I would like to start a story about some of the exhibits from the field of application of the engineering troops, of course, with the IMR-3M.
The clearing engineering vehicle (IMR-3M) was created on the chassis of the T-90 tank and is designed to equip the paths for the movement of military columns in forests, areas of urban rubble, over rough terrain and perform other engineering work that ensures the advancement of troops on soils classified as categories I by IV.

Compared to its predecessors (IMR-2M, IMR-3), the operator's and driver's cabin has been structurally changed in the new machine. An additional set of protection against mines and anti-tank weapons was also mounted. Protection against conventional weapons, including anti-tank weapons, has been significantly increased. IRM-3M received technical capabilities that allow it to independently overcome minefields by installing a knife-track mine sweep equipped with an electromagnetic attachment (KMT-RZ).

The conditions for performing combat missions for the crew have been improved: significant ergonomic alterations of combat posts have been carried out, a new life support system has been installed, which includes devices for heating food, boiling water, collecting and storing waste, including crew waste. The autonomy of the crew in the IRM-3M is three days.

IMR-3M is one of the most promising and perfect engineering clearing vehicles. Possessing a sealed body, it is capable of performing tasks in conditions of high concentration in the atmosphere of aggressive gases, toxic substances, vapors, dustiness, smoke, as well as on terrain exposed to radioactive contamination (the crew works without personal protective equipment), and in conditions of direct enemy fire … The machine is equipped with devices for radiation, chemical reconnaissance and dosimetric control. The installed underwater driving equipment allows the car to force water obstacles up to 5 m deep along the bottom.

The capabilities of the IMR-3M allow it to be classified as a dual-use technique. It can work both as a WRI and as a rescue vehicle. The IMR-3M has state-of-the-art communications equipment and a smoke exhaust system, which allows the vehicle to be covered with a sufficiently dense and large-scale smoke screen. The plier gripper was replaced by a universal working body (URO), which significantly reduced the total weight of the unit.

The new manipulator (telescopic boom) has very high mobility. They can take and hold things that are comparable in size to a box of matches (for example, fragments with an increased background radiation). URO perfectly complements the mine-sweeping and multifunctional bulldozer equipment installed on the machine, as it can be used as a forward and backward shovel, ripper, scraper or manipulator. The telescopic boom is mounted on a full-revolving tower, being equipped with a scraper bucket, it is used as excavator equipment. A ripper, grab, and gripper can also be attached to the boom.

IMR bulldozer equipment is universal and can be used in grader, double-plow or bulldozer positions. They change without leaving the crew, remotely. The steerable ski mounted in front allows you to adjust the degree of required depth of the bulldozer knife. With this equipment, the machine fills up funnels and ditches, moves large debris. The bulldozer equipment in the stowed position is raised and fixed on the roof of the IMR, the boom equipment is turned and shifted back. In this position, the machine is quite compact and can be transported by rail. The machine is equipped with equipment that allows self-entrenching.

The IMR-3M is armed with an autonomous large-caliber anti-aircraft machine gun installation, similar to the one installed on the T-90 (closed-type installation). Its purpose is to protect against air attack, to combat manpower and lightly armored targets. A machine gun can shoot mines that are in an unrecoverable state.

IMR is involved in laying paths for the movement of columns on medium-rugged terrain, virgin snow, in small forests and on slopes. It is used for felling trees, uprooting stumps, making passages in stone and forest heaps, non-explosive barriers and minefields. IMR-3M can carry out dismantling of emergency structures and buildings, rubble in various settlements, a fragment of covered shelters and equipment, digging pits and trenches, filling ravines, ditches, holes. It is also used for the preparation of escarpments, ditches, crossings over anti-tank ditches, and the construction of dams. The technical characteristics of the machine provide the possibility of assembling a section of bridges, arranging exits and exits on water crossings. It is very effective to use IMR in open workings, in quarries, for fighting fires in peatlands and in forests, for towing and evacuating damaged equipment.
2. Wheeled road vehicle KDM.

Designed to perform tasks for the preparation and maintenance of paths of movement and maneuver of troops.

In order to eliminate the identified shortcomings of the UDM vehicle in service with the Russian army, such as oversized dimensions and low speed, and to expand the capabilities of wheeled track pads, a military wheeled road vehicle based on the modern ATM 5280 tractor was developed.

Compared to UDM, CDM is lighter and more compact, which allows transportation by all types of transport.
Basic chassis - tractor ATM 5280
Engine power - 198 (270) kW (hp)
Maximum transport speed - 50 km / h
Weight - 14 t
Machine width, no more - 2550 mm
Calculation - 1 person
Developer - JSC "Agrotechmash-T", Tambov
3. Wheeled road vehicle armored KDMB.

In 2013, JSC "41 Central Railway Engineering Plant" took the initiative to create an armored KDM for the needs of the engineering troops.
Currently, a prototype has been manufactured and is being tested. Estimated completion date
tests II quarter of 2017.

The basic chassis is a special bucket wheel loader L 538 from Liebherr.
Engine power - 132 (180) kW (hp)
Maximum transport speed - 45 km / h
Weight - 16.6 tons
Calculation - 1 person
The main components and assemblies, the hydraulic system, and the driver's cab are armored.
Developer - JSC 41 Central Plant
railway equipment , Lyubertsy
4. Complex track universal KPU-1

Designed for mechanized performance of work related to the alignment of the track in plan and profile. Engaged in distillation of sleepers by marks, distillation of butt gaps; ballasting, ballast distribution, leveling and finishing of the ballast section, cleaning the upper bed of the sleepers from excess ballast.
- two loaders on a combined drive;

- straightening and tamping block;

- block of formation of ballast prism;
- block for cleaning the upper bed of sleepers;

- mobile bunker-dispenser;
- block for distillation of sleepers by marks and distillation of butt gaps;
- trolleys of universal combined course UKH;

UKH trolleys allow any vehicle on wheels to move on rails at speeds up to 30 km / h.
- URAL-63704-0010 "Tornado" car for transportation of blocks.
Maybe not a very impressive technique, but without it, nowhere.