The complex is really new. Developed by the YUVS-YURION company from Skolkovo. Passed state tests in fact in a combat situation on the Yamal Peninsula, where an outbreak of anthrax was recorded.
Full name: a modular complex for the analysis of pathogenic biological materials and decision support for operational groups of the Russian Ministry of Defense operating in emergency situations of a biological nature of the PBA MCA.
The complex is unique, there are, in principle, analogs, but the existing analogs to the PBA MCA are … far away.
For example, an American analogue serves a calculation of 60 people. The calculation of the Russian complex is 12. The American complex cannot function without water and power supply networks, since the Americans use reusable spacesuits, which require high pressure steam to sterilize. Our biologists use single-use spacesuits developed by the creators of the complex. Plus, closed loop breathing systems do not require industrial systems to recharge.
The Russian complex is able to function for up to 60 days at any distance from the infrastructure, providing itself with everything: communications, Internet, hot and cold water, heat, electricity. The issue of reaching the deployment area is the issue of the passability of KamAZ vehicles.
In addition, since the complex is modular, modules-complexes based on Ford-Transit and Gazelle minibuses can be added to it.
Complex mobile special treatment KM-SO

Designed for special processing of local areas of territories, buildings, structures and equipment. Calculation - 3 people. Able to work with liquid and vapor-liquid degassing and decontamination means. It can collect deactivated substances (up to 100 l).
Mobile radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance complex KM-RCBR

The main task is to promptly take samples in specified areas, deliver samples to mobile or stationary laboratories, transfer data through their communication channels to control points. Calculation of 3 people. Preparation time for work - 60 minutes. The detection time for toxic substances in the air is 30 seconds.
Complex for mobile search, collection and containment of ionizing radiation sources KM-FDI
Purpose: searches, finds, collects radiation sources in special containers, conducts operational analysis with the application of AI foci (ionizing radiation) on the roadmap along the reconnaissance route.

"Ivanushka" is the main working element of the complex. It can even be sent to places like the Fukushima reactor, the brains, unlike their Japanese colleagues, will not boil. Able to move at speeds up to 40 km / h, where it is dangerous for a person to be. Detect and collect AI sources in special containers.

Container for collecting AI sources.

The complex can operate both completely autonomously and as part of other calculations.
Biological reconnaissance vehicle ICBM

Designed for biological prospecting, taking biological samples from aerosol and the environment, performing express analysis by various methods, transferring the information received.
We have finished with the complexes that can be fastened to the PBA MCA, now we turn to the modules of the main complex.
The complex is designed for sampling from the environment, analysis and subsequent storage of samples, collection, analysis and generalization of the biological situation with the subsequent transfer of data to the management staff for the elimination of a biological emergency.
MCA PBA is based on three KamAZ trucks. In two there are laboratories, in the third - a command and household module.
Command and household module during working hours it is the headquarters of the complex, in non-working hours - a place of rest and eating.

Kitchen block with hot water and a supply of everything you need.

Coupe. Sofas turn into sleeping places.

Communication compartment window.

Workplace of a signalman.
Module for PCR analysis and genotyping of PGMs
Designed for sample preparation and preliminary express analysis of biological and environmental samples.

MIFA enzyme immunoassay module

Even a shower stall with hot water is available.
In general, it is very difficult to understand how and what is done in these laboratories if there is no appropriate education. It remains only to believe the developers that this complex is really "today with an eye to tomorrow." And an important role was played by the opinion of specialists with PKhR-2 (army version of the laboratory). They highly appreciated the convenience of the new complex.