Results of 2010 (part I)

Results of 2010 (part I)
Results of 2010 (part I)
Results of 2010 (part I)
Results of 2010 (part I)

The main result of 2010 can be considered the fact that the military reform carried out in Russia has suffered the same fate as all other recent reforms. The Minister of Defense is carrying out the reform. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief apparently has no time to delve into the essence of what is happening, he is keen on photography or maybe he thinks. that he was not competent in military matters and entrusted the work to the real "specialist in the collapse of the army" who became an odious figure A. Serdyukov. Be that as it may, the main activity of the minister in this direction is essentially reduced to "reducing the staff and increasing the pay."

And although the war of 2010 was remembered mainly for scandals in Serdyukov's department, in which he played the main role, unsuccessful tests of Bulavs, the purchase of Mistral, corruption scandals, where can the reform go without them, there are even some positive results and you can even summarize what we want to do, dwelling on each point in detail.

The main military-political results of 2010.

1. In the first place is undoubtedly the START-3 treaty.


The Russian-American Treaty on Strategic Offensive Arms, a global event.

START III was signed by the presidents of Russia and the United States, Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama in April 2010, in Prague. At the moment, it has already been ratified by the US Senate, it is our turn, the fact that it will be approved and signed does not cause any doubts.

According to the new Treaty, seven years after its full entry into force, the United States and Russia must have:

- no more than 700 deployed strategic carriers, i.e. intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), submarine ballistic missiles (SLBMs) and strategic bombers;

- no more than 800 deployed and non-deployed launchers of ICBMs and SLBMs;

- no more than 1,550 warheads on deployed strategic delivery vehicles.

In the opinion of the overwhelming majority of military experts and analysts, this treaty fully meets the interests of the United States, but not Russia.

By mid-2010, Russia had 566 delivery vehicles, which is already less than the number prescribed in the treaty and 1,741 warheads, only 12% more than the control level, it turns out some kind of disarmament, but on the contrary additional armament.

According to all the same experts, by 2017, if everything goes according to plan, Russia will have approximately just such a number of missiles that the US national missile defense (NMD) system will be able to cope with without additional reinforcement.

In fact, START-3 may turn into a new arms race, which for the Russian military-industrial complex, tormented by reform, may become an unbearable task, and the constant lag behind the US military-industrial complex is guaranteed to it for sure.

But at the same time, there is also another way of developing the START-3 treaty, a way of building up cooperation in the nuclear field and in adjacent security spheres. For example, joint activities based on their own example of two powerful powers in the field of nonproliferation of nuclear weapons around the world, the involvement of all nuclear powers in the process of reducing strategic arms, which, for example, is relevant in matters of North Korea and Iran.

In general, we can say that it will be possible to give a fully positive or negative assessment of this agreement only over time.

2. The Russian government decided to increase the amount of funding

the state armament program for 2011–2020 by one and a half times.

It was decided to increase the amount of allocated funds by 7 trillion rubles, after which it began to amount to 20 trillion rubles, instead of 13 previously planned, 2 trillion rubles for each year.

The decision will begin to be executed, so to speak, with a postponement of the verdict, according to the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A. Kudrin, the main expenditures on the state armaments program will be made after 2011, for 2011 no changes will be made to the federal budget on the defense section.

And money, judging by the priorities of the army, is needed like air.

The first priority is the strategic forces to contain the external threat, which includes an anti-missile defense system and aerospace defense, strategic nuclear forces (land, sea and air) and a missile attack warning system. In second place are various types of high-precision weapons using information support from space and other reconnaissance and information technology. The third place is occupied by automated control systems (automated command and control systems) of all types, which, according to General V. Popovkin, Deputy Defense Minister, are planned to be linked into a common command and control system, with further modernization in the necessary directions of development.


General V. Popovkin

In addition to these main priorities for the development of military reform, a number of priorities for the general development of the army are envisaged. According to all the same Popovkinn with a million-strong army, it is important to have a sufficient amount of funds for the operational transfer of personnel. First of all, military transport aviation, for these purposes it is planned to resume production of AN-124 Ruslan aircraft, the purchase of 20 such aircraft in the period from 2011 to 2020 is planned by the state armaments program. Also in 2011, work will continue on the Il-112, Il-476 aircraft, the modernized Il-76MD and the joint Russian-Ukrainian An-70 transport aircraft. Combat and transport helicopters will also not stand aside, the Mi-26 helicopter also included in the procurement plan will begin to be purchased by the military in 2012. From 2013 to 2015, it is planned to purchase 10 fifth-generation fighters T-50 (PAK FA), another 60 such aircraft are planned to be purchased starting in 2016. The procurement plan also includes the YAK-130 combat training aircraft, which is already entering service with the troops.


AN-124 "Ruslan"








T-50 (PAK FA)


Yak-130 combat trainer

Since 2010, financing began for the purchase of 60 Su-35 / Su-30 / Su-27 fighters (under the 2009 contract - for 80 billion rubles), 32 Su-34 bombers (the contract in 2008, one aircraft then cost more than 1, 1 billion rubles) and 26 MiG-29K shipborne fighters (at least 25 billion, the contract has not yet been concluded).








bomber su-34


shipborne fighter MiG-29K

Quite costly programs are also planned for the fleet, it is planned to build at least two new nuclear submarines, projects 885 and 955 (and Bulava missiles for the latter), upgrade the Black Sea Fleet with three frigates of project 11356M and the same number of diesel submarines of project 636. All this will cost quite an impressive amount, several hundred billion rubles. It is impossible to give an exact estimate, due to the secrecy of prices for strategic weapons.


project 885


project 955


frigate of project 11356M


diesel submarine - project 636

These are the grandiose plans announced by the Deputy Minister of Defense, General Vladimir Popovkin.

A reasonable question arises as to whether the Russian defense industry complex (defense-industrial complex) will cope with the ambitious tasks set before it. According to all available data, it turns out that no.

The website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia contains data that clearly show that in the military-industrial complex, an increase in the volume of civilian products in January-December 2009 was observed only in the shipbuilding industry. In the rest of the sectors of the complex, a drop in production was noted. In January-December 2009, 48 aircraft were delivered to customers, of which 14 are medium and long-haul (TU-204 - 4 units, TU-214 - 3 units, Il-96-300 - 1 unit, Il-96- 400 - 1 unit, An-140 - 1 unit, An-148 - 2 units, Be-200 - 2 units) and 141 helicopters (Mi-17-1V - 7 units, Mi-17-V5 - 41 units, Mi-8MTV1 - 14 units, Mi-8MTV5-1 - 9 units, Mi-26T - 1 unit, Mi-172 - 2 units, Ansant-U - 6 units, Mi-171 - 57 units, Ka-226 - 4 units).

The production of aircraft engines decreased: auxiliary gas turbine engines, turboprop engines for airplanes and helicopters, for mainline airplanes. In the conventional weapons industry, the volume of civilian products decreased by 46.4%, which is due to a decrease in the production of civilian products at a number of enterprises in the industry. The growth in the production of civilian products is observed only at 11 enterprises of the industry. In the industry of ammunition and special chemicals in 2009, the production of civilian products decreased by 28, 2% compared to 2008. In 2010, the volume of industrial production produced by enterprises of the military-industrial complex in the first half of 2010, according to operational information, increased by 14.1% compared to the same period in 2009. But these are only export values.

The production of aviation equipment increased by 6, 7%. Two light main-line passenger aircraft An-148 were produced. In January-June 2010, 54 helicopters were produced, of which 31 were exported (Mi-17-1V - 2 units (all for export), Mi-17-V5 - 22 units (all for export); Mi-171 - 5 units (all for export); Mi-8AMT - 21 units, Mi-8AMT1 - 1 unit, Ka-32 - 2 units (all for export), Ka-226.50 - 1 unit). But not all 24 helicopters will enter the Russian units. Ulan-Udi AZ still has a contract with UTair for the delivery of 40 Mi-8AMT and Mi-171 helicopters within three years, which was announced on February 21, 2008. UTair started deliveries in October of the same year, and today the company has already received 23 helicopters. The deliveries of the remaining 17 vehicles were planned to be completed by the end of 2010. It is not difficult to see that these data also characterize mainly export dynamics.

But the data on our military orders leaves much to be desired. The Ulan-Uda Air Force Plant has ordered 47 serial Mi-28N helicopters, which are to be sent to combat units in the next few years. In 2009, the enterprise manufactured and handed over to the Russian Air Force ten serial Mi-28N helicopters. At the same time, the total needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for MI-28N helicopters are estimated at about three hundred machines at such a rate, it is unlikely that it will be possible to meet it by 2020.

So, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, it appears that as of August 2010, the Air Force and Air Defense did not receive a single helicopter. In 2009, it is said about the production of two heavy transport helicopters Mi-26T at Rostvertol, although only one Mi-26TS is known for certain, manufactured in Rostov last year and delivered in July to a customer from China.

At the same time, the attempts of the Russian defense industry to please the plans of the military led to a decline in the production of agricultural machinery and equipment, products of chemical industries, electric motors, and road-building communal equipment. The repair of aviation equipment and services of civil aircraft construction has decreased.

The ill-conceived procurement structure proposed by the Ministry of Defense turned out to be unprofitable in its essence, the result is sad, the defense industry is bursting at the seams.

3. Another notable military event in 2010, a PR campaign for the Vostok-2010 strategic exercises.


The grandiose Strategic Operational Exercise Vostok-2010 was planned as a test exercise as part of the ongoing reform. To participate in the PR campaign of this military-army event, more than 200 journalists were attracted, from almost all regions of Russia, who were called upon to cover the exercises in the media. The catch was that initially it was not planned to demonstrate anything particularly new, the standard teachings are the same as 10 20 30 years ago. But according to the idea of the authors, naive journalists and even more naive spectators, readers and listeners, they should have been amazed by the scale and power of the action taking place.

In fact, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, permanent readiness units were raised on alert. In the PUrVO (Volga-Ural Military District) - the Simferopol Motorized Rifle Twice Order-Bearing Brigade. In the Siberian Military District, a tank brigade and the 74th Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Zvenigorod-Berlin Order of the Suvorov Brigade, stationed in the city of Yurga in Kuzbass. In the Far East, several missile and artillery brigades, two separate motorized rifle brigades, a machine-gun artillery brigade, the 247th Red Banner base for the storage and repair of weapons and equipment of the brigade personnel were raised on alarm. From the Air Force and Air Defense - military transport aviation (VTA) airbases, two anti-aircraft missile brigades of military air defense and an anti-aircraft missile regiment on the S-300 complexes of the Siberian Air Force and Air Defense Association, part of the aviation forces of the 3rd Air Force and Air Defense Command. From the Navy - the ship of the Black Sea Fleet, the guards missile cruiser "Moskva". From the Red Banner Northern Fleet (SF), the heavy nuclear missile cruiser (TARKR) "Petr Velikiy" and the Marine Corps. From the Baltic Fleet, the airborne assault companies of the battalion of the marine brigade. From the Pacific Fleet, two anti-submarine, two BKP, support vessels and a marine brigade stationed in Primorye.

From the Ministry of Internal Affairs - special forces of the Siberian regional command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (up to a company), from the city police of Yurga - 14 employees of the city administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to the plan, about 20,000 servicemen, up to 2,500 weapons (including military and special equipment), up to 70 aircraft, and up to 30 ships took part in the Vostok-2010 exercises. Strategic bombers Tu-95MS, Tu-22MZ, Il-78 tanker aircraft, Il-76 and An-12 military transport aircraft, A-50 early warning aircraft, Su -25, Su-24, MiG-31, Su-34, Su-27, as well as Mi-24, Mi-8 helicopters.

Directly in the exercises took part: A motorized rifle and a tank brigade (10 thousand personnel and 1.5 thousand equipment) participated from the Siberian Military District; a battalion tactical group and an operational command group of a separate motorized rifle brigade (about 600 servicemen) from the PUrVO; from DolVO - missile and artillery brigades, two separate motorized rifle brigades, a machine-gun and artillery brigade, a base for storing and repairing weapons and equipment of the brigade personnel.

From the Air Force and Air Defense, a detachment of Il-76MD aircraft of the military transport aviation (VTA) airbase, two anti-aircraft missile divisions of military air defense and two anti-aircraft missile battalions on the S-300 complexes of the Siberian Air Force and Air Defense Association. From the Pacific Fleet, out of 88 ships participated up to 30 warships, including two large anti-submarine ships "Admiral Tributs" and "Admiral Vinogradov", BDK (large landing ship) "Oslyabya" and BDK "Nikolay Vilkov" aircraft and helicopters of naval aviation. From the Northern Fleet, the heavy nuclear missile cruiser "Peter the Great", with units of the Northern Fleet marines. From the Black Sea Fleet - one guards missile cruiser "Moscow". From the Baltic Fleet, the airborne assault company of the battalion of the marine brigade. From the Space Forces: two anti-aircraft missile divisions stationed in Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. From the railway troops - a bridge-building company, with reinforcement.

All the events of the exercises took place at the Yurginsky training ground (Kuzbass), at the Trirechye district training ground (Amur Region), at the Tsugol training grounds in the Trans-Baikal Territory and at the Knyaze-Volkonsky training ground (Khabarovsk Territory), at the Burduny training ground (Republic of Buryatia), at the Sergeevsky district the combined arms range, on the landing range of the Klerk Peninsula, all this action was epic called "the battle of Telemba". Yes, you will not say anything, it is large-scale, striking the imagination, but only among ignorant people, military specialists did not notice any strategic and operational scale in this battle

The military conducting the exercises was equated to a strategic scale: a separate motorized rifle brigade, the Siberian Military District (200 units of military equipment and up to 1,500 personnel.), The Dal VO motorized rifle brigade (5,000 servicemen, more than 200 units of military equipment), a battalion tactical group of a motorized rifle brigade of the URVO (about 600 servicemen.), part of a motorized rifle brigade, deployed to the island of Iturup, (1,500 servicemen and 200 units of special military equipment).

The operational scale was equated: one anti-aircraft missile division of the air defense forces of the Siberian Military District, two anti-aircraft missile divisions of the aerospace defense brigade stationed in Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. And the operational formation of the fleet was two BODs, an airborne assault battalion of the Pacific Fleet's Marine Corps Brigade.

The airborne company of the Ussuriysk airborne brigade was equated with the strategic landing.

At its core, the OSU (operational and strategic exercises) "Vostok 2010" - turned out to be KSHU (command and staff exercises), with live firing of brigades, battalions and a designated enemy.

At the first stage of the exercise, a detachment of Il-76MD aircraft carried out the transportation of a battalion tactical group and an operational brigade control group, and it immediately became clear that these exercises were just another show, since everything that the detachment of aircraft transported could be transported by Ruslan alone. It is unlikely that the chief of the General Staff and the commanders of the districts, led by the Minister of Defense, received a worthy practice of managing the strategic transfer of troops, having transferred 600 servicemen who would fit in one plane. Even taking into account the fact that the Russian army, according to the organizers of the exercises, "for the first time in many years, has worked out" the inter-theater transfer of constant readiness troops, the benefits of this transfer seem to be very, very dubious.

As mentioned above, these exercises were organized to impress a person incompetent in military matters, for example, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief-Photographer or the Minister of Defense, who was popularly nicknamed the stool. In a military man, these exercises will cause a smile at best, it immediately becomes clear to him that this "toy battle", with a spectacular landing on the coast of the Marine Corps, was played out at most by the Marine Corps battalion, and even according to the standards of 20-30 years ago, specifically for journalists and officials who came to see it.

As it should be, the mass media solidly and unobtrusively highlighted the most advantageous elements of "battles", military campaigns, launches of tactical missiles.

The Russian President was supposed to be shown the "over-the-horizon landing", and this is a different background for the exercises. The Ministry of Defense should and was obliged to show the Supreme Commander-in-Chief the landing of assault echelons of the Marine Corps units with the help of air-cushion boats, with the use of heavy transport and landing helicopters, outside the detection range of coastal observation posts and the range of anti-amphibious defense fire weapons (30-50 miles from coast). But unfortunately, the Pacific Fleet does not have hovercraft, and there are no transport helicopters for the delivery of lightweight equipment, even more so. In light of the then still being decided on the purchase of the Mistral helicopter carrier from France, another reasonable question arises: why buy it at all? If the General Staff is not able to demonstrate to the Supreme Commander the principles of the Mistral's landing operations.

It becomes obvious that the General Staff tried to "patch holes" in the general theory of modern military art by dropping air and sea landings. So, as in the opinion of most of the leading military experts in the West and Russia, in the first half of the XXI century.there are practically no global military threats, which require the participation of hundreds of thousands of armored vehicles (tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled guns) and other heavy equipment. It is assumed that the main threats to stability in the world are possible mainly in coastal areas at a depth of 200-300 km from the coast. In these areas, approximately 60% of the total population of the world community lives. Brigades, battalion tactical group of motorized riflemen, airborne assault battalions of naval brigades, anti-aircraft missile divisions, airborne companies, bridge-building companies of railway troops - have never been either strategic or operational elements in military operations.

4. Based on the results of the Vostok-2010 exercises, four Joint Strategic Commands (USC) were created instead of six military districts of four fleets and a flotilla.

Despite its incomprehensibility and ostentatiousness, the conducted operational-strategic exercises "East 2010" nevertheless had positive results.

For the first time, new models of military equipment were used in business, such as: aerosol camouflage machines and camouflage foam coatings, heavy flamethrower systems, false crossings of the latest generation, electronic means of countering reconnaissance of a conventional enemy. For the first time, inflatable models of S-300 units reflecting radio emission were used. For the first time, a separate radar company was redeployed from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to Khabarovsk, also using camouflage elements. For the first time, the battalion tactical group and the operational control group of a separate motorized rifle brigade of the PUrVO became part of the Far Eastern Military District after airlifting without heavy equipment and weapons and received everything they needed on the spot, based on the storage and repair of weapons and equipment. For the first time in practice, automated command and control systems (ACS) of troops and forces were used.

Immediately after the exercises "Vostok 2010", the expected transformations of military districts were put into action by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Instead of the existing six military districts, four fleets and a flotilla, four USCs (Joint Strategic Commands) will be created.

OSK Tsenr, headquartered in Yekaterinburg, will include the Northern Fleet, part of the Siberian and Volga-Ural districts.

USC "Yug", headquartered in Rostov-on-Don, which will include the Black Sea Fleet, the Caspian Flotilla, the North Caucasian and part of the Volga-Ural Military District.

OSK Zapad, headquartered in St. Petersburg, will include the Leningrad, Moscow military districts and the Baltic Fleet

OSK "Vostok", headquartered in Khabarovsk, will make up the Far Eastern District, part of the Siberian District and the Pacific Fleet

The headquarters of the USC, almost all will remain in their places, in the cities where the headquarters of the districts, with the exception of Chita, will be moved to Khabarovsk closer to the sea and Moscow, which is planned to be unloaded from the control structures in general.

From the new, which was at the exercises "Vostok-2010" and what I would like to note: a detachment of Il-76MD planes covered a distance of 5.905 kilometers from the Koltsovo airfield to the Vozdvizhenka airfield near Ussuriysk at an estimated cruising speed for a dozen flying hours, albeit with a stop for refueling at the Belaya military airfield near Irkutsk A non-stop eight-hour flight was carried out from the central part of Russia to the Vostok-2010 exercise area with 2-3 air refueling of 26 Su-24 front-line bombers and the latest Su-34 multifunctional fighters. the aircraft, having covered a total of more than 8 thousand kilometers, made a non-stop flight to the home airfield near Voronezh with three refueling in the air from the Il-78 tanker aircraft, the flight time was 6 hours 55 minutes. Russian aircraft and helicopters burned 1,026 tons of aviation fuel.167 flights were performed on various aircraft with a total flight time of 256 hours. The consumption of missiles was 223 pieces (of which four were guided), 88 bombs were dropped. For aviation weapons, the percentage of hits was 98%.

Another of the innovations at the Vostok-2010 exercises were "the issues of interaction and communication of decisions on military operations by the method of videoconference." This is an obvious next stupidity of the ignorant in the organization of interaction. Perhaps the only thing that technology is inaccessible is the organization of interaction. Bringing decisions to combat operations can be voiced by videoconference. Interaction issues for an offensive or defense organization are ideally prepared on a terrain model. In this case, direct participants in the hostilities must be present. To organize an offensive, defense, anti-amphibious defense, signalmen, reconnaissance officers, motorized riflemen, tankmen, artillerymen, pilots, sailors, specialists of engineering troops, rear, repair, border and internal troops must be present. I admit that communicating the decision to combat operations is possible "by videoconference", and the organization of interaction is needed for "an honorable tick in the report" on the innovation.

In general, the conclusions are again disappointing.

The reforms carried out by the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff of the OSU without new equipment (provision of new equipment in the troops from 10 to 15%) are meaningless and useless for the defense capability of Russia. In the current exercises, the formations and military units of the army, the air force of the PPO and the navy operate in a new organizational and staff structure. The introduction of a three-level command and control system in modern military conflicts on the territory of the Russian Federation and the holding of the Vostok 2010 exercises did not provide clarity. Ironically, most of the border states have modern armies and divisions (the United States, Japan, China), and only the Russian army is persistently promoting the operational-strategic command that is not vital for Russia. None of the military really explained what it was. With a little fantasy, you can come, for example, to such a version, someone from the closest circle of the administration or the Minister of Defense wrote a doctoral dissertation on operational strategic command (OSK), and this innovation is persistently being introduced into the Russian army. In fact, USC is a brigade army. Such a composition has its advantages in the conduct of military operations in the mountains, gaining in mobility and maneuverability, to the detriment of firepower. But in defense (including the sea coast) and active offensive firepower is more important than maneuverability.

The officers of one of the motorized rifle brigades that took part in the exercise complained: in the new staffing tables sent to the troops at the end of 2008, the number of officers and support services is extremely small. Because of this, part of the brigade's forces, for example, air defense systems, were physically unable to reach the range. Already in August, new brigade staffs are expected in the troops, but there are rumors that there will be even fewer officers in them. In a motorized rifle brigade, their number will be reduced from about 200 to 100 people, which will significantly complicate the situation.

Until now, the army has not been equipped with portable and stationary receivers of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS). The brigade does not have at its disposal a unit of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that would monitor the battlefield throughout the reach of the enemy's weapons, helping to anticipate his next maneuver.

The experience of the 2008 war in the Caucasus was not taken into account. The exercises once again confirmed that the inclusion of army aviation in the air force and air defense was erroneous. The positions of army aviation in the districts and brigades have not been restored. At the same time, army aviation remained in the space forces, strategic missile forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the FSB. The same is true in the armies of other countries. The NATO ground forces include more than 2,470 combat helicopters, in each US Army Corps there are more than 800 of them, of which up to 350 are attack helicopters, in a division there are 100-150 helicopters.

The existing systems of intelligence, communications, control have not been transferred from analog to digital. It is doubtful that this will happen by 2015, as the military is planning, and that by the same time a joint communications system of the Russian Armed Forces will be created. In the United States, the digitalization of the army began in 1987. In Israel, army specialists developed programs for the transfer of communications of troops to a digital basis in 2005, it was already used in individual Israeli units in 2006 in the second Lebanese war and in 2009 in the battles against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The information voiced by the commander-in-chief of the ground forces, Alexander Postnikov, also raises doubts that the brigades in the exercises were half consisted of recruits, called up one or two months ago, allegedly they "had mastered practical skills and their weapons quite well in two months,"

Another version is more like the truth that the commanders in the Far East detained soldiers in the army who had already served one year. They turned out to be 23% of those who took part in the Vostok-2010 exercises. The training of flight and ship personnel is now planned to be carried out, respectively, according to a one-year and two-year training cycle. An increase in the time for single and special training is planned.

5. Also, the results of the past 2010 can be attributed to the reasonable assumption that the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation, in fact, are a subdivision of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. As grounds for this statement, one can cite the arguments that the Minister carefully protects the Russian budget, mainly where it is not necessary, and the chief of staff is preparing a reserve of generals for the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

If we talk about the budget, then it can be noted that not all funds allocated for defense from the budget are used for the necessary purposes. For example, the pension of veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is one of the lowest pensions in Russia. For 40% of veterans, the military pension does not even reach the subsistence level, which is the result of a reduction in pension spending by the RF Ministry of Defense. Also, the military department, headed by Serdyukov, is diligently defending the budget by reducing the number of officers, respectively, reducing the cost of salaries and allowances.

The Chief of the General Staff distinguished himself in 2010 in a different field, in the field of education and training of personnel officers of the army at the Academy of the General Staff (AGSh). Makarov made the following training proposal, the course of which lasts two years. In the first year, at the suggestion of Makarov, 80% of the study time should be devoted to studying military disciplines at the strategic and operational level, for the subsequent qualified leadership of strategic groupings and military forces in general. It seems that everything is correct, as it should be, as it should be, but then, as they say, "Ostap suffered", the remaining 20% of the first year and the second year should be entirely devoted to the study of sciences and disciplines that will allow graduates to work skillfully in the Government, in the Presidential Administration and even in governor's posts. To put it mildly, a rather strange proposal, whom Makarov is going to train is not clear, but definitely not generals for the troops. Here is such a military training!


Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation Makarov


General Staff Academy

6. Decrease in the level of military command and control bodies (primarily at the strategic level) - as the main component of the army system. Another sad result of 2010 is a kind of justification for reductions and transformations carried out within the framework of the reform.

This definition means a decrease in job and staff categories, the appearance in these management structures of senior lieutenants, captains, majors, as an inevitable result of a significant decrease in qualifications. Thanks to this decrease in the level, people, professionals in their field with vast experience, the best military personnel, and the elite are leaving. Someone leaves on their own, but most leave because of the inability to work within a specially created framework, working in which it is simply impossible for a self-respecting person not to leave. Undoubtedly, the result of such a decrease in the level within the framework of the reform, so in five years, the reformers will not backfire in the best way.

7. Partial transfer of functions of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the FSB and the Border Service of the FSB to army units.

In 2010, a rather strange exercise was carried out. According to the scenario of the conducted exercises, army motorized rifle units under the leadership of the commander of a motorized rifle brigade were to take direct part in the joint operation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the FSB and the FSB Border Service in the localization and elimination of internal armed conflicts, as part of the ongoing special operation to restore constitutional order in the Siberian Federal District! Within the framework of the conducted OSU, the army units were assigned tasks unusual for them to provide widespread assistance to the Interior Ministry units, the FSB and other internal forces. As you know, the defeat of bandit formations has never been part of the functions of the army, these functions have always been the prerogative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the internal troops. The purpose of the army is to fight an external enemy.

The question arises: Is the army gradually beginning to perform gendarme functions?

Hence, again, a disappointing conclusion suggests itself, the Government fears its people more than NATO, terrorists and all other potential enemies of Russia combined. The reductions in the army as part of the reform, which threaten to turn the number of troops to the size of the army of some banana republic, and the inflated Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the buildup of the arsenal of internal troops, and the sale of army facilities "under the hammer", and the ceaseless drive of policemen are falling into place. through hot spots.

The second scenario envisaged joint actions of the army and the Ministry of Emergency Situations to eliminate the consequences of man-made disasters and emergencies.

According to the third scenario, the ships of the Pacific Fleet were to interact with the Border Service of the Regional Directorate of the FSB of Russia. It was assumed that the ships of the Pacific Fleet will help the border guards to catch poachers, pirates and help guard the maritime borders of our country. Apparently, no worthy combat missions were found for the ships of the Pacific Fleet, so they decided to let the poachers be chased for now.

8. A new concept of “outsourcing” has become entrenched in the army.

Outsourcing (from the English outsourcing: (outer-source-using) the use of an external source / resource) is the transfer by an organization on the basis of an agreement of certain business processes or production functions to serve another company specializing in the relevant field. Unlike service and support services, which are of a one-time, episodic, random nature and are limited to the beginning and end, outsourcing usually involves the functions of professional support for the uninterrupted operation of individual systems and infrastructure on the basis of a long-term contract (at least 1 year). The presence of a business process is a distinguishing feature of outsourcing from various other forms of service provision and subscription services.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Simply put, “outsourcing” is the use of other people's resources; this concept has also become entrenched in the army within the framework of the ongoing reform, the so-called humanization.

This term can be explained even more clearly as follows: soldiers no longer peel potatoes and sweep the parade ground - professionals do it for them. For such humanism, the Ministry of Defense pays huge sums of money to civilian organizations that feed and strip soldiers.

It looks like another scam in the spirit of corruption cuts that have already set the teeth on edge.

9. A new uniform of the famous couturier Yudashkin was introduced in the army.


The famous couturier is probably only famous for the fact that, at the request of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, he sewed a soldier's uniform that met all the requirements of high fashion, but, as it turned out, was poorly adapted to the harsh soldier's life. The main features of the new form are the change in the location of the shoulder straps, the left shoulder strap moved from the shoulder to the sleeve just above the elbow, the right one turned out to be on the chest to mask from sniper fire.


In November 2010, more than 200 conscripts appreciated all the delights of the new uniform that came to the army from the world of high fashion, thanks to which they were admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of hypothermia. An emergency happened in Kuzbass, dozens of people were hospitalized with severe hypothermia, some of them had kidney failure.

The cause of this incident was a new form, which, as it turned out, did not withstand low winter temperatures. After this incident, some military leaders made a proposal to return to the less luxurious, but more practical and better adapted to the harsh everyday life of the soldier, the old uniform.

10. Another sad result, rather not even a result, but a statement of fact: the reformed army is not ready to fight fires.

As you know, the summer of 2010 turned out to be hot in Russia. The central and European parts of Russia burned in the literal sense of the word, the cities were suffocating in the smoke of fires. Great hopes were pinned on the Russian army in extinguishing the fires. But, as it turned out in vain, a successful reform took place in this area, after which practically all that the Russian army could offer to help the population in extinguishing fires are cadets with shovels.

Before the current reform, each division in a separate sapper battalion had obstacle vehicles, heavy equipment at a tank base, and water extraction stations. There are no divisions, and everything else along with them. With the liquidation of the Engineering Academy named after. Kuibyshev reduced the department of water production. It just needs to be restored after catastrophic fires.

The armed forces of the USSR had 18 pipeline brigades capable of deploying 120 km of pipelines with a diameter of 100 and 150 mm per day. In civil defense units, there were sets of pipelines up to 15 km long. To extinguish the fires, bombardments were carried out by aircraft, barrage machines, installations for laying passages in minefields were used. But the pipeline crews have been disbanded today. Only the brigade of the Moscow Military District was able to stretch a 10 km line.

What kind of help to the population can we talk about when the military themselves are on fire and blaze with a blue flame. July 29, 2010 an airbase (TsATB) was destroyed by fire. The first decision of the Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov to conceal the ill-conceived decision on the comprehensive reduction of non-departmental teams. It is curious that at first there were absurd statements from the Ministry of Defense that there was no naval base near Kolomna, and only a military unit was located on this territory. “There is no naval air base in the Kolomensky district of the Moscow region. Moreover, the information about the destruction by fire of more than 200 aircraft and helicopters in the amount of 20 billion rubles is a fiction and does not correspond to reality. In fact, the Central 2512 Aviation Technical Base (TsATB) of the naval aviation of the Russian Navy is located on the outskirts of the city of Kolomna (Shchurovo region). The base is intended for storage and processing of aviation, hydrographic and navigational equipment coming from industrial enterprises, aviation technical units, military educational institutions and repair enterprises of the Navy. The fire at the secret facility could have been avoided. But as it turned out, there were no fire brigades at the security facility - they had been cut down quite recently. Only two crews from neighboring units came to extinguish the fire. The burned-out naval aviation base did not have its own fire department and could not extinguish the fire on its own. Although there used to be its own fire department. If there was a fire somewhere nearby, fire engines immediately drove out and extinguished the fire in advance. Firefighters were cut, and the division of the non-departmental fire department was cut. Out of 60 officers of the military unit, only 4 were left! It is clear that the base commander could not reduce the fire brigade without the sanction of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy V. Vysotsky. The commander-in-chief, in turn, carried out the order of the Minister of Defense on the reduction of non-departmental fire brigades.

Based on the results of the debriefing, the President made a decision to dismiss the admirals of the main headquarters of the Navy, the stool, as always, got out of the water. Also in the army, in particular in the engineering troops, there is talk about an unfair attitude towards the head of the engineering troops of the PRib - Ural district and the head of the engineering service of the army, who are known to have been dismissed from their posts after the tragic events in Ulyanovsk. Apparently, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief did not know that for the explosions at the naval arsenal in Ulyanovka, the main fault lies with the actions of the naval authorities. Moreover, the fleet's arsenal was corporatized and transferred to business. Imagine - the fleet's arsenal is corporatized? The chief of the engineering troops, the chief of the army's engineering service had nothing to do with these events. Corrupt and business ties are stronger than service relationships.

11. The admission of cadets to higher military institutions has been completely stopped.

The intention of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to suspend the training of officers became known at the end of June 2010. In the course of this reform, out of almost 70 military universities, 10 military research centers will be created.

According to statements made by representatives of the Ministry of Defense, this decision was due to the desire to preserve the current officer corps.

“Today we need to focus on preserving the current officer corps, bearing in mind that the issues of 2011, 2012 and 2013 will be large - under 15 thousand lieutenants annually,” State Secretary, Deputy Defense Minister Nikolai Pankov commented on the decision. …

According to Tamara Fraltsova, Deputy Head of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Armed Forces, this decision is associated with an oversupply of officer personnel and a shortage of officer positions in the Armed Forces.

As you can see, the officials of the military department forgot to mention a significant decrease in the quality of training of officers, or most likely did not even want to touch on this sore subject at all.

But nevertheless, one of the main factors in the decline in the quality of training of officers was the early dismissal from military service of teachers with academic degrees, on a scale significantly exceeding their graduation from postgraduate studies and military doctoral studies. The outflow of qualified military teachers and young scientists from military educational institutions is influenced by the repeated organizational and staff measures, as well as by imperfect measures of moral and material incentives for pedagogical and scientific work.

For four years (from 2008 to 2012), the continuous process of training military education was disrupted. Therefore, most of the military professors and candidates of science left. The educational and material base is in disrepair. Teaching rank: captain at the school, major at the academy.

Therefore, after a year, two downtime of higher educational military institutions, it will be necessary to recruit not cadets, but teaching staff.

Perhaps this decision will somehow justify itself later, but one has to think where the young people who were going to enter military universities will go now, what will happen to the teaching staff (well, they will be paid money for idleness for a year?), Who will support the material and technical base.

These are the main military-industrial results left by the Russian army in 2010, which has gone down in history.

But in addition, in 2010, many other significant events took place in the Russian military sphere, which I would also like to draw attention to.

Continued - Part II
