysis of natural disasters of the last decade convinces: they already exist. Apparently, unpublished field experiments are being carried out on planet Earth to use and evaluate the capabilities of geophysical (climatic) weapons.

YEAR BORN - 1958

At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, the traditional views on wars and armed conflicts have undergone dramatic changes. Nowadays, in the course of interstate confrontation, a wider range of forms and methods of pressure on a competitor is involved, and the areas where the fight is being waged are also different. Such spheres as political, economic, informational, and a number of others are increasingly coming to the fore.

The significance and proportion, the scale of the use of non-military means have increased significantly, their use has become more purposeful and coordinated. Now the main task is not to crush opponents in the shortest possible time. Victory over them is achieved by destabilizing the situation in potentially dangerous or clearly hostile countries and regions, for which undermining the economy, and influencing the information resource, and provoking natural disasters and disasters will do.

That is why a considerable number of scientists, not without reason, note that one of the reasons for the more frequent natural and climatic anomalies is various practical tests of the properties of geophysical weapons, which are being developed by the leading states of the world, despite the existence of a special convention prohibiting the impact on the human environment for military purposes.

Meanwhile, back in the 70s, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who at that time held the post of National Security Assistant to US President Jimmy Carter, predicted in his book At the Turn of Two Centuries: special forces … Technologies for influencing the weather can cause prolonged drought or hurricanes …"

And the report, commissioned by the US Air Force, says the following: “By making the US aerospace forces' masters of the weather '' with the help of appropriate technologies and focusing research on their military applications - from supporting their own operations to disrupting enemy operations and from local impacts on local weather conditions before the establishment of global dominance in communications and countering space reconnaissance, methods of influencing the weather create ample opportunities to defeat and coerce the enemy. Therefore, for the United States, technologies for influencing the weather are likely to become an integral part of national security policy, including both domestic and international aspects. And the government, based on our interests, should pursue such a policy at all levels."

Recall: in the last century, the brilliant inventor and scientist Nikola Tesla, studying the physics of the Earth, suggested that there is a real possibility of using the natural magnetic field of our planet for wireless transmission of energy over long distances, however, like any research carried out by mankind, the research data is of the greatest importance. had from the point of view of military applications. Confident in the danger of using high-energy power, Tesla destroyed his experimental setup and destroyed part of the technical documentation.

The year of birth of a new generation of geophysical weapons can be considered 1958, when the Americans carried out the first nuclear explosion at an altitude of 70 km - near the lower boundary of the ionosphere.

This top-secret experiment was carried out in a remote point in the Pacific Ocean - on Johnston Atoll. According to the original plan, the electromagnetic pulse of the explosion was supposed to burn all the electronics within a radius of a couple of hundred kilometers, which would serve as a quite worthy start for breaking through an armada of B-52 aircraft with hydrogen bombs through the Soviet air defense.

But something unusual happened: a cosmic nuclear explosion caused a stable ionospheric disturbance, which for a long time disrupted radio communications at a distance of many thousands of kilometers! And in the Southern Hemisphere, on the Samoa archipelago - 3, 5 thousand kilometers from the explosion site - a bright aurora flashed in the daytime tropical sky.

Samoa and Johnston are the so-called magnetically conjugated regions, connected by one line of the geomagnetic field. The charged particles formed during the nuclear explosion rushed along the magnetic line to the opposite hemisphere and burned a hole in the ionosphere - the "astral shell" of the Earth.

The next nuclear tests - "Argus" (three explosions at an altitude of 480 km in the South Atlantic) and "Starfish" included extensive satellite and geophysical measurements, which made it possible to understand a lot and even too much. It turned out that nuclear explosions not only create ionospheric anomalies that disrupt radio communications, which live for years, but also actively affect the climatic processes taking place on Earth. From that moment on, scientists from the leading world powers began to think about the reality of the implementation of the idea of developing a geophysical (climatic) weapon that would make it possible to control the weather over the battlefield and over the enemy's territory.



Geophysical weapons should be called weapons, the object of which is the natural (geophysical) environment: hydrosphere, lithosphere, surface layers of the atmosphere, ozonosphere, magnetosphere, ionosphere, near-earth space.

The idea of a geophysical weapon boils down to becoming the owner of a mechanism for artificially causing and targeting certain areas of natural phenomena, which result in significant destruction and casualties. These natural phenomena, in particular, include:

- destruction of the ozone layer over certain territories, fraught with their "burning out" and exposure to natural radiation from the Sun;

- riot of water elements (floods, tsunamis, storms, mudflows);

- atmospheric disasters - tornadoes, typhoons, tornadoes, showers, as well as the general state of the climate in a certain area - droughts, frosts, erosion (weapons that could provoke them are often called climatic weapons);

- earthquakes, tectonic faults, volcanic eruptions and secondary disasters caused by them, for example tsunamis (the corresponding weapon is usually called tectonic weapon).

Perhaps the most powerful newest geophysical (climatic) weapon created by human hands is HAARP, the true purpose and power of which is carefully hidden from the public.

What is HAARP?

In the north of the United States, 400 km from Anchorage, at the Gakkona military base on an area of 60 km2, a huge phased array antenna (PAR) is deployed - a network of 180 24-meter antennas, which together make up a gigantic microwave radiator of 2, 8-10 MHz, total power exceeding solar radiation in this frequency range by 5-6 orders of magnitude. This is HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), a little-known part of the famous Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). The base is fenced in with barbed wire, the perimeter is guarded by armed Marine Corps patrols, and the airspace above the research center is closed to all types of civilian and military aircraft. After the events of September 11, 2001, there are air defense complexes around HAARP.

The HAARP installation was built by the United States Navy and Air Force. The official purpose of the complex is to study the nature of the ionosphere and the development of air defense and missile defense systems. However, numerous researchers believe that in fact it serves to influence the global and local mechanisms of nature in the areas where the enemies of the United States are located. Scientific journals claim that with HAARP there are possibilities:

- Cause artificial aurora borealis;

- jam the over-the-horizon radar stations for early detection of ballistic missile launches with interference and even eliminate the enemy's telecommunication systems in a specific area of the planet;

- destroy intercontinental missiles by overheating their electronic parts;

- to control the weather by ionizing the upper atmosphere;

- to change the mental behavior of a person by transmitting electromagnetic radiation of a certain spectrum, stimulating borderline states in people;

- to carry out radiography of the subsoil, to register the creation of underground tunnels or to record the presence of natural cavities;

- disable spacecraft.

It is assumed that already at present, the specialists working for HAARP, thanks to the improvement of technologies, are able to influence atmospheric processes up to the initiation of natural disasters: powerful showers, earthquakes, floods and hurricanes.

HAARP emitters represent a qualitatively new level of technology. Their power is hard to grasp. When they turn on, the equilibrium of the near-earth environment is disturbed. The ionosphere is warming up. According to some reports, the Americans are already managing to obtain artificial extended plasma formations. Something like giant ball lightning kilometers long. In the course of experiments carried out under the direct supervision of the command of the air and naval forces of the United States, the effects of the interaction of artificial plasma formations with the Earth's magnetosphere were obtained. And this already allows us to speak about the possibility of creating integrated systems of geophysical weapons.

According to world-renowned American scientist Rosalie Bertell, HAARP is only part of an integrated geophysical weapon system that is potentially dangerous to the environment: “Behind this are five decades of intense and increasingly destructive experiments in managing the upper atmosphere. HAARP is an integral part of the long history of military space programs. Its military applications, especially when combined with other technologies of a similar level, are alarming. And the transmission of tens and hundreds of megawatts over a radio beam to a space platform capable of precisely directing this huge flow of energy, comparable to an atomic bomb, in the form of laser or other beams to any point on the Earth, is simply frightening. This kind of project can be "sold" to the public in the form of another "space shield" against offensive weapons within the same SDI, or for the most gullible - as a means to restore the ozone layer!"



Some scientists and military experts believe that HAARP has been used as a weapon of geophysical (ionospheric) impact for a long time. Moreover, all significant cataclysms in Europe and the world began, oddly enough, just after 1997, when the station was launched. The most memorable of them:

- 1997-1998, Hurricane El Niño raged over many cities, the total damage was $ 20 billion;

- 1999, an earthquake in Turkey with a magnitude of 7, 6 killed about 20 thousand people;

- 2003, hurricane "Isabel", named the most powerful and deadliest, claimed several thousand lives;

- In 2004, one of the strongest and most destructive earthquakes in modern history occurred off the eastern coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra (its power was equal to 9 points), the tidal wave that followed it killed about 300 thousand people;

- 2005, an earthquake in Pakistan with a magnitude of 7, 6 was the strongest for the entire time of seismic observations in South Asia, more than 100 thousand people died;

- 2008, the unexpected awakening of the Chaiten volcano, which has been dormant for hundreds of years, in Chile;

- April 2010, a volcanic eruption in Iceland, which resulted in an air collapse in Europe.

The events of the past summer in Central Russia give rise to objective suspicions that for two months a large-scale field experiment was taking place over the territory of the Russian Federation in order to determine the capabilities of modern geophysical weapons. The air temperature in this period in Moscow could only compete with the Libyan Desert, the Sahara, the Arabian Desert.

At the same time, it is surprising that in Pakistan, a country with a fairly dry climate, a severe flood broke out, which affected about 3.2 million citizens of the Islamic Republic. Recently, the countries of Eastern Europe are prone to constant floods (which immediately affects economic stability). One could say that global warming is taking place on the planet. However, judging by the climate maps, it is more like roasting and it looks not global, but local.

The reason for the heat is a giant anticyclone hovering over Central Europe and "pumping" hot air from the Mediterranean and Central Asia. Such anticyclones on the territory of Russia have never been recorded (for 50 days, all climatic records set for 130 years - since the beginning of systematic monitoring of the weather began). In the zone of the anomaly, according to scientists, part of the earth's atmosphere simultaneously decreased by unprecedented values for 43 years of observations. The cataclysm took place in the thermosphere - a rarefied layer located at an altitude of 90-600 km. It protects the planet from ultraviolet radiation. There are no natural explanations for such a reduction, except for an experiment on the use of the HAARP system for the artificial creation and long-term retention of plasma formations over the central part of Russia.

It should also be noted that the regions in the south of the Russian Federation - the Volgograd and Rostov regions - suffered greatly from the drought. This may also be a consequence of the creation of artificial plasma formations, which, despite an attempt to keep them above a certain region, gradually slid towards the equator - to the center of the formation of the natural plasma fields of the Earth.

A number of natural questions arise: what caused the anticyclone, what economic and political reasons could accompany the abnormal heat?

A comparison of individual facts and tests carried out in the United States (laser destruction of liquid and solid-propellant rockets, launching highly secret spacecraft) again involuntarily suggests the possibility of conducting a large-scale field experiment on the use of a new geophysical (climatic) weapon.