The Ministry of Defense continues to develop the military spacecraft constellation, replenishing it with new satellites for various purposes. In the summer of this year, another classified device with an unremarkable numbered name went into orbit. Later, some details became known. As it turned out, with the help of this satellite, the Russian military will be able to monitor the equipment of other countries and collect data about it.
On June 23, 2017, at the Plesetsk cosmodrome, another launch of a carrier rocket with a payload, ordered by the Russian military department, took place. A Soyuz-2.1v rocket with a Volga upper stage took off from site 43/4. The mission of the rocket was to launch a spacecraft into orbit under the official name "Cosmos-2519" (international identifier 2017-037A). Until a certain time, information about the goals and objectives of this product was not communicated. Information of this nature was released only a few weeks after the launch.
Before the appearance of official messages about the tasks of the new apparatus, various assessments and forecasts were expressed. So, in some sources, the product "Kosmos-2519" was identified as a geodetic satellite of the 14F150 "Tension" type, capable of measuring the earth's surface and making accurate maps of different regions. According to well-known estimates, the collected information can be used in various fields, including the preparation of flight missions for intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Exactly two months after the launch, the Russian Ministry of Defense spoke about the current tasks of Kosmos-2519, and also announced the goals and objectives of this apparatus. The press service of the military department reported that on August 23, a small satellite-inspector separated from the spacecraft. The first task of the latter was to study the state of the domestic spacecraft. The essence of the planned experiment was to visually examine the carrier satellite using the standard means of the inspector apparatus.
According to the data published by foreign sources at the end of August, the satellite-inspector dropped by the Kosmos-2519 platform was in orbit with an inclination of 97, 92 ° with an apogee height of 667 km and a perigee of 650 km. The orbital parameters of this product almost completely coincided with the characteristics of the larger launch vehicle. Being in the immediate vicinity of Kosmos-2519, the satellite-inspector, using his onboard devices, could “inspect” it and transmit the collected data to the control center.
According to the latest data, to date, the payload of the vehicle, launched in June, has passed the necessary checks and tests. This was reported on October 26 by Izvestia, which received new information from unnamed sources. According to the publication, in the course of recent events, the work of both the spacecraft and the accompanying ground equipment was checked. In addition, the features of new work algorithms were investigated, etc.
Izvestia writes about the successful completion of tests of a new maneuvering satellite-inspector capable of monitoring and studying other spacecraft. During the test program, the satellite itself was tested. In addition, orbital and ground communication facilities, as well as advanced software for various purposes, have passed the necessary testing. New methods of ballistic calculations have been tested in practice.
The tests confirmed the possibility of performing a number of tasks directly related to the preparation for work and the inspection of outer space. So, the satellite with the observation equipment in the automatic mode separated from the carrier, after which it switched to remote control from the Earth. At the commands of the operators, the device used all the onboard equipment, including surveillance equipment. Further, the collected information was sent over the radio channel to the control center, where it was processed.
Apparently, now the satellite-inspector, launched using the Kosmos-2519 platform, will remain in a given orbit and wait for new commands from the operator. If necessary, he will be able to change the trajectory and go to a given area to carry out an inspection, which consists in finding and observing other spacecraft. The Russian military may have released only part of the information about the latest development, which leads to understandable consequences. For example, versions are being expressed about the real capabilities of the satellite, which are not yet subject to disclosure.
According to officially published data, the payload of the Kosmos-2519 spacecraft, launched into orbit in mid-summer, is an inspector satellite capable of tracking other objects in outer space. Other information about her has not yet been announced. Nevertheless, the available information allows us to draw up an approximate picture, as well as make some assumptions. Moreover, for a long time - since the announcement of the purpose of the new satellite - the most daring predictions have been made, including about its combat capabilities.
Apparently, the new inspector satellite, whose name is still unknown, is a platform with a set of optoelectronic and, possibly, other observation systems. On commands from the ground, the device must go into orbit with the specified parameters, which allows it to approach other satellites. Approaching a sufficient distance, the inspector will be able to "inspect" the designated target and transmit its images to Earth, where the necessary analysis will be carried out.
For reasons of weight reduction, spacecraft designers do not use any special camouflage. Thanks to this, even the appearance of the satellite is able to betray its purpose. In this case, the inspection of a space object by the onboard means of an inspector satellite turns out to be a fairly simple, but very effective method of conducting reconnaissance. With its help, the aerospace forces will be able not only to track the equipment of a potential enemy, but also to determine its purpose. Importantly, visual inspection significantly increases the likelihood of correctly recognizing the targets of an object.
It should be noted that in the context of the launch of Cosmos-2519, the most daring assumptions have already been made. According to a number of experts and the media, an inspector satellite - at least in theory - is capable not only of monitoring other equipment, but also of attacking it. Officials did not comment on the assumptions about the presence of weapons on the inspector in any way, but the fundamental possibility of this still exists.
Equipping a spacecraft not only with observation equipment, but also with weapons allows us to dramatically expand the range of tasks to be solved. In this case, the simulated satellite will be able not only to enter a given orbit and inspect the designated object, but also, if necessary, attack it. Thus, the inspector ceases to be just a scout and takes over the functions of an interceptor.
For obvious reasons, the Russian Ministry of Defense does not comment in any way on the assumptions and forecasts regarding the possible presence of a combat load on the inspector. If it is provided for by the original project, then the fact of its use is not yet subject to disclosure. However, the silence of the military department on this topic may be due to the lack of weapons or reluctance to disclose any technical details of the program.
It is curious that the spacecraft launched into orbit using the Kosmos-2519 platform may not be the first product of its kind. The program for creating inspector satellites and space interceptors was launched back in the seventies and was implemented until the early nineties, but did not lead to the desired results. New advances in this area appeared only a few years ago, but this time there is no exact information due to the general secrecy of the space direction.
In May 2014, the Rokot launch vehicle with the Briz-KM upper stage sent the Kosmos-2499 spacecraft into orbit. Officials did not name the goals and objectives of this launch, but soon very interesting information appeared in the press and on specialized resources. It was found that during its flight, the new Russian satellite was actively maneuvering, and also approached the spent upper stage. The latter fact led to the emergence of the assumption that "Cosmos-2499" is an inspector satellite.
At the end of March 2015, using the Rokot rocket, several communication satellites and the Kosmos-2504 spacecraft were launched into different orbits. It was soon noticed that over the next few months, the latter performed a series of maneuvers and repeatedly approached the last stage of the launch vehicle that remained in space. In addition, an increase in orbit altitude was recorded. According to the United States Air Force, a request to the Russian Ministry of Defense to reveal the purpose of the satellite went unanswered.
Thus, in just the last few years, including 2017, at least three military spacecraft with special capabilities have been launched into orbit. Available information shows that three satellites are capable of vigorous maneuvering and relatively quickly changing their orbit. Such capabilities can be used to solve various tasks related to reconnaissance or interception. The appearance and commissioning of equipment with such functions naturally became the reason for the interest and fears of foreign specialists.
Of the three maneuvering spacecraft launched in recent years, only one has been officially declared an inspector satellite. The real purpose of the other two, despite the available information and different estimates, remains a mystery. However, this does not stop specialists and the general public. A variety of assumptions have been voiced, similar to ideas about the presence of weapons and the consequences of their use.
As follows from the official data, the main task of the payload of the Kosmos-2519 spacecraft is a visual inspection of given space objects in different orbits. This opportunity increases the potential of the space group in studying the materiel of a potential enemy, and can also be used to combat potential threats. Even in the absence of their own weapons, such an inspector is of great interest to the armed forces.
It should be recalled that work on the creation of reconnaissance and anti-satellite weapons is being carried out not only in our country. It is known about similar projects being developed in the USA and China. According to various sources, both of these countries have so far managed to put into orbit and test a number of survey satellites. In addition, according to foreign press reports, China could already test its anti-satellite weapons and hit a conditional target.
As part of the development of the space constellation, the domestic defense industry has created and sent into orbit an inspector satellite capable of collecting data on other spacecraft. The real purpose of this product became known only a few months after the launch, and it is quite possible that new details will become known in the future. What other surprise the industry and the military department have prepared - it will be revealed later.