In recent years, the concept of loitering ammunition has gained some popularity. The development of electronics makes it possible to implement it in different ways, including the most interesting ones. Not so long ago, the original version of the loitering ammunition was proposed by the Australian company DefendTex. The Drone-40 product is made in the dimensions of a 40-mm grenade for an under-barrel grenade launcher, but is capable of performing UAV tasks.

Original concept
The DefendTex Drone-40 loitering munition was recently developed, it was first presented in May this year at the conference of the US Special Operations Forces SOFIC-2019. The military was familiarized with the documentation for the new project and with a real sample.
The Australian company offers an original concept of a multifunctional product, on the basis of which it is possible to create loitering ammunition of different sizes and with different characteristics. In the Drone-40 project, we are talking about a device with a caliber of 40 mm, compatible with a number of existing grenade launchers.
UAVs of a new type must be fired with a grenade launcher or other launcher, then launch their own propeller-driven groups and fly. Using its own means of observation, the product provides search for targets or reconnaissance. In another configuration, it is capable of striking a designated object. The concept provides for equipping the device with warheads of different types or specialized equipment.
According to the company-developer, similar ideas can be implemented in loitering ammunition of various kinds. A product for 40mm systems has already been presented. In the future, it is planned to develop similar systems in the form of a 12-caliber cartridge and 81-mm mines.
The current product Drone-40 is a device with a caliber of 40 mm and a length of about 170-180 mm with a cylindrical body and an ogive or flat head fairing. Such a UAV is noticeably larger and heavier than a standard 40x46 mm grenade, but it differs from it in functions and purposes.
The warhead is a payload module. First of all, the Drone-40 must carry warheads of different types. The possibility of using fragmentation, armor-piercing, smoke or thermobaric warheads is declared. It is also possible to use a reconnaissance system with a video camera or "anti-drone" warhead. The method of action of the latter is not specified.
The cylindrical part of the body is an instrument compartment with the necessary equipment. There are four slots in the wall of the case, in which four folding supports with electric motors and screws are placed before starting. Inside the case there are control devices, a battery, etc. The flight is carried out using four propeller motors. The device is controlled from the remote control or flies according to a given program using satellite navigation. The rear wall of the central compartment is reinforced to interact with powder gases. This part of the Drone-40 fits into a case with a propelling charge.
With the help of any serial 40-mm grenade launcher, the Drone-40 product should be launched in the direction of the enemy. The available powder charge provides a departure from the launch site. In flight, the UAV opens the tail and starts the motors, as a result of which it becomes a typical quadcopter. Onboard equipment provides two-way data exchange and video signal transmission to the operator.
The onboard battery allows the ammunition to perform an active flight for 12 minutes. When hovering at one point, the flight time increases to 20 minutes. Level flight speed - up to 20 m / s. Work is provided at a distance of up to 10 km from the operator.
The Drone-40 system is said to be extremely simple in design and cheap. The drone mainly consists of ready-made components found in the series. The minimum required number of parts is made especially for it. Due to this, the cost of prototypes does not exceed $ 1,000. The launch of serial production will reduce this parameter by about half.
Application methods
As conceived by the creators, the drone-40 loitering ammunition can be used to solve a wide range of tasks by infantry or special units. First of all, such items should become a simple and accessible means of intelligence. With the help of standard weapons, soldiers will be able to "hang" a video camera over the enemy's position and observe his actions, gaining an advantage.
According to the data from the reconnaissance apparatus, it is possible to carry out an attack using combat UAVs. For this, DefendTex offers several options for warheads for different purposes. With their help, ammunition will be able to fight manpower, buildings and even armored vehicles. Due to the possibility of control and manual guidance, the Drone-40 must show high accuracy and effectiveness of hitting targets.
Also proposed is the massive use of loitering ammunition with different payloads. Such a "swarm" should include vehicles with reconnaissance equipment and products with warheads of various types. This will allow reconnaissance and identification of targets in a given area, and then hit them with the use of the most effective weapon in this situation - including a simultaneous strike.
Possible prospects
The topic of loitering ammunition has been actively developing in recent years, which is facilitated by both the development of technology and the interest from industry and potential customers. Australian specialists from DefendTex drew attention to this trend and presented their concept, as well as one of the options for its implementation.

The Drone-40 sample shown in May looks interesting and promising, although not without its drawbacks. No less curious is the general concept proposing the construction of a UAV in the form factor of ammunition for rifles, grenade launchers and mortars. It can be further developed and has a chance of reaching real exploitation.
The main advantage of the DefendTex Drone-40 project can be considered the very fact of creating a loitering ammunition for 40-mm grenade launchers. Such a product does not require special means to launch, and therefore can enter service with a wide range of units. The widespread adoption of the Drone-40 will also benefit from the low cost and the expected reduction in cost. The possibility of using different warheads or special equipment is also an undoubted advantage of a tactical nature.
The use of the 40mm grenade form factor for infantry grenade launchers led to limitations and even disadvantages. The case of limited dimensions cannot accommodate a large-capacity battery, which is why the Drone-40 can stay in the air for no more than 10-20 minutes. The carrying capacity of the product is limited, and therefore the video camera has to be made as a separate module for installation instead of the warhead. Because of this, attacking one target using one warhead requires the participation of at least two drones.
Some of the problems that the Drone-40 has can be eliminated when developing new loitering ammunition with increased dimensions. So, an 81-mm mortar mine can simultaneously carry both a camera and a warhead. In the case of smaller items such as the 12 gauge "bullet", new problems and difficulties are to be expected.
It should be noted that at the moment DefendTex Drone-40 products exist only in the form of prototypes and are still at the testing stage. The existence of the project was announced only a few months ago. The new development has attracted media attention, but nothing is known about the interest from potential customers. Also, the timing of the emergence of new samples that develop the proposed concept remains unknown.
Thus, the interim results of the project so far look modest. Australian specialists from DefendTex proposed and implemented an interesting concept of a compact and light patrolling ammunition capable of carrying different loads and solving various tasks. However, due to objective limitations, the Drone-40 product has some drawbacks that can impair its real capabilities. What the future of the new ammunition and the whole concept will be is unclear. More messages should be expected. Perhaps they will reveal both the future of the project and the opinion of potential customers.