Humor, of course. Nevertheless, it is difficult to imagine a modern army without topographic maps. No, all these GPS, GLONASS are, of course, great. But for tablets, smartphones and other electronics, two things are needed, which in the case of a real batch may not be at hand. This is, first of all, electricity, and secondly, the signal of these very satellites.
What can happen to the orbital constellation of spacecraft, we have already told, the essence is the same: you can remain without a signal, and without receivers of this signal.
But the map is still a serious and reliable topic these days. A little over 200 years already. 206 to be precise.
We attended the work of military cartographers who were refining the maps of the Pogonovo test site.
There was a light frost (-15 degrees) and a slight wind (8-10 m / s). Not the best weather, to be honest. But service is such a thing …
The most interesting thing is that the work of a military topographer for 200 years of existence, if it has changed, is very slight. The essence is the same - work first with your feet, then with your head.

Exit to the specified area, installation and calibration of equipment.

The modernity of the equipment is felt.

On the other hand, yes, the 21st century, flying drones, tracked drones, satellites with their own shooting, and so on. Nevertheless, the picture is the same as it was 100 years ago:

When asked about satellite imagery and modern phenomena such as GLONASS, experts said unequivocally: the accuracy is not the same. It would be nice, of course, if a drone with a mirror could fly for a day or two. But in reality, all the same legs turn out to be faster and more passable.

To be honest, I was surprised by the manufacturer of modern equipment for geographic surveying. No, Leica, of course, is a well-known company. It is a question of the exclusively appropriateness of the presence in the Russian army.

When the calculations walked around the polygon, the time has come to process the data. During this part of the work, we occupied the tent, and there, near the stove, topographers were waiting.

Further, the field data processing station entered the course.

Nothing special inside. A couple of workstations with computers and places for more or less comfortable transfer of calculations.

Survey data is immediately entered into the working computer and the boundaries of the polygon are clarified and everything else that was needed.

Next, signalmen come into play, who transmit data through the ZAS over an encrypted channel to another unit.

We had to ride to this car, because it took a position, or rather, just stood at some distance from the training ground. It was a new setup for online map printing. Previously, such a printing house was located on four trucks. Today, in accordance with the implemented concept of the Russian army, "We will push everything into one box" - on one machine.

The car actually just arrived from the manufacturer. Even the tool hasn't been updated yet.

Inside there are two workplaces with computers, a paper cutting machine and, of course, the highlight of the program: a printing unit.

The map with the revisions was loaded into the bowels of the installation, and after a while it was printed.

That's all, actually. The calculations have completed their task, the information has been collected, clarifications have been made, new cards will be printed in the required quantity.

Such an inconspicuous and unhurried service. But if you think hard, there is nowhere without cartographers. Even in our time of all sorts of technical gizmos.