Bulletproof glass from Gus-Khrustalny is an insurmountable obstacle for all types of automatic small arms
The growth of terrorist activity, contract killings of businessmen and merchants, attacks on collectors, local wars and armed conflicts, protests by radical groups and anti-globalization - these are the realities of the modern world, which equally affect all states without exception.
Recent events clearly illustrate this conclusion. A miraculously prevented terrorist attack in New York, where a car bomb was found in the city center, terrorist attacks in the North Caucasus, as well as riots in the Greek capital Athens, when a raging crowd threw stones and Molotov cocktails at administrative buildings and bank offices - all this events of the same order. It is no coincidence that security issues in its broadest aspect are coming to the fore today.
When planning these or those illegal actions, attackers look for "windows of vulnerability" in order to take a potential target in the crosshair of the sight. And here an insurmountable obstacle on their way can become armored glass, which is produced by the company "Magistral", located in the traditional center of glass production for Russia - the city of Gus-Khrustalny, Vladimir region.

For 18 years of activity, the company has been constantly improving the technology of the production process and improving the quality of products by introducing new technologies. Today the Magistral company is the largest plant in Russia for the production of transport armored glass. Over the past 5 years, more than 10,000 sets of automotive bulletproof glasses have been produced here. With each kit released, experience grows, technological potential improves. This allows the company to confidently occupy a leading position in the market, not only outstripping less experienced suppliers of similar products, but significantly surpassing them due to the impeccable quality of optics, high geometric parameters and bullet resistance parameters, created using the latest high technologies.
The Magistral company has developed unique technologies that allow, for example, to realize wireless heating of bulletproof glasses. Previously, the heating of bulletproof glasses, preventing their icing and fogging, was usually carried out by "implanting" thin electrical wires between the layers of the glass block. This technology has a number of disadvantages: visibility through such bulletproof glasses is noticeably impaired; when traffic is moving (especially at night), wires glare in the light of, for example, searchlights or oncoming headlights, distracting the attention of drivers and fighters and quickly exhausting them; the crew's vision deteriorates; when the glass is heated with such wire heating, due to the temperature difference, the image behind the glass noticeably "floats", disorienting the viewer. In conditions of warfare, such shortcomings can play a decisive role, and armored glass, created to protect personnel, can, on the contrary, cause the death of people. The technology of wireless heating of bulletproof glasses developed by the Magistral company allows uniform heating of the glass surface without using wires. As a result, better visibility is achieved, the image does not "float", thereby eliminating an adverse effect on the vision of soldiers and drivers, which is crucial in extreme conditions, including during combat operations.
Another important development of the Magistral company is an armor piercing built into the armored glass with an increased firing angle compared to conventional loopholes of this type. This allows the crew to fire at the enemy as efficiently as possible, including aimed fire.
The entire range of armored glasses produced is certified for compliance with the RF standard GOST R 51136-2008, the Republic of Belarus standard GOST 30826-2001, the European Union standard DIN EN 1063. Currently, Magistral LTD is conducting research work to reduce the thickness of the bulletproof glass and certify products in accordance with standards NIJ 0108.0 1, Stanag 4569. The quality management system of Magistral LTD complies with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2000 and GOST RV 15.002.
Magistral LTD has licenses from the Federal Agency for Industry for the development and production of special glasses for aviation and military equipment:
- No. 8098-A-VT-R dated 2008-08-05 (for the development of weapons and military equipment);
- No. 8099-A-VT-R dated 2008-08-05 (for the production of weapons and military equipment).
All defense products are approved by the VP of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
The production area of the enterprise is 3800 sq. m, they are equipped with 2 carved tables, 3 machines for glass edge processing, 2 machines for drilling holes in glass, 8 ovens for bending glass, 5 autoclaves for pressing laminated triplex, 2 chemical hardening lines, an air conditioning unit for glass laminating, a production area electric heating glass both with the use of wire heating, and on glass with spraying. In the manufacture of products, only materials and components from the best Russian and world manufacturers are used, specially selected for the manufacture of protective glazing, which, in addition, undergo additional interoperational control. All this makes it possible to achieve the minimum thickness and weight of bulletproof glass in each of the protection classes. The products are adapted to difficult natural and climatic conditions and are successfully used both in the northern regions, where the thermometer drops below -45 ° С, and in the south at temperatures up to + 60 ° С.

Bullet resistance of glasses is monitored at landfills and in special laboratories of the State Institution NPO "Spetstekhnika and Svyaz" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Research Institute of Steel, 38 Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Beschussamt laboratory in Ulm, Germany.
In 2010, at the request of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, tests were carried out according to stricter requirements: after a two-hour exposure at a temperature of -45 ° C, the armored glass was fired from a Mosin rifle with an LPS bullet of 7.62 mm caliber. Under such conditions, the shock load on the bulletproof glass significantly exceeds the requirements of GOST, and, nevertheless, it flawlessly passed all the tests.
Complex curved (bent) products for cars of all famous brands and models, as well as high-tech electric heated armored glass for automobile, water and rail transport, armored glass units, bulletproof visors made of modern polycarbonate materials for protective bulletproof helmets are serially produced. Manufacturing of products of any complexity is possible on individual orders.
Bullet resistance of glasses is controlled at landfills and in special laboratories that ensure compliance with the required level of security. Field tests fully confirm that the glass meets the requirements of the technical documentation. The tests are carried out on three samples of at least 500x500 mm in size that have previously passed climatic tests. Each sample is subjected to three shots at the vertices of an equilateral triangle with sides of 125 ± 10 mm. The speed of the bullet must be measured and recorded for each shot. The nature of the defeat is monitored after each shot according to the condition of the rear side of the object and the control screen. A through-shot is a through penetration of the sample by a bullet or damage to the control screen by glass fragments.
Currently, the range of products manufactured by Magistral includes:
- electrically heated glass for sea vessels and water transport;
- bulletproof glass for cars;
- bulletproof glass for buildings, structures;
- bullet-resistant glasses equipped with a signaling system for the alarm control panel;
- bulletproof loopholes with installation in bulletproof glass;
- took bulletproof helmets.
The focus on high quality, innovative developments, improvement of technologies, technical re-equipment of production allow the company "Magistral" in modern realities not only to maintain its position, but also to develop new products, master new market segments, apply its experience and high potential where necessary for national security and defense.